
Let's enjoy Englis Ⅵ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
20/03/22 04:17(更新日時)

I've studied English for about a decade,for I have fun,it's just that is, though sometimes others have criticized my English,it can't helped. I've tried to improve my English ability, but I can't find something efficient.

However if we can find it easily, no one takes pains when learning English,I'm sure.

Being skilled at English is wonderful,but is it a final goal?

Studying is learning from others or from books. Without doubt, trusting being taught from others,and enjoying remembering something useful,and when possessing plenty of knowledge. It's a sensivity who is skilled at learning,but so what?

The wisdom of us the human being is ahead of it. Learning something useful is just a starting point.

However most of the people acquire plenty of knowledge and are immersed in being one of the elite,and the end.

The study we learning at school has already existed in the society,and learning it is just basic thing, but the wisdom of the human being is ahead of it.

Making use of the wisdom,we think of something which is ahead of the wisdom,create something useful which doesn't exist in the society.

Needless to say, we aren't a dog nor a cat. We obtain the knowledge,and convey the next generation the knowledge,and the next generation challenges the next stage. We are the ones which convey the will others.

Needless to say,it's not my thought. It was written in a comic book.

20/03/22 01:57 追記
Number of letters are limited to 600, but I think the more, the better. It used to be 1400, then 1000, and this time 600. It cannot be helped.

20/03/22 02:18 追記
Without knowing, corona virus seems to spread over the world, though I've never worn mask,gargled nor washed my hands, but fortunately or not I'm fine. Eventually everyone will be dead in the future.

No.2990753 20/01/21 19:47(スレ作成日時)



No.101 20/02/09 09:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Taiwan used to be a Japanese colony〕

The habit of washing hands after going to a lavatory and taking a bath was cultivated. We stop spitting and spitting a phelegm everywhere. We also stop throwing away dust.

We make it a rule to clean the whole house regularly, and join the cleaning activity in our local area.

〔Japan left and the National Party returned, but..〕

Japan lost in the Pacific War, and Taiwan returned to China. China was controlled by the National Party.

The residents in Taiwan were glad, for they could escape from the Japanese control and could return to their homeland before long.

Chinese army came from the continent, and they thought the soldiers were welcome.

However when looking at the soldieres who came from the continent, the residents in Taiwan were astonished at them.

None of the soldiers who came from the continent wore military uniform decently. All of them were in rags, and carried pots and pans on their back.

They ...

No.102 20/02/09 09:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Japan left and the National Party returned but ...〕

The soldeiers who came from the continent didn't know even water supplies. When turning on a faucet,the water was running, and when seeing it, they were surprised at it, and the residents were also surprised at the soldiers.

The soldires who came from the continent were surprised at a department store, and stole a bicycle but didn't knwo how to ride on it. Those episodes are told from generation to generation.

While there were plenty of soldiers who couldn't read and write, almost all of the risidents in Taiwan who could read and write in the time of Japanese colony were flabbergasted at the soldiers.

The public servants who came back with the soldiers grew corrupted. They couldn't distinguished the public and private. They get the public fortune which the Japanese army left one after another.

When asking something for a public office, without sending bribery, anything didn't go well.

No.103 20/02/09 09:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Japan left and the National Party came back, but...〕

The ones who come from the continent account for almomst all of the public servants, and the ones who was from Taiwan hardly were adopted.

The residents in Taiwan said on the situation that a dog left and a pig came. The dog is the Japanese, and the pig is the Natioanl Party.

It means that the dog was noisy but it became a watchdog, but the pig ate almost all of thing by itself, after that it's just it lain down.

The residents in Taiwan thought one ruler named Japanese left and other ruler named the national party came from the continent.

And the civil war between the national party and communist party became so violent in the Chinese continent that the national party started to send daily necessities from Taiwan to the Continent by force.

The national party overissued paper money so as to supply war expenditure,so inflation became violent,and prices went up. Lots of things were running ..

No.104 20/02/09 10:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Japan left and the natioanal Party returned but...〕

Lots of things were running out, and the prices went up. Those things hit the residents direct in Taiwan, so the disappointment and dissatisfaction of the residents exploded at last.

〔2.28 occurrence in which all the educated class was killed〕

A woman sold tobacco illegally on the street in Taipei February in 1947. A regulator in the Monopoly Bureau found it and confiscated the tobacco and its sales.

The woman who lived alone appealed to the regulator, but the regulator who came from the continent hit her with a gun.

She shed blood from the head and fell down on the ground. When passersby surrounded the regulator, he fired, and hit a man by the regulator. The woman who was struck and the man who was hit were dead before long.

In the next day, the residents made a strong protest, but the armed police answered them with a bursto of shots by machine gun, and three resiennts died instantly there.

No.105 20/02/09 11:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔2.28 incident in which all the educated class were killed in Taiwan〕

We call the riot 2.28 incident.

In the riot, the residents who originally lived in Taiwan attacked the rulers who came from the continent.

It is said that the residents spoke to others in Japanese so as to distinguish the ones who they attack.

If others answered in Japanese at once, they were also the same countrymen in Taiwan, so they wouldn't attack, but if being unable to answer the Japanese right away, it means it's an enemy who came from the continent.

The secretary of state was panicked and requested the continent for help of army. On the other hand, he thought he tried to stop the riot, and he pretended to negotiate the representative of the residents.

Lots of educated class, students and labors hoped this negotiation go well, and thought they tried to make a progress democratization for Taiwan.

However the negotiation is just gaining time until the help of army came.

No.106 20/02/09 11:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔2.28 incident in which all the educated class were killed in Taiwan〕

The army of the national party who came from the continent for help started to massacre the residents in Taiwan March.

First of all,the residents who negotiated with the secretary of state were aimed and all of them were slaughtered. The slaughter reached to the whole island.

Investigation on the victims of actual situation of the incident started in the Li Dong-hui 李登輝 government at last, its number is twenty eight thousand formally.

Others say there are lots of missing, actual number of victims would be several times as many as the formal one.

The intellectuals who received the education in the time of Japanese colony were eradicated in the incident.

There was no freedom of speech nor political activities in Taiwan, the one who criticized the national party was arrested at once and executed.

It is fact that the ones who went through the Japanese colongy in Taiwan had...

No.107 20/02/09 12:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔2.28 incident in which all the educated class was all killed in Taiwan〕

It is fact that the ones who underwent the Japanese colony had by far bitter experienced because of the national party who was their brotherhood, so the memory of the Japanese colony faded.

On the other hand there are some Korean people who said the time of the Japanese colony was really miserable.

There is different recognition against the time of Japanese colongy between the people of Taiwan and Korea.

It seems that there are lots of residents who are pro-Japanese in Taiwan, for they had so bitter experience by the national party, so the memory of Japanese colony may have faded, the author said like that.

〔The civil war between the communist party and national party, and the national party lost and came to Taiwan〕

While the government in the national party massacred and suppressed the residents in Taiwan, it unfolded the civil war with the communist party in the continent.

No.108 20/02/09 18:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Civil war between the communist party and the national party happened and the national party lost and came to Taiwan〕

After the Pacific War, the Japanese army withdrew from each place in China, though the communist party and national party were in harmony with regard to against Japan, and fought against Japan together until then, they started to fight each other.

The national party which led by Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石 was too be corrupted to support from the people. It couldn't defeat the communist party at all.

The national party ran away to Taiwan where the national party continued to control December 1949. No less than about two million of people like the national party, executives in the Chinese government, soldiers, and their family members came to Taiwan.

〔Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石〕

He was born in the time of Shin in 1887, and learned in Japanese military school, and became a Japanese second-class soldier in Niigata prefecture.

辛亥革命 broke out...

No.109 20/02/09 19:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Jiang Jie-shi 蒋介石〕

As 辛亥革命 broke out and Shin fell down, he returned to his homeland and joined the revolution. He made every possible effort to build new country there, and became the leader of the national party, and unified China.

He reigned over the China as dictator until being drove out of China by the communist party.

After escaping into Taiwan, he dreamed of invading China, and suppressed the ones who objected to him relentlessly. His politics was like that.

However when Japan lost in the Pacific war, Japanese compensation damage against China became a problem, but he didn't request the compensation.

Then he said he would deal with the grudge, using virtue. As having been moved by it, plenty of the Japanese became his fan.

〔China has been formed〕

The communist party which won the national party in the civil war announced that China was formed from Beijing 北京 October in 1949.

Then the structure that China which was ruled by the...

No.110 20/02/09 19:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔China has been formed〕

The structure of opposition that China which was controlled by the communist party in the continent and other Chins led by the national party in Taiwan alone has been born.

Mao Zedong 毛沢東 who ruled the Chinese continent thought after rearranged the position and attacked and relieved Taiwan. The China in Taiwan was in a precarious state.

〔The Korean War made Taiwan continue to exist〕

Taiwan continues to exist because the Korean War broke out.

The national party was defeated by the communist party in the continent and ran away to Taiwan. The national party was so corrupted that America ran out of patience with the country.

Even if Taiwan was controlled by China, it can' be helped, America thought like that, and was about to give up on the country.

However the Korean War broke out, America changed its attitude for Taiwan altogether. The Korean War broke out and after two days, America dispatched the seventh fleet Taiwan...

No.111 20/02/09 20:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The Korean War made Taiwan continue to exist〕

...and America dispatched the seventh fleet to the Taiwan strait and checked China's movement in the continent not to attack Taiwan.

China supported the North Korea, so America opposed against China, and started to help Taiwan for its economy and military affairs from the next year.

The Korean War made the situation in Asia established the structure of the Cold War, and America has helped Taiwan so as to compete with China.

The opposition between China and Taiwan was incorporated into the structure of the Cold War. Taiwan continues to exist because the Korean War broke out.

〔The ones who lived in Taiwan originally and the others who escaped to Taiwan〕

The national party led by Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石 who ran away to Taiwan thought he rearrange its position, and invade the continent.

The slogan of the national party was attacking the continent and rescuing its brotherhood from the communist party.

No.112 20/02/11 11:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The ones who lived in Taiwan originally and the others who escaped to Taiwan〕

The continent was their homeland for the people of the national party, and Taiwan was a temporary place where they lived, they were sure of it.

Under the dictatorship of the national party, the control by the people who came from the continent to Taiwan continued, though exactly, there were two small political parties which didn't oppose to the national party formally.

When the national party escaped to Taiwan some people also ran away to Taiwan. They were called 外省人, and they account for 16% in the population in Taiwan.

On the other hand, the others who lived originally before the 外省人 were called 本省人, it makes up for 83%, and other 1% is minorities.

外省人 speaks Beijing language, and 本省人 speaks Taiwan language. The two languages are different altogether. so when wanting to come to mutual understanding,they use the Beijing language. The Beijing language is a common....

No.113 20/02/11 11:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The ones who lived in Taiwan originally and the others who escaped to Taiwan〕

The Beijing language is a common language China.

The people who live in Taiwan have a duty to carry an identification card with them, and if looking at the identification card, they can see whether the person is the 外省人 or 本省人 at once.

本省人 who have a memory in which they had been damaged by the 外省人 continue to have distrust to the 外省人.

There were lots of children of the 本省人 who were told not to get marry to the 外省人 in childhood and became grown-ups.

〔Confusion in the continent of China and development in Taiwan〕

Under the opposition structure of dividing into China and Taiwan, they took exact opposite courses each other.

Under the guidance of Mao Zedong, the failure of Great Breakthrough policy 大躍進政策 and confusion of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution went on one after another, the economy remained stagnant, and there were hundreds of victims in the continent 

No.114 20/02/11 12:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Confusion in the continent of China and development in Taiwan〕

On the other hand, the national party didn't have any bondage from Taiwan, it put into agricultural reform effect, divided the land of a large landowner who lived in Taiwan for a long time into peasants.

The peasants who had their own land improved product will so much that the agriculture developed in Taiwan. The farmland became rich and export of agricultural product also advanced.

The free trade for foreign countries made a progress satisfactorily, and marvelous economic development was done. Lots of computer products in the world, including Japan, are produced in Taiwan.

As to a national income a person in 1998, the continent was $ 774, and Taiwan 12040, so Taiwan defeats China in the battle of the economic power, but fell into an awful predicament in the view of political situation.

〔Taiwan was purged from the United States〕

The United Nations were started functioning..

No.115 20/02/11 13:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Oh! I made a mistake. In the subtitle of the last response, instead of the United States, I should have written United Nations.

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Taiwan was purged from the United Nations〕

The United Nations started functioning after the World War Ⅱ, and it has organizations of the United National Security Council 安全保障理事会, and a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council 常任理事国 which have stronger power than other countries.

A permanent member of the U.N. Security Council is composed of five countries, America, England, France, Soviet which becomes Russia later on, and China.

The China means the one which controlled in the continent of China when the United Nation started, and other China was driven out of the continent and escaped to Taiwan, so there was two China in the world.

A resolution that the China in the continent should be the China in the United Nation was adopted in 1971, so Taiwan lost the position in the United Nations.

To make matters worse...

No.116 20/02/11 13:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Taiwan was purged from the United Nations〕

To make matters worse for Taiwan, the countries which established diplomatic relations with China increased, so Taiwan broke off those countries.

As a result, Taiwan was isolated politically altogether in the international world.

Both Japan and America which were reliable for Taiwan also entered into diplomatic relations with China. Japan stands on the recognition that the one in continent is only the China.

While America recognized the one in the continent is legitimate, it established a law between America and Taiwan in America. America has to protect Taiwan in case of an emergency.

Taiwan didn't retire from the stage of the international society, but did from the world of international sports at one time, but it has returned to the international tournament like Olympic, using the name of Chinese Taipei.

〔Democratization has started in Taiwan〕

Though Taiwan developed economically, it wasn't....

No.117 20/02/11 13:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Democratization has started in Taiwan〕

Though Taiwan developed economically, it wasn't democratic in the point of political of view, but when dictator of Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石 died, the country started to change so much.

After the dictator died, his son succeeded his father as the head of Taiwan, but under the son democratization started slowly.

When the national party came to Taiwan, a martial law was proclaimed, but it was lifted July in 1987, the son chose Li Dong-hui 李登輝 as the vice president. The son of the dictator regarded him as his successor.

Then the people who came from continent 外省人 controlled the national party, but the successor lived originally Taiwan, 本省人.

The son of the dictator died, and the vice president became the president. For the first time, the one who lived originally Taiwan became the president.

Under Li Dong-hui 李登輝, the democratization made a progress at high speed. Political offenders were released, freedom of speech..

No.118 20/02/11 14:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔democratization started in Taiwan〕

Political offenders were released, freedom of the press was allowed, and the existence of opposition party which is opposed to the national party was also permitted. In addition, Li Dong-hui 李登輝 started to reform the national convention.

〔Li Dong-hui 李登輝〕

He was born in Taiwan in 1923 and was educated as a Japanese in the time of Japanese colony. He said he was a Japanese until 22. He was influenced by Japanese thinkers.

He is known he has a deep knowledge of Japanese literature of Japanese classic, 源氏物語, or 枕草子.

He graduated from the ex Tokyo university and returned to Taiwan, and became a professor of Taiwan university. He was recognized as specialist on agricultural matter.

After joining the national party, he became the vice president, and after that was president.

〔He made perpetual members of assembly who were elected in the continent retire〕

There are two kinds of national assembly which is equal to ..

No.119 20/02/11 14:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The president made perpetual members of assembly who were elected in continent retire〕

There are two kinds of national assembly which is equal to Japanese Diet in Taiwan. The one is national convention, and the other is legislature.

By the way, I have little confidence on the way of saying the two national assembly. I'm afraid there is more appropriate way of saying, but it doesn't occur to me, so I make it rule to use two of them.

Laws are established in the legislature, and establishment and reformation on the constitution, appointment on the president and vice-president is done in the national convention.

The term of the member of the national convention is six years, but as being in Taiwan, the election wasn't being able to be done in the continent.

After being elected in the continent December 1947, without being elected again, the term of the members of the national convention was put off. Those members were called perpetual members.

No.120 20/02/11 15:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The president made the perpetual members of national convention who were elected in continent retire〕

Some of the perpetual members managed to attend the convention because of advanced age, and even if attending to, others always fall into a doze during the convention. There were lots of those kinds of members in the national convention.

A criticism that they continue to hold office is in the wrong appeared, though the ones who always doze in the convention isn't always limited to Taiwan.

At the urging of Li Dong-hui 李登輝, he made the perpetual members announce their term of office expire. All the members of national convention who remained in their position no less than for 42 years resigned December in 1947.

Instead, a new election was done in Taiwan alone, the new members of national convention were elected, then Li Dong-hui became the president.

〔The presidential election becomes a direct election〕

Then the presidential election was....

No.121 20/02/12 23:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The presidential election becomes a direct election〕

Then the presidential election was indirect.The representatives who were elected from residents elected the president and the president was decided, but Li Dong-hui 李登輝 changed into it the direct one.

The residents elected their own leader,the president, with the direct election March in 1996. As a result, Li Dong-hui 李登輝 won an overwhelming victory.

The presidential term was four years, and its term of office expired March in 2000, but without running for the next election, Li Dong-hui 李登輝 retired from the political world.

Then Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁 who belonged to the opposition party, 民進党 was elected as president.

〔China threatened Taiwan with a missile〕

It was the first direct presidential election in Taiwan. The residents themselves elected their own political leader with the direct election, but the way of Taiwan repelled the Chinese government.

It seemed that the Chinese government..

No.122 20/02/12 23:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔China threatened Taiwan with a missile〕

It seemed that Chinese government hated the way of Taiwan of electing their own representative with the direct election in 1996 as if Taiwan had behaved an independent country.

The response of the Chinese government to Taiwan was a menace with a missile. China fired missiles west and east off the coast of Taiwan in the middle of the presidential election as military training.

In addition, a large scale of military exercise of landing was done at the coast of the continent in the Taiwan strait. It was a message from the Chinese government like the next.

If Taiwan tried to be independent, Chinese would stop it with military force.

America dispatched two aircraft carriers 空母 to the sea of Taiwan in a hurry. It checked China. The one of names of the aircraft carrier was Independence. Was it by chance? It was an irony to China. 

The threat by China made Li Dong-hui 李登輝 won overwhelm victory. It was reported ...

No.123 20/02/13 00:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔China threatened Taiwan with a missile〕

It was reported that Li Dong-hui 李登輝 seemed to be a close election contest, but the residents in Taiwan were so astound with the menace of China that they thought they should unite under Li Dong-hui, and he became the president.

〔Chinese communist party which aims at unification of Taiwan〕

China named Chinese military force the People's Liberation Army. Each country always has military force, and it's for the nation, but China is different.

The People's Liberation Army is the military force for the communist party in China. It doesn't receive an order from the nation but receives an direction from the communist party.

Some people think the Chinese continent has been under the communist party, so there are no people who the communist party should release.

However if the people in Taiwan were released, their duty wasn't accomplished. The communist party thinks like that.

Taiwan belongs to China, so...

No.124 20/02/13 00:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Chinese communist party aims at unification of Taiwan〕

Taiwan belongs to China, so Taiwan isn't permitted to be independent at will. If showing the movement of independence, China would stop it with military force.

It's the position of the Chinese government.

The unification on the thought of China is the same on Macao, and Hong Kong. Two of them adopt different system on a capitalistic economy, but they belong to China. China recognized the different system well. It is called one country and two systems.

China tries to adopt the same system for Taiwan. It appeals Taiwan to unify China without changing the way of political, economy and military force in Taiwan.

〔Independence or unification?〕

The thought in Taiwan side is different according to its position.

The time of the national party led by Jiang Jie-shi 蒋介石, the insistence of Taiwan was also unification of China, but in this case it was unification by leadership of the national party.

No.125 20/02/13 01:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Unification or independence?〕

Anyway,the thought of China and Taiwan become one nation was the same then, but after Li Dong-hui 李登輝 became the president, the plan of Taiwan changed gradually.

When answering interview overseas,he said on the relation between China and Taiwan. It's the relation between the two special countries. He said like the next.

Taiwan has amended the constitution in 1991, and the area where the constitution is accepted limited to Taiwan. Taiwan recognizes China is legitimate in the Chinese continent.

The constitution was amended in 1992, the president was elected by the residents direct, so legitimacy of the national power in Taiwan is the will of the residents in Taiwan, and it has nothing to do with the people in the continent.

The relation between China and Taiwan is special, and it's not the ones between the central and local nor inside China.

Taiwan and China have already special relation between two countries, so we..

No.126 20/02/13 01:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Unification or independence?〕

...so we don't have to announce Taiwan is independent.

It's practically announcement that Taiwan is independent.

Chinese government repelled it violently,and abused Taiwan, but there was nothing it could do then. It was a strategy win by Li Dong-hui 李登輝

〔The president Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁 who appealed a dialogue with the continent〕

Chen Shui-bian became the president after Li Dong-hui 李登輝. He belonged to 民進党. The political party declared the independence of Taiwan, but after trying to run for the presidential candidate,the political party adopted a realistic course,so the plan of the independence of Taiwan was put aside for some time.

Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁 who assumed the office of president called for a direct dialogue with the Chinese government. He has gone on the offensive of peaceful coexistence with China.

Taiwan which wants the international society to recognized the independent Taiwan practically, and China..

No.127 20/02/15 07:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The president Chin Shui-bian 陳水扁 who appeales a dialogue with the continent〕

While Taiwan which wants the international society to recognize its prcactical independence little by little, China which desperately wants to stop it. It seems the tactics between them continuse from now on.

〔Chin Shui-bian 陳水扁〕

He was born in a poor family in 1950, but was always excellent record in school, and passed an exam for lawyer while he was in university.

Then he tried to aim at being an elite lawyer, but defended a speech suppression case, what is called 美麗島事件 by the national party, after that he joined the movement of the 民進党.

He was elected mayor in Taipei, and got results to administrative reform and was paid to attention, but was defeated at the second election of the mayor, then challeged the election of the president, and was elected president.

His wife became paralysis of her side of the body owing to a traffic accident which seemed to be a... 

No.128 20/02/15 08:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔Chin Shui-bian 陳水扁〕

His wife becomes a paralysis of her side of the body because of a traffic accident which seemed to be political terrorism and was forced to be in the life of a wheelchair.

By the way, I expressed the 美麗島事件, but I hate to say to my sorrow I have little knowledge on it. If you're interested in it, please look up it in the internet for yourself.

〔Youth in three classes in Taiwan〕

The people in Taiwan are greatly divided into three classes according to their thoughts for Japan.

After controlled by Japaneses colony, and the natioanal party arrived from the continent, and the people had bitter experience by the national party, so they become a pro-Japanese group. They are the generation of grandfather and grandmother.

While receiving the education of anti-Japan, and having hostility toward Japan, they have always been attracted by Japanese products. They are the generation of father and mother.

Ever since they can remember they..

No.129 20/02/15 08:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The youth in three classes in Taiwan〕

Ever since they can remember they have been surrounded by the Japanese products and they have been brought up, being attracted by Japanese culuture.

Those three classes in Taiwan, especially the young generation who yearns for the Japanese culture is called Habi Habit... oh! when expressed, I've forgot the exact way of calling them.

They are the ones who are attracted by the Japanese culture extremely. They watched an animated cartoon on TV in childhood, love character merchandise of Kitty or Pokemon, and sang snatch of Japanese popular songs.

Their existence greatly occupies in Taiwan at present.

〔The opposition between China and Taiwan and...〕

After that, the opposition between China and Taiwan continues.

Roughly speaking, China has threatend Taiwan, if it announced being independent, China would attack it with military force. China declared March in 2005 like that.

On the other hand, the wife of....

No.130 20/02/15 12:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why China and Taiwan oppose?】

〔The opposition between China and Taiwan and...〕

On the other hand the wife of Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁 was indicted for taking bribe in 2006, and a clean image of the president collapsed, and the percentage of supporting the political party dropped.

A candidate for the presidential election ran from the national party which opposed against the 民進党 in 2008.

China in the continent supported for the national party which opposed to being independent, and inviting the executives in the national party to China. The country upset Taiwan. What happened to the presidential election, I'm wondering.

They have opposed in the political view of point, but Taiwan business has invested a vast sum of money on the continent, so they are closely connected in the economic point of view.

【The same race killed each other in the Korean War】

〔Both of the leader in the South and North hugged each other〕

After a meeting for three days, Kim Dae Jung 金大中 who tried to take a ...

No.131 20/02/15 12:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔Both of the leaders in the South and North hugged each other〕

After a meeting for three days, when Kim Dae Jung 金大中 tried to take a plane from the airport in Pyongyang, Kim Jong ll 金正日 came to see him off there.

They hugged tightly in front of the gangway of the plane. Almost all of the people in the world could hardly believe their eyes then.

The whole world was amazed that the both of leaders in the countries which the war wasn't always over behaved themselves so intimately that all the people expected the peaceful wind would blow all over the Korean Peninsula.

The president Kim Dae Jung 金大中 in Korea visited the North Korea and talked with Kim Jong ll 金正日 June in 2000. Both of the leaders of the South and North Korea met for the first time then.

The meeting was held for three days, and the leaders agreed with aiming at settlement for the unification of the both of the countries voluntarily, and exchanges in all fields...

No.132 20/02/15 13:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔Both of leaders in the South and North Korean hugged each other!〕

...exchanges in all fields spread, and a reliable relation between the two countries strengthened.

Though being divided into two for no less than 55 years, the meeting showed us the both of the South and North Korean who were opposed moved to unification slowly.

After returning to the South Korea, Kim Dae Jung 金大中 said like the next.

The meeting itself was important. When going to Pyongyang, it was our land. The people who lived in Pyongyang were also the same race who the same blood in the body.

I believed firmly in that there is a reconciliation, cooperation, and unification in our future in this visit. Then the history moved.

After three months. Olympic was held in Sydney September in the same year. Both of the participants in the South and North did an entrance procession as group of participants in unification in the opening ceremony.

A flag of ...

No.133 20/02/15 14:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The leaders in the both South and North Korean hugged each other!〕

The flag of unification on which a single korean peninsula was drawing was raised in front of the procession. All the spectators in the stadium stood and applaused to the entrance procession.

All the participants in the South and North Korean wore the same uniforms, anyone can't distinguish whether they were the South Korea or North Korea at all.

When watching the scene on TV, even if it's south or north, it's their homeland, the phrase occurred to the author.

〔The 38th Parallel, the boundary dividing the North and South Korea and demilitalized zone〕

The Korean peninusula has been divided into south and north, being based on the north latitude 38th line running from the east to west.

The line which separates the two countries is called a military boundary line. There is a demilitalized zone in the both sides of the south and north of the the military....

No.134 20/02/15 14:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The 38th parallel, the boundary dividing the south and north Korea and demilitalized zone〕

There is a demilitalized zone both sides of the south and north from the military boundary line. It was away 2 kilometers from both the south and north of the military boundary line.

Any military facility and military force aren't allowed to station there, but 板門店 alone is an area where they guard cooperatively.

There are institutions for both meeting, and 30 soldiers and 5 generals with a pistol alone from each country guard there.

After the Korean War was ceased, no one is allowed to go into the demilitalized zone for no less than 50 years. Ironically the nature where no one has gone into remains as it is, and it's a paradise for wild birds.

However barbed wire has been put around the outside the demilitalized zone, and a close guard has been done there. The place is the front line of the war.

〔Controlling the Korean peninsula by...〕

No.135 20/02/15 15:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔Controlling the Korean Peninsula by Japan〕

Why the same races in the Korean Peninsula divided into friends and foes in the south and north and fought each other? It originates from the defeat of the Japanese army in the Pacific War.

Japan countrolled the Korean Peninsula until the Pacific War was over. After Korea was annexed to Japan in 1910, Japan had controlled there.

They call the 36 years controlled by Japan a grudge for the Japanese empire for 36 years.

When controlled by Japan, the people in the Korean Peninsula was forced to use the Japanese, and was made to change their names into Japanese style. It's what is called 創氏改名.

It is said that the young Korean don't have a bad feeling for the Japanese, but we need to recognize that lots of the old Korean still have grude for the Japanese.

When travelling to the South Korean, a Japanese youth was surprised at an old korean, for the old could speak the Japanese very well.

No.136 20/02/15 15:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔Controlling the Korean Peninsula by Japan〕

The Japanese youth asked the old Korean like the next. You can speak the Japanese very well. Where have you learned?

Then the old suddenly got angry, and he said. I've learned it but wanted not to learn the Japanese, it's just that I was forced to learan it by force.

However the Japanese youth had no idea why the old got angry and the youth wasn't sure what to say. This deplorable thing often happens, and it's one of reasons criticized in the world, for the Japanese don't know what their own country have done.

〔I Sung-man 李承晩〕

After graduating a missionary school in Korea, he went abroad America, and got the doctorade in the Princeton university, and returned to the Sout Korea.

However his homeland, Korea was controlled by Japan, so he assumed the office of a president of a temporary government of 大韓民国 established Shanghai. He became a leader in the movement of independent of ...

No.137 20/02/15 16:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔I sung-man 李承晩〕

He became a leader in the movement of independent Korea. With the establishment of Korea, he became the first president in the country.

He did education for anti-Japan thoroughly, and after the Korean War was ceased, he carried out the plan of dialogue with the North Korea at all with the position of anti-communism.

He resigned as president in 1960, and moved to Hawaii, and died there.

〔The defeat of Japan and division into the south and north〕

After Japan was defeated in the Pacific War, the Soviet Army went south so as to deprive their weapon from the Japanese Army stationed in the Korean peninsula and to occupy there.

When watching the force, America was impatient, the country feared that the whole Korean Peninsula was under the control by the Soviet Union, so made the military force land from the south and the military force aimed at the north.

America proposed that each of military force divid...

No.138 20/02/15 16:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The defeat of japan and division into the south and north〕

America proposed that each of military force divided and occupy the south and north each other. Then its boundary line was north latitude 38th line. Soviet accepted it, but it's a beginning of the tragedy.

At first the Allied Powers which defeated Japan to plan to control the korean peninsula by four countries of America, England, France, and Soviet at most 5 years until an original country was formed there.

It's an idea that the four countries became foster parents and take care of their adoped child until it became a grown-up, but when putting the plan into practice, America and Soviet opposed so violently that the plan didn't make a progress at all.

The problem was brought to the United Nations, and the United Nation decided to plan a general election in the both of the south and north, and establised the unified nation, but Soviet was opposed to it.

In short...

No.139 20/02/15 17:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The defeat of Japan and division into the south and north〕

In short it was decided that the place where the general elcetion was able to be done the election was done, so the general election was done in the half of the Korean Peninsula. It was the South Korea.

The Diet members who was elected in the election elected I Sung-man 李承晩as president, and he announced that the South Korea was independent August in 1948 after three years of the defeat of Japan.

On the other hand, Soviet made progress of founding a nation with a way of the Soviet Union on the other half of the north Peninsula. It was the North korea

Soviet brought Kim ll Sung 金日成 who used to be a lieutenant in the Soviet Army in the middle of the Pacific War to the North Korea, and Soviet made him the leader in the North Korea.

The election of the member of the council was done November 1946, but the one who could run for the election was only one in an electoral...

No.140 20/02/15 17:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The defeat of Japan and division into the south and north〕

...but the one who could run for the election was only one in each electoral district. Moreover eligible voters had to vote in front of others.

If the elegible voter supports the candidate, the voting was to be done in a white ballot box, and if it doesn't, it was to be done in a black one. All the eligible voters were forced to do it.

Whether supporting or objecting was quite obvious, so it was far from a free election.

The council which was elected in the election was the parent organizatin, though it is doubtful whether or not we can call it the election, the North korea was established September in 1948. It was the next month of the establishment of the South Korea.

After divided into the south and north with the north latitude 38the line, the one who hated the socialism went to the south, and the one who yearned for the socialism went to the north. The former...

No.141 20/02/15 17:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The defeat of Japan and division into the south and north〕

The one who went to the south was called 越南, and the other who went to the north 越北 in Korea. The great racial movenment was done then in the Korean Peninsula.

〔The Korean War broke out on Sunday〕

Two of the countries were established in the both south and north, and after two years, the Korean War brought about June in 1950.

The army in the North Korea started firing at the South Korea at once all over the 38th Parallel, the boundary dividing the south and north.

After 30 minutes, the military unit on the land went over the military boundary line and attacked the army in the South Korea.

In the beginning of the war, the army of the South Korea misjudged it's a skirmish 小競り合い which happened frequently in the border took place again, and was late for making counterattacking posture against the North Korea.

Besides lots of executives in the South Korean were in...

No.142 20/02/15 18:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The Korean War broke out on Sunday〕

In addition, lots of the executives in the South Korean were in the middle of stduying and training, studying abroad or a tour of inspection abroad, so the South korean was scantily guarded extremely then.

To make matters worse, a large scale of personnel changes in the army were done in the same month. A general who just arrived its new post couldn't control the military unit in the least.

Misfortunes seldom come singly. It was a busy season for farmers, the soldiers whose parents' house were engaged in agriculture took a day off in the weekend and went to their parents' house so as to help agricultural work.

Misfortune didn't stop. There was a club where generals gather in Seoul, and its opening ceremony was done the day before the Sunday when the Korean War broke out.

About no less than 100 executives, and the advisers who were in charge of the military affair gathered there and...

No.143 20/02/15 18:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The Korean War broke out on Sunday〕

...and they drank until late at night.

When the war broke out, the generals were called up in emergency, and it is said there were lots of the ones who were hangover among the genereals.

On the other hand, the army in the North Korea went south. Their front was tanks of T34 which was the state of art left by the army of the Soviet.

Contrary to it, there wasn't any tank in the army in the South Korean, so it was at a loss what to do, and suffered a total defeat.

Seoul which is the capital in the South Korean was occupied by the army in the North Korea after only three days since the war started.

〔The countries which joined the Korean War〕

The military force in the United Nations which was formed in order to help the South Korea, except for America, are 15 countries.

England, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Holland, Ethiopia, France, Greece, New Zealand, Philippine, Thailand....

No.144 20/02/15 19:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The countries which joined the Korean War〕

...Turkey, the Federal of the South Africa, and Luxembourg.

On the other hand the countries which supported the North Korea was China alone officially, but it proved out later on that the air force in Soviet joined the war in secret.

The son of late Mao Zedong 毛沢東 in China was dead in the war, and the son of the ex-president Eisenhower joined the war.

〔The American army intervened in the war all sides〕

When the Korean War broke out, the ex-president Truman set forth the plan for helping South Korea in all aspects at once and the American Army intervened in the war all sides.

Then the American Army withdrew from the South Korean, so it's just that a few advisers for military affairs of the Americans were left, so the American Army stationed in Japan ran there so as to help the South Korea.

The United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution against the North Korean to stop...

No.145 20/02/16 08:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The American Army intervened in the war all sides〕

The United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution to demand the North Korean to stop the activity on the war at once and to withdraw from the the 38th boundary line June in the same year.

The foundation of the military force in the United Nation was decided July. Each country which joined the United Nation received recommendation to dispatch the military force under control a commander which America directed.

Finally 16 countries, including America, dispatched the military force to the Korean Peninsula.

MacArthur who was stationed in Japan was appointed the commander of the military force of the United Nation by the ex president Truman.

Then Soviet which had the vote power 拒否権 refused to attend to the United Nations Security Council. China which was led by the national party was one of permanent members of the U.N.Security Council, but the national party ran away...

No.146 20/02/16 08:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔The American Army intervened in the war all sides〕

...but the national party ran away to Taiwan, and China was controlled by the communist party then, but China led by the national party remained the permanent member of the U.N.Security Council.

Its member should be changed from the China led by the national party to the China led by the communist party, but the United Nation Security Council neglected it, so Soviet protested it and refused to attend.

As a result, there was no country which refused the decision of the resolution in the United Nation Security Council, the resolution to criticism to the North Korean and the foundation of the military force in the United Nation were decided without dissent.

A foreign Army has stationed in the South Korea just now, and it's actually American Army, but it's officially the military force in the United Nation. The American Army stationed in the South Korean raises a flag of the U.N.

No.147 20/02/16 09:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔Which side attacked first,the South or North?〕

When the Korean War brought about, the North Korean announced, the southern side attacked first, so we counterattacked.

On the other hand, America and the South Korean insisted that it's a surprise attack from the North Korea.

As both sides tried not to concede, the third party couldn't judge the situation exactly easily then.

However judging from the attack on the North Korean immediately after the war broke out,its remark, its enemy attacked, so it counterattacked, isn't persuasive with a military affairs view of point.

It didn't seemed that the South Korean army which didn't have any tank attacked the North Army which possessed 250 tanks of the state of art from the common knowledge on the military affairs.

The dispute came to an end by memories of the then president in Soviet, Khrushchev published in 1970.

Kim ll Sung 金日成 who was the then president in the North Korean...

No.148 20/02/16 09:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔Which side attacked first, the South or North?〕

Kim ll Sung 金日成 who was the then president in the North Korean visited Soviet before the war happened, and he got a support of the plan of unification by the military force from the then president Stalin in Soviet. It was disclosed by the memories of Khrushchev.

American army confiscated data on the military affairs on the North Korean army. It reached 1.6 million pages. A Japanese journalist deciphered all the data,and clarified how the army of the North Korean gathered just north side of the 38th boundary line directly before the war started.

After starting to attack, how they should occupy the South Korean, its policy was written in detail in the data on the military affairs.

In addition, thirty thousand of military unit of the North Korean of Chinese parents were sent to the North Korean from China with weapon and military equipment.

They belonged to the army of China led..

No.149 20/02/16 10:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in the Korean War】

〔Which side attacked first, the South or North?〕

They belonged to the army in China led by the communist party. Mao Zedong 毛沢東 in China supplied the people who belonged to China to the North Korean.

It was one link of expansion on military force attacking the south by the north. The military unit which was trained in the civil war in China obtained big results with the start of the Korean War.

Kim ll Sung 金日成 invading the south of the half of the Korea,and aimed at military unification in the Korean peninsula, It's a mutual recognition between modern historians.

Before the Korean War happened January in 1950,the Security State in America announced like the next.

American defending line on the Far East is the Aleutians Islands,it's Japan, Ryukyu Islands, and Philippine. Then America occupied Philippine.

When looking at the defending line, Korean peninsula and Taiwan aren't included. We can judge the speech was the countries..

No.150 20/02/16 10:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The same races killed each other in Korean War】

〔Which side attacked first, the South or North?〕

We can judge the speech was the countries where the American army stationed, but there is other way of thinking.

When hearing the announcement, China, Soviet, and the North Korea misunderstood that if the war breaks out in the Korean Peninsula, America won't intervene in it.It made the Korean War bring about.

However there is an objection on the matter, and it isn't clear.

There is other possibility that Kim ll Sung 金日成 was influenced by China.

The national party was defeated by the communist party in the civil war and ran away to Taiwan. The Chinese Continent was unified by the communist party with the military force.

The way of thinking that the revolution is done by the military force was realized, so Kim ll Sung thought he could unify the Korean peninsula with the military force like China. There is a way of thinking like that.

〔The army of the North Korean which was armed..〕





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