
Let's enjoy Englis Ⅵ

レス500 HIT数 2185 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
20/03/22 04:17(更新日時)

I've studied English for about a decade,for I have fun,it's just that is, though sometimes others have criticized my English,it can't helped. I've tried to improve my English ability, but I can't find something efficient.

However if we can find it easily, no one takes pains when learning English,I'm sure.

Being skilled at English is wonderful,but is it a final goal?

Studying is learning from others or from books. Without doubt, trusting being taught from others,and enjoying remembering something useful,and when possessing plenty of knowledge. It's a sensivity who is skilled at learning,but so what?

The wisdom of us the human being is ahead of it. Learning something useful is just a starting point.

However most of the people acquire plenty of knowledge and are immersed in being one of the elite,and the end.

The study we learning at school has already existed in the society,and learning it is just basic thing, but the wisdom of the human being is ahead of it.

Making use of the wisdom,we think of something which is ahead of the wisdom,create something useful which doesn't exist in the society.

Needless to say, we aren't a dog nor a cat. We obtain the knowledge,and convey the next generation the knowledge,and the next generation challenges the next stage. We are the ones which convey the will others.

Needless to say,it's not my thought. It was written in a comic book.

20/03/22 01:57 追記
Number of letters are limited to 600, but I think the more, the better. It used to be 1400, then 1000, and this time 600. It cannot be helped.

20/03/22 02:18 追記
Without knowing, corona virus seems to spread over the world, though I've never worn mask,gargled nor washed my hands, but fortunately or not I'm fine. Eventually everyone will be dead in the future.

No.2990753 20/01/21 19:47(スレ作成日時)



No.151 20/02/16 11:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The army in the North Korean was militarized with weapons from Soviet〕

In the beginning of the battle in the Korean War was one-side.

The army in Soviet stationed in North Korean and withdrew in 1948. After that the main weapon which the army in Soviet had was supplied to the North Korea as it was, especially powerful weapon was T34 tank. Its number reached 250.

On the other hand, American army advisers who were charged in the military affairs thought like the next.

There are such a lot of mountain regions in the Korean peninsula that making use of tanks isn't appropriate. American people are under the impression that the tank is used in in a great prairie like Europe or Russia.

However,receiving demand from the North Korea,there was a plan of supplying tanks,but when the war broke out,it wasn't prepared.

South Korea counterattacked to the North Korea with a bazooka or antitank gun,but those weapon couldn't pierce an armed..

No.152 20/02/16 11:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[The army in the North Korean was militarized weapons from Soviet]

...but the weapons couldn't pierce a thick armed clad of T34 tank, in short, the South Korean wasn't equal to the North Korean in the Korean War in the beginning.

[The army in the South Korean which was driven away to Pusan 釜山]

American army which was dispatched to Korea in hurry wasn't equipped well, so it wasn't match for the army in the North Korean as if it had rushed like surging waves.

As a result, the area which the army in the South Korean and the United Nations protected was a tiny semicircle of Pusan in southern west in the peninsula.

With one more attack,the army in the South Korean was forced to dive into the sea, the Korean peninsula was unified by the North Korea with the military force.

Both the army of the South Korean and United Nations fought desperately so as to protect the area of small semicircle.

If being defeated,their country vanishes!

No.153 20/02/16 12:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[The army in the South Korean which was driven away to Pusan 釜山]

It's exactly burning their bridge behind them 背水の陣.

On the other hand, the North Korean pressed the South Korean. With another effort,unification with the military force,but it found it hard to carry the attack further the semicircle of which center was Pusan.

The North Korean was north to the 38th boundary line. The supply route through which weapons,foods,and ammunition expanded from Pusan to the North Korea so much that it took lots of time to reach what the army in the North Korean needed.

In addition, as America had command of the air, the transported supplies from the north suffered from heavy damage by air raids of the American army.

The foods and weapons which reached the front of Pusan became little.

The soldiers in the North Korean were worried about their starvation and were frightened by the counterattack of the army in the United Nation,so....

No.154 20/02/16 12:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[The army in the South Korean which was driven away to Pusan 釜山]

...so lots of soldiers ran away one after another.

Kim ll Sung 金日成 ordered to shoot to death on the spot if the soldiers run away from the battlefield,even if they belong to the upper class in the army,it doesn't matter.

After that, the soldiers in the north side were forced to go ahead.

[Landing Inchon 仁川 by the army in the United Nations]

The operation of landing Inchon 仁川 by the army of the United Nation September which changed the military situation greatly.

The army in the North Korean attacked Pusan where both the army of South Korean and America protected. Landing a large scale of military unit at the back of the army of the North Korean, and surrounding the enemy by both of the army of America, South Korea and the United Nation.

Forty thousand of American soldiers landed on the west coast of the Korean peninsula,Inchon, from American fleets.

No.155 20/02/16 13:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[Landing on Inchon 仁川 by the army in the United Nations]

Directly before the operation was carried out, lots of ships gathered as decoy at the east coast of the peninsula, and made the army in the North side think the side of the United Nation landed from the east side.

[An operation of decoy by American army]

American army often uses the operation of decoy.

At the operation of landing on Normandy which started to counterattack on the European front in the World War Ⅱ, American army spread false information that the American army landed on Calais which was away from Normandy.

German army was disturbed and Normandy was scantily guarded then.

In the Gulf War,when attacking the Iraqi army which occupied Kuwait, the American army spread the false information of landing on the east coast, and the Marines pretended to land there.

However,the operation was going around the west of a desert in Iraq, and went to the back of Iraq.

No.156 20/02/16 13:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[The army in the United Nation went north]

The operation of landing on Inchon 仁川 was successful. The North side who was preoccupied with attacking Pusan was isolated by the army of the United Nation, which was at the back of the North side.

This time, the army in the North Korean ran away in all directions. The army in the United Nation which pursued the North side continued to go north, and recaptured the capital, Seoul September.

The army in the United Nation which got back Seoul went north more and more, and went over the 38th line and charged the North Korean, but in consequence, it expanded the war.

The army in the United Nation attacked the capital of the North Korean, Pyongyang, and occupied it.

The thing which the army in the United Nation saw in Pyongyang was a terrible sight that plenty of people of anti establishment 反体制 who were arrested were executed when the soldiers in the North Korean ran away.

The army in..

No.157 20/02/16 14:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same nation killed each other in the Korean War】

[The army in the United Nation went north]

The army in the United Nation which occupied Pyongyang continued to go north, and drove away the army in the North Korea to near the border of China.

This time, the North Korean faced to the crisis of life or the death for the nation.

[Running across an unidentified enemy in the northern area]

The army in the United Nation continued to go south from Pyongyang, and came across unidentified elite unit. It was a powerful enemy which was clearly different from the army in the North Korea which devoted themselves to running away.

When interrogating a captive of the elite unit,it turned out to be the one of the communist party in China, but the army in the United Nation didn't believe China intervene in the war,and the countermeasure was too late.

Then the army in the United Nation was to put to rout because of pour in one wave of reinforcements after another 人海戦術 by China.

No.158 20/02/16 14:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[Running across an unidentified enemy in the northern area]

A commander in the South Korean testified that American commanders couldn't distinguish between the Korean and the Chinese. It was one of cause of the total defeat.

At last, full-scale war between the army in the United Nation and China broke out.

[The pour in one wave of reinforcements after another 人海戦術 by China]

To tell the truth, Mao Zedong 毛沢東 in China decided to organize a volunteer army in Chinese army,and to send it to Korean October in 1950. Its commander was Peng Dehuai 彭徳懐,

He said it was a volunteer army from political consideration officially, but it was actually Chinese army itself.

If North Korean collapsed,a nation whose company was America of capitalistic country formed in the Korean peninsula next to China. America was enemy to China,so China thought it's an important thing which was related to the safety for China.

The number of the Chinese...

No.159 20/02/16 15:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[The pour in one wave of reinforcements after another 人海戦術 by China]

The number of the Chinese which joined the volunteer army reached 3.5 million.

The volunteer army went over the Yalu River 鴨緑江 in secret September. The river was in the border between China and North Korea.

The member of the first group of the volunteer army had his food for a week,170 bullets of rifle, and three grenades.

There was no conception of supply in the Chinese army then. Each soldier had its food and bullet as much as possible,and eat it up, and used up the weapon, then its attack was over.

However a large number of army was sent one after another by the pour in one wave of reinforcements, so eventually the military unit won and advanced.

While the army in the United Nation fought back with a machine gun, the Chinese army charged head-on the army in the United Nation. The Chinese army stormed to its enemy,and there were heaps of the Chinese corpse

No.160 20/02/16 15:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[The pour in one wave of reinforcements after another 人海戦術 by China]

After the Chinese army rushed to the enemy, there were piles of the Chinese corpse behind them. This kind of attack was often done.

When breaking through a minefield,the Chinese Army grudge the time and trouble so as to go through the dangerous place safely,and made a large scale of unit of a foot soldier rush there.

Then the the members of the first group stepped on a land mine, and the he exploded himself. In this way, the land mine was got rid of.

As a result, the pour in one wave of reinforcements after another made the army in the United Nation drive away from the territory in the North Korean no more than in two month, though there was tremendous damage in the Chinese army.

The army in the United Nation decided to give up Pyongyang November, and about 3 million residents ran away to the south side. Lots of tragic refugees appeared.

[Competing for...]

No.161 20/02/16 16:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[Competing for Seoul]

The army in the United Nation retreated to the south to the 38th line by the great offensive of the Chinese Army,but the Chinese army didn't stop attacking, so the army in the United Nation continued to retreat.

Seoul, the capital in the South Korea, which the army in the United Nations got back once but gave it back again January in the next year.

Then the army in the United Nation reshaped its position and the north latitude 38th became the defense front for the United Nation this time.

However the war was expanded so much the supply from the Chinese army didn't make progress, and the speed of advance dropped, so the army in the Unite Nation recaptured Seoul again March.

An air battle between jet planes was done in this war. It was for the first time in history. It is thought the soldiers of the North Korea were in combat plane in the North Korea, but they were not.

It turned out that there were lots..

No.162 20/02/16 16:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[Competing for Seoul]

It turned out that there were lots of pilots of Soviet army in the combat planes in the North Korean. The army in Soviet participated in the war in secret.

[The war was at deadlock in the 38th line]

The war was a seesaw game, and fell into a deadlock around the 38th line. Constructing strong position each other and attacked sporadically and suffered from a heavy damage and retreated. Those things were repeated.

In the depth of winter, there were the deceased one after another owing to frostbite. MacArthur of a commander in the United Nation lost his temper and asked a permission of using an atomic bomb to China.

However Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered from a heavy damage by the atomic bomb,so no one can use the weapon easily any longer.

The president Truman in America feared the way of thinking of MacArthur so much that the president removed MacArthur from the commander.

It was unusual situation that...

No.163 20/02/16 17:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[The war was at deadlock in the 38th line]

It was extremely unusual situation that the commander of the highest rank was dismissed in the middle of the war.

A hero, MacArthur, who defeated the Japanese army in the Pacific War left with the next phrase. An old soldier doesn't die, it's just that he leaves.

[To a cease-fire]

Soviet called for the both sides and a meeting for a cease-fire started June 1951. Without developing any more, the damage alone continued to increase. Both sides couldn't endure the situation.

A place for the meeting of the cease-fire was a town northwest to Panmunjom 板門店.

A representation of the south side were the army in the United Nation, though it was actually the American army and the army in the South Korea.The north side were the army in the North Korea and the army in China.

The conference was broke off right away due to a violent opposition, and resumed again October, then its place was moved..

No.164 20/02/16 17:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[To a cease-fire]

...after that the place of the conference for the cease-fire was moved to Panmunjom 板門店.

The consultation of the cease-fire on agreement was not getting anywhere. It was very hard. After all, the signing ceremony on the agreement of the cease-fire was done September in 1953. It took two years since the conference started.

However the South Korea who wasn't satisfied with the agreement on the cease-fire didn't sign the treaty, but the United Nation, North Korea and China did, and the agreement on the cease-fire was formed.

Roughly speaking, Korea was divided by the north latitude 38 degree as military boundary line. To be exact, the line goes south in the west in the peninsula, and goes north in the east.

The line was drawn with the form of confirming the area where each military force controlled, so it is the shape like that.

Each place of the 38th line 2 km to both the south and north is demilitarized area.

No.165 20/02/16 18:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Continuation of the last response.

Both of the countries are forbidden to station the military force in the demilitarized area.

【The same race killed each other in the Korean War】

[Peng Dehuai 彭徳懐]

He was the first Secretary Defense in China led by the communist party. When Mao Zedong 毛沢東 decided to dispatch the Chinese army to the Korean peninsula,he was appointed to the supreme commander in the volunteer army.

He reflected on serious damage from the pour in one wave of reinforcements after another 人海戦術, and after the war, he tried to make progress of modernization of China.

However a criticism to Mao Zedong 毛沢東 made the leader get angry, he lost his position. He was tortured in the middle of the Cultural Revolution, and it caused him to be dead.

A hero in the Korean War was abandoned from his homeland.

[Douglas MacArthur]

He directed the war against Japan in the Pacific Ocean as commander in the Far East in the American Army. After Japan surrendered. he took office...

No.166 20/02/16 18:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[Douglas MacArthur]

After Japan surrendered, he took office as supreme commander in the occupation force. He achieved a big success in the operation on landing Inchon 仁川 of his own idea.

However trying to start strong measures to China, he clashed with Truman who tried a limited war on the Korean War and he was dismissed.

[A heavy damage]

The war which dragged on for three years ceased. It's just that a staggering of number of the deceased, plenty of family members who were broken up and the hatred for each country were left.

How many people were dead in the war? Announcement was done from each country, but they aren't correct, and no one can see the whole image on the deceased.

Judging from various data, adding up the soldiers and private citizens from the both sides, it is estimated there seemed to be a number of the deceased from 2.7 to 3.6 million.

The family members who broke up reached no less than 10 million.

No.167 20/02/16 18:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[A heavy damage]

Meeting again among the family members who broke up wasn't done for a long time, but the conference of the executive in the both sides June in 2000 made meetings among the family members move at last.

A hundred of the family members from each side met each capital August at the same year. A scene of a person who hugged an old family member and weeping shows us a tragedy in which the family members were separated into the south and north.

Houses were burnt up, factories were lost, and the fields disappeared. Both of the countries in the South and North had to lead a dark and long course for rebuilding the nation.

Besides, both of the countries tried to strengthen the military force each other. It became a burden for rebuilding the nation.

[After the Korean War]

Three million of residents in the north side who hated the establishment of Kim ll Sung 金日成 escaped to the south side.

In consequence, lots of...

No.168 20/02/16 19:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[After the Korean War]

In consequence, lots of people who came from the North Korea have learned to live South Korea, so the fusion of both culture in the south and north was done unexpectedly.

Korean-styled barbecued beef and cold noodle which is local specialty in Pyongyang, but two of them have learned to be eaten in Seoul frequently after the Korean War.

The war strengthened the relation between South Korea and America, and South Korean joined the Vietnam War which became a full scale one from 1961. Roughly speaking,the number of thirty seven hundred thousand people participated in the war,and four thousand and four hundred of the deceased.

America had experienced a war in which it couldn't win for the first time. After that a dread for the communism was in America.

A plan of reduction of military strength started after the World War Ⅱ, but it was withdrawn, and started a sharp reinforcement on the military strength.

No.169 20/02/16 19:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[After the Korean War]

The dread to the communism connected with intervention in Vietnam before long and led to the Vietnam War which was dragged on, and America headed straight to the one more war in which it couldn't win.

On the other hand, China aimed at overthrowing the national party which ran away to Taiwan, releasing Taiwan in the middle of the Korean War, but it intervened in the Korean War, and suffered from a heavy damage by the war, so gave up attacking Taiwan.

A structure of the Cold War on the opposition between America and China, Soviet was established in Asia after the Korean War.

The Cold War between the East and West was over because of collapse of the communism in Eastern Europe and Soviet Union, but the structure of the Cold War was still left in the Korean peninsula at present, for the same races have experienced a tragedy in which they fought each other.

[After that activity of guerrilla continues]

No.170 20/02/16 20:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[After that, activity of guerrilla continues]

The Korean War itself has taken a rest with the agreement on the cease-fire September in 1953, but a skirmish between the south and north still continues.

A military unit of guerrilla belong to North Korea raided to South Korea so as to assassinate the president Pak Chong-hui 朴正熙 January in 1968. They were in South Korean's military uniform and the number of them were 31.

They went into a city of Seoul and were caught in a inspection from policemen at the place where was 800 meters away from the presidential residence, and they fired an automatic small gun blindly and ran away.

The member of 28 were dead in the gunfight, and the other was arrested and another two escaped to their own country. The number of victims in South Korea were 68.

When the president Chon Du-hwan 全斗かん visited Burma which means Myanmar at present October in 1983, three guerrillas set up a bomb at the Aung..

No.171 20/02/17 22:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[After that, an activity of guerrilla countinues]

When ex-president Chon Du-hwan 全斗かん visited Burma which means Myanar at present, three guerrillas who tried to assassinate the Koran president set bombs at Aung San mausoleu 廟 and exploded there.

Then the arrival of the president was late, so he was safe, but 17 executives who accompanied with the president and four Burmese were dead.

One of guerrilla was shot to death by the Burmese army and the other two were arrested. It turned out that it was done by the North Korea from the confession from the two of them.

Burma which was on friendly term with North Korea broke off the relation with North Korea then.

An airplane from Baghdad to Seoul was exploded in the air November in 1987, all the passengers were dead. The ones who set up a bomb were two operatives in North Korea who impersonated the Japanese.

When being arrested, the one committed suicide by taking poison in Paren.

No.172 20/02/17 23:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[After that an activity of guerrilla continues]

However the other failed to commit suicide and was taken to South Korea as a suspect. She was Kimhyonhi 金賢姫.

She was sentenced to death but received a pardon and was released from prison, and got married to a police detective who interrogated her.

A submarine of North Korean was stranded at east coast in South Korea September 1996, and the number of crew was 26. 24 crews killed themselves or were shot to death in gunfight with the army of South Korea, and the other was arrested and another ran away.

There was a gunfight between ships of both navy in the South and North in the Yellow Sea west to the Korean penisula, and a torpedo boat of North Korea was attacked and sank June 1999.

Whenever hearing those things, the Korean War isn't over, lots of people must have thought like that.

Vietnam was divided into south and north but has been unified. The end of the Cold war has made...

No.173 20/02/17 23:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[An activity of guerrilla continues]

The end of the Cold War has made Germany which was separated into east and west and Yemen which was divided into south and north unify.

It's in the Korean peninsula alone where the same races remains divided in the world.

[Japanese economy revived owning to the Korean War]

When the Korean War broke out Japan called it the Korean upheaval, but its actual condition was more cruel and it was actually a war which was retaliated for the violence with more violence.

However the war next to the country have influenced over Japan unexpectedly. Revival economy and rearmanent in Japan.

America ordered commodities to Japan so as to accomplish the Korean War. The amount of the money reached to $2.4 billion. It's ¥8640 billion then.

As receiving the order each company started to operate at full swing. Japanese economy which couldn't recover from the ruins after the war moved to restoration at once.

No.174 20/02/18 00:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[From the Police Reserve to the Self Defence Force]

The tragedy next to the country made Japan revive its economy, and one of more influence from the Korean War was rearmanent in Japan.

American army which occupied Japan which was defeated in the Pacific War was dispatched to the Korean peninsula when the Korean War brought about. Almost all of its military power was sent then.

As Japanese defensive power disappeared, America indicated Japan to found Police Reserve. The amount of the member was 75.000.

The unit which was equipped with American weapons was in a position between the police and military force. It has developed into the Self Defence Force later on.

Then America thought it made Japan remained disarmanent so as to prevent Japan from being a menace in Asia again.

However the Korean War broke out and the Cold War became full-scale,so America changed its plan. Japan becomes a strategic foothold in Asia, and America..

No.175 20/02/22 13:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[From the reserve police to the Self Defense Force]

...and America requested Japan to militarize itself then, and moreover Japan joined the Korean War

There were lots of underwater mines by the army of the North Korean in the harbor of the Korean peninsula during the war, and an operation of landing on the peninsula didn't go well, so the American army demanded Japan to get rid of the underwater mines.

As receiving the demand, Japanese government dispatched minesweepers belonged to the Japan Coast Guard to the Korean peninsula in secret October in 1950, and the 27 underwater mines were handled.

Then two minesweepers touched the underwater mine and sank down into the sea, and a Japanese was dead, and 18 Japanese were injured either slightly or seriously then.

There was a fear it was against the peaceful constitution, so the dispatch itself remained secret for a long time.

[Hugging of of both executives in south and north..]

No.176 20/02/22 14:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

[Hugging of the both executives in the south and north seemed to bring peace to the Korean peninsula, but...]

Visiting the Korean peninsula by the president Kim Dae Jung 金大中 was welcomed from all over the world, for it was evaluated the visit would bring peace to the Korean peninsula.The president received a Nobel Peace Prize with the credit.

However, it turned out that the president asked a major company in Korea to send the huge sum of $ 0.5 million to North Korea in order to succeed the meeting of the both executives in the south and north.

The president used the money so as to be in successful in the meeting, and was criticized that he bought the Nobel Prize with the money.

Instead of a confrontation, the president faced to North Korea with harmony. A successor of the president, No Mu-hyon 蘆武こう succeeded to the course, and continued to help North Korea.

Its result was a nuclear test by North Korea. There has been a ....

No.177 20/02/22 14:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Continuation of the last response

There has been a suspicion that the fund from South Korea was used for development on nuclear weapon, so South Korea receives international criticism.

【Israel was born and the war broke out】

[Shocking with assassination of the prime minister Rabin]

Tel Aviv is the largest city in Israel, and it means a mountain in spring in Hebrew. It faces the Mediterranean Sea, and declaration of establishing Israel was done there.

People of about one hundred thousand gathered in a square in front of the city hall in Tel Aviv, and a meeting for peace was held November in 1995.

Yitzhak Rabin attended the meeting and a chorus for peace was done with the prime minister and the Israelis. When the meeting was over, the prime minister trying to go home and went to the parking, then a tragedy happened.

Three bullets were fired from a pint-blank range 至近距離 to Rabin. He was sent to hospital at once, but was dead before long. It was the last time of the prime ...

No.178 20/02/22 16:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and the war broke out】

[Shocking with an assassination of Rabin】

It was the last scene of the prime minister who made effort for peace between Palestine and Israel and received the Nobel Peace Prize.

The man who attacked the prime minister was arrested on the spot. He was a fanatic Jewish person at the age of 26.

He was opposed to Rabin who made progress peaceful situation with residents with the Palestine, so he committed the crime.

The Isuraeli were shocked at the mureder case that an Israeli killed its fellow. About of one million of the people in Israel ran to the coffin of the prime minister and said good-bye to the coffin where Rabin lay.

All of the people were worried about that what would happen to the peace among the world, for the peace over the Middle East had went ahead under Rabin then.

The news on assassination of Rabin reached Sunday morning in Japan. The author said he's remember the shocking of the news clearly even now.

No.179 20/02/22 18:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and the war broke out】

[A tragedy in the Middle East often becomes a news]

History in the Middle East has been covered with bloods. Even if starting negotiations with enemies who fought against, it has often been killed from its side as betrayer.

Not only the president Rabin in Israel but the president Sadat in Egypt was killed by the peopel in Islamic fundammentalism who opposed to peace with Israel in 1981.

Arafat in PLO tried to lead a course of peaceful coexistence with Israel was sought after his life.

A tourist from other foreign countries has to reach an airport in Israel at least before three hours when going out of the country, otherwise it has fear it's late for an airplane, for its luggage is to be inspected thoroughly.

A place where the tourist travelled in Israel, or what kind of people it met. Who did its packing? Those questions were done with a people in charge by turns again and again over.

They checked whether or not there was difference...

No.180 20/02/22 18:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broke out】

[Tragedies in the Middle East often become news]

The tourist were checked whether or not there was diffence in its story. Even its souvenir which was wraped neatly was opened and was examined.

The tourist who went through those things talked that he thought Israel don't want foreigners to travel its country.

It is said the correspondence from Israel becomes soft lately but the country has feared terrorism which a bomb is brought to a plane which flies from Israel, for Israel is a country which is surrounded by enemies.

[What is the Middle East?]

We've often heard of a word of the Middle East in news, but when looking at the place with a map, it's west to Japan. It's in the west, but it's called the Middle East. Why?

The Middle East is a phrase from England which used to make the place become its colony.

The east is India which used to be a colony for England. Japan is far from east from India is called the Far East. The word of..

No.181 20/02/22 19:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broke out】

[What is the Middle East?]

The word of near, far, and middle is a convenient way of calling from England. Both Germany and Italy were about to occupy those places for military purposes during the World War Ⅱ, and England set up a military headquarters as military foothold at Cairo in Egypt. Then the way of calling the Middle East has been fixed.

Judging from a geological point of view, it's east Asisa, southern east Asia, and a part of it is north Africa, but the way of thinking of the Middle East is a local name formed by historically and politically.

[Establishment of Israel]

The first president David Ben Gurion declared an establishment of Israel in Tel Aviv May in 1948. Israel means a worrior of the God in Herbew. Israe is the name of a country which used to be exist in the ancient, and the president has revived it.

The people were so glad at their wish of the country of establishment of the Jewish people has come true that they..

No.182 20/02/22 19:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broke out】

[Establishment of Israel]

The people were so glad at the country of establishment by the Jewish people that they headed to a town, sang their natioanl anthem and danced.

In the next day, the Arabian allied forces formed by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq which didn't permit Israel to establish its country attacked Israel. In this way, the first war in the Middle East started.

Its ceased-fire was formed in the next year from February to June. Arabian each country didn't permit Israel to be an official country, but a boundary line for military purpose was set up, and Israel has learned to exist actually then.

Israel has endured the war and won its independence, but at the same time, it's started long wars and disputes.

[Massacre on the Jewish people]

Massacre on the Jewish people by Hitler in Germany which is well-known in Auschwitz asylum. Anne Frank of in the diary of Anne Frank is one of victims in the massacre.

The more...

No.183 20/02/22 20:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broke out】

[Massacre on the Jewish people]

The more we know the massacre in detail, the more we feel chill, do the human race becomes so cruel so much?

We tend to think that the massacre was done in Germany alone from the prhase of the massacre on the Jewish people by Hitler, but it isn't exactly.

Germany led by Hitler used to occupy Europe in a wide area then, and persecution on the Jewish people was done each occupied territory.

Plenty of the Jewish people were killed then. Roughly speaking, 2.6 million in Poland, seventy five hundred thousand in both in Romania, and Soviet which was under rule of Germany.

In Germany eightenn hundred thousand were killed. About 6 million in the whole Europe.

After the World War Ⅱ was over, as we know how much the jewish people had a bitter experience, the public opinion in the international society become sympathetic to the Jewish people, and have learned to listen to their wish.

They've wanted to establish...

No.184 20/02/22 20:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[Massacre on the Jewish people]

The Jewish people had wanted to establish their own country, for there was movement of wanting to establish the country of the Jewish people alone by 2000.

[The movement of Zionism]

The first meeting for Zionist was held in Swiss in 1897. Zionist is an acitvist for the movement of returning to the hill in Zion. The hill in Zion is in Jerusalem which is a holy ground for the Jewish people.

In short, the movement is coming back to Jerusalem and establishing their own country.

The Jewish people used to build their kingdom around Jerusalem around B.C. but the kingdpom was destroyed by the Roman Empire in the first century, and the Jewish people scattered each place in Europe.

After that they had been persecuted in varied ways in the society of the Christianity. They thought they were persecuted because they didn't have their country.

So they started a movement of building their own country in the place...

No.185 20/02/22 21:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[Movement on Zionism]

The Jewish people started a movement of building their own country in the place which is used to be the Kingdom of the Jewish people, and the place is called Palestine.

A Jewish person is the one who believes in the Old Testament.

Abraham who was a founder of the Jewish people swore that he believed in Yahweh alone as only God. He came to Palestine which called Cannan.

Then Yahweh promised that he gave the land to Abraham's offspring. Then the way of thinking of the promised land was born.

Palestine could have been a holy place where our ancestor was given from the God. Let's build our country there. The idea leads to the movement of Zionism.

[Why were the Jewish people persecuted?]

The Jewish people were persecuted in the society of the Christine in Europe, for there is a discripition that the Jewish people caught Christ and crucified him on the cross in the New Testament in which the Christine believe.

No.186 20/02/22 21:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[Why were the Jewish people persecuted?]

The Jewish people are the one who the Christine hated so much, because they crucified Christ on the cross.

The finance business was thought to be a dirty business in the Europena society in the Middle Ages, so the dirty business was forced upon the Jewish people who were discriminated then.

The business made the Jewish people become wealthy, and a prejudice of the wealthy Jewish people, and the Jewish people who were quick to see the money was promoted.

A loan shark who appeared in Venice Merchant written by Shakespeare was an impression to the Jewish people then. The impression made the Jewish people receive the persecution more and more. It's a vicious spiral.

By the way it is said that the Jewish people are the one who believe in the Judaism. As long as they believe in the Judaism, they are regardes as Jewish people regardless of their race or their language.

Lots of people have applied...

No.187 20/02/22 22:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[Why were the Jewish people persecuted?]

Lots of the Jewish people have applied to Israel that they've wanted to return to Israel. There is a law whether or not they are allowed to return as the Jewish people.

The Jewish people are defined that they were born from mothers who are the Jewdish people, or the one who is converted to Judaism, the one who doesn't believe in other religion, except for Judaism.

[England which was tripled-tongue]

The problem in the Middle East has been complicated due to England.

Arabian region including Palestine used to belong to the empire of Ottoman Turkey until the first World War started.

When the first World War started, Ottoman Turkey was in the side of Germany and fought with Germany against England and France. The Middle East became a battlefield.

Then England maneuvered for the Arabian people who were under control of Ottaman Turkey, for England wanted to win the Arabian people over to...

No.188 20/02/22 22:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[England was tripled-tongue]

...England wanted to win the Arabian people over to the side of England.

Arabian influential man defended Mecca which was a holy place for Isram. England promised to the influential one to build an Arabian independent country in the eastern Arabian region after the first World War was over. It's Husain Macmahon correspondence.

The correspondence is letters. The representative in England who negotiated was Henry Macmahon stationed in Cairo. The name of the Arabian influential one was Husain, so the letters were written and sent between Macmahon and Husain then.

Husain was a decendant of Muhammad who founded Islam, and had had influenced over the society of Islam as the one who was related to the noble.

Husain who believed in the promise by England declared an independent of Arab July in 1916 and caused a rebellion of Arab against Ottoman Turkey.

Then the one who joined the rebellion and contacted with...

No.189 20/02/22 22:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[England was tripled tongue]

Then the one who joined the rebellion and contacted with England was what is called Lawrence of Arabia, Thomas Lawrence. He was an English archaaeologist and a general who was charged in information in the English army.

How he played an active part in the war becomes a movie after the war.

On the other hand England thought if a country which was on the side of England was built, English natural interest was defended, so then a Minister of Foreign Affairs in England, Arthur Balfour sent letters to the representative of Zionist group in England. It's Balfour declaration.

Then English side promised that English governmetn supported to the Jewish people build their national home in Palestine in the declaration.

However the expression was unclear. Does in Palestine mean being part of Palestine or the whole Palestine? Is the national home a nation or not?

Anyway the group of the Jewish people who thought they...

No.190 20/02/22 23:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[England was tripled tongue]

Anyway a group of the Jewish people who thought they were given a certificate from England aimed at going to Palestine one after another after the declaration. Then a collective farm by the Jewish people started to be built in Palestine. The collective farm is called a kibbutz.

England promised the Arabian people to be an independent country for them, and supported the group of the Jewish people to build the national home for them.

Moreover, England concluded an agreement with France in secret. After the World War Ⅰ was over, England and France shared the territory which was under control of Ottoman Turkey.

The agreement is called Sykes and Picot agreement, for the names of the ones who negotiatated the agreement was Sykes who was an English and Picot who was a French.

The agreement of sign was done in the middle of the World War Ⅰ, May in 1916, but concluding the agreement itself remained secret.

No.191 20/02/22 23:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[England was tripled tongue]

After the World War Ⅰ was over, both England and French separated and controlled the area of the Middle East, according to the secret agreement.

A trial of building the country of the Arabian people with the promise beween England and the Arabian people was suppressed by France.

So Churchill, then a minister who was charged in the colony permitted to form Trans Jordan east to the Jordan River as a compromise agreement, and west side of the Jordan River becomes Palestine. England continues to control the Palestine at present.

『A column, Muhammad』

The founder of Islam used to be called Mahomet, but the way of calling was an European style which was their own way. It is called Muhammad at present so as to be close to the original way of calling.

Muhammad isn't a foreteller but a prophecy. The foreteller is foretells a thing in the future, and the prophecy is the one who has kept phrases from the god.

No.192 20/02/23 02:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I've made a mistake again. I expressed that England controls Palestine at present, and it was in the wrong. England controlled there afrer the World War Ⅰ. I'm embarassed with such a blunder.

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

『Column, Muhammad』

Muhammas received revelations from the god, and got them together in the Koran as a sacred book. He was in the same time of 聖徳太子 in Japan.

『Column, a kibbutz』

Kibbutz means a collection in Hebrew, and it's an original community or collective farm in Israel. It has been established for the first time in 1909.

The people from east Europe who were full of an ideal for socialism with the next principle and have started to manage.

All the members work according to their ability, and receive their reward according to its necessity.

They are engaged in agriculture voluntarily, and their lives are secured.
Kibbutz offers the people who returned without a way of leading life chances to work and recommends development.

No.193 20/02/23 07:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

『Column, kibbutz』

At the same time, kibbutz is firmly established as the way of emigration state proceeding development.

[Palestine was divided by the United Nations]

After the World War Ⅰ was over, England was damaged so bitterly by the war that it didn't have enough power to control Palestine.

On the other hand, a sympathetic public opinion for the Jewish people who were slaughtered by Nazis Germany heightened, and there was a movement of permitting the Jewish people to emigrate to Palestine.

England left how they should handle Palestine to judgement of the United Nation, and a resolution of division of Palestine was adopted at the United Nations General Assembly November in 1947.

A nation of the Jewish people was built in Palestine which makes up for 56%, and other nation of the Arab in Palestine which accounts for the rest of 43%.

Jerusalem which is holy ground for both of the them has been left to the control by the UN.

No.194 20/02/23 07:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[The plan of division by the United Nations hasn't been observed.]

Why is Jerusalem the holy ground for both of the Jewish people and the Arab? I'm going to express it later on.

Israel was built, being based on the plan of division, but a war between the allied forces of Arab and Israel brought about, and Israel occupied area more than the United Nation appointed. It was the first war in the Middle East.

Israeli territory accounted for no less than 77% of the whole Palestine. The rest of the area was occupied by Jordan and Egypt. Actually, Palestine was divided into three.

[The war in the Middle East brought about four times]

After that, the fires of war didn't stop in the Middle East, and the war broke out four times there, if including a dispute which didn't become a large scale of war, the number of the war is countless.

The first war in the Middle East happened with the declaration of establishment of Israel, so the war was...

No.195 20/02/23 08:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[The wars in the Middle East happened four times]

...so the first war in the Middle East was accompanied with building Israel, so the Jewish people call the war the one for their independence.Then Israel won more territory than the United Nation assigned.

The second war in the Middle East broke out October in 1956.

Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, and England and France which held the greater part of the stock of the company which was charged in the canal were indignant with it.

Under pressure from the two big powers, Israel attacked Egypt, and both England and France did. This war is called the Suez War. The war repelled both America and Soviet so violently that the three countries withdrew from there.

The third war in the Middle East occurred July in 1967, and Israel won the war overwhelmingly in only six days, so the war is called the war in six days in Israel.

Egypt and Syria strengthened military pressure to Israel and Israel...

No.196 20/02/23 08:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[Wars in the Middle East broke out four times]

...and Israel repelled the military pressure and went on the offensive first to Egypt. Egypt was annihilated without flying any airplane from its air force on the first day when the war occurred.

Israel occupied the territory of Jordan which was west coast of the Jordan River, the territory of Egypt which was Gaza area, and the whole Sinai Peninsula, and the territory of Syria which was the Golan height in this war.

It means that Israel won the whole Palestine, especially the west coast in the Jordan includes the whole area of the holy ground, Jerusalem. Israel also won the holy ground for the Jewish people, Wailing Wall.

Jerusalem was appointed as an ares which was controlled by the United Nations and didn't belong to any country until the war in the Middle East brought about.

However as a result of the first war in the Middle East,Trans Jordan occupied eastern Jerusalem, Israel....

No.197 20/02/23 09:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[Wars in the Middle East brought about four times]

However as a result of the first war in the Middle East, Trans Jordan occupied eastern Jerusalem, Israel western Jerusalem, and a ceased-fire line was formed and it divided the city of Jerusalem into two. There was a wall between the east and west there like Germany.

Israel which occupied the whole Jerusalem in the third war in the Middle East removed barricades from the ceased-fire line, and declared that Jerusalem was a unified city.

In addition, the Jewish people started to build their houses on the occupied land.They took into action of disregarding the resolution by the United Nations completely.

『Column, is Jerusalem the capital for Israel?』

Israel has announced that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, but it's resolved that the place is controlled by the United Nations, so the insistence of Israel hasn't allowed in the international society.

An embassy of each country is...

No.198 20/02/23 09:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

『Column, is Jerusalem the capital for Israel?』

An embassy of each country is to station to its capital, so each of country, including Japan, has put its embassy not to Jerusalem but to Tel Avib.

On the other hand, a pro-Jewish people in America continues a movement of moving American embassy to Jerusalem.

As to the origin of the word on Jerusalem, there are two opinions. The one is a peaceful town, and the other is a base of beautiful goddess.

Anyway, Jerusalem is a beautiful city, and it could have been a peaceful city originally...

『Wailing Wall』

The wall of the Wailing Wall is a part of a palace for the Jewish people which was constructed by the Jewish people and was destroyed by the Roman Empire about 2000 years ago.

Its west wall remains at present, and it's wet with the night dew, and it looks as if it wailed a sorrowful history of the Jewish people, so the wall was named like that.

There are religious Judaisms who read ..

No.199 20/02/23 10:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

『Column, wailing wall』

There are some religious Judaism who read the Bible in earnest to the wailing wall every day.

[The fourth war in the Middle East in which an unbeatable myth collapsed]

Israel expanded its territory from the first war to the third war in the Middle East, and an unbeatable myth of Israel was born before we know it. It was the fourth war in the Middle East in which the unbeatable myth collapsed.

The fourth war brought about on the day of expiation 贖罪 for the Jewish people of
October in 1973. They went on a fast 断食 and without going out of the house, they had to keep still for all day.

Egypt and Syria chose the day and made a surprise attack on Israel. Israel had a hard time in the beginning of the war owing to the unexpected attack, but reshaped its position and counterattacked.

Even if it's at one time, the Arab side drove Israel into a corner for the first time. The unbeatable myth of Israel collapsed then.

No.200 20/02/23 11:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Israel was born and wars have broken out】

[The fourth war in the Middle East in which an unbeatable myth collapsed]

The war didn't change their sphere of influence between the countries, but there was a situation which shocked all over the world.

Each country in Arab which possesses a large amount of petroleum becomes aware that they can use the petroleum as weapon in various ways.

As to the oil crisis, it had had influenced over the whole world so much that I'm going to talk about it later, the author said like that.

[Appearance of Palestinian refugees]

The Arab who used to live in Palestine originally were driven out of their homeland, or escaping from the fires of war and ran away from Palestine on account of repeated the wars in the Middle East and disputes.

Almost a million of the Arab which was equal to two-thirds of the whole Palestine became refugees because of the building Israel by the first war in the Middle East.

After that the refugee continued to increase..





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