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Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/01/22 11:54(更新日時)

I’m going to start a new thread from now on. Whenever starting,I find it complicated to think of the title on the thread. Even if what kinds of title,it doesn’t matter for me,for it’s just that it’s in English.

I’ve put effort into expressing on America,being based on the book,アメリカ50州を読む,written by 浅井信雄,I’ve wanted to finish it as soon as possible,for there are lots of things which I’ve wanted to do on the English,lots of books to read,and plenty of things to express in English.

After finishing expressing on America,I’m going to read some books. It takes me a lot of time to finish reading them,so I’m afraid I can’t come here so often,at most twice a week.

When reading finishing them,I’m going to return,though no one may wait for me.

To my sorrow,my health has been failing as a result of being an old age. I’ve suffered from gout,to make matters worse,fluid has accumulated on my right knee,and I have a pain in my right knee,especially when going down the stairs. I may disappear suddenly one day.

18/10/08 21:38 追記
I’ve expressed on America mainly at present. When finishing it,I’m going to devote myself to read a book,but I’ll make it a rule to come here to express myself in English at least twice a week.

20/01/22 11:54 追記
As to reading science book,it used to be limited to express myself in English,but I've wanted to read it recently somehow.,

No.2711512 18/09/17 04:36(スレ作成日時)



No.401 19/04/17 20:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is T.A.T.?】

《A test on association》

However when the word which stimulates the subject touched something unpleasant in the mind of the subject, the kind of rule is broken and various character appears. Its clear appearance is the next ones.

1 The time of responding the stimulative word becomes long,but it becomes very short uncommonly.

2 The subject doesn’t respond to the stimulative word at all.

As to the content of the answer,there is a characteristic like the next.

1 Repeating the world which stimulates the subject mechanically.

2 Stammering and whispering,and the subject didn’t answer clearly.

3 The subject responded with one more answer.

If the situation of the subject becomes worse, the subject holds its breath,laughs,and blushes.

If several characters appear at the same time, we can understand the word which stimulates the subject touched something unpleasant in the mind of the subject clearly.

Thus doctors can research the movement on the mind with the test…

No.402 19/04/17 20:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is T.A.T.?】

《A test on association》

Thus specialists can research the movement on the mind with the test on association comparatively at ease quickly,so the test is indispensable for doctors who cure the people’s mind.

The author calls something unpleasant in the mind a complex. It’s so unpleasant that the author called like that,I’m wondering.

Except for the test on association, the specialists make use of change of response for movements like breathing,and blood pressure,and the G.S.R., the reflection on the skin for electricity.

The most sensitive and the one which the specialists take advantage of the most is the change on blood pressure and G.S.R. The police seems to make use of them for a criminal investigation and for discovering a lie.

【A body and the lie on feeling,James–Lange theory】

《Emotional experience》

There are ways of saying in the Japanese, for example,my heart was breaking with grief, My blood is boiling with anger and so on.

There are unique ways of …

No.403 19/04/17 21:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A body and the lie on feeling. James–Lange theory】

《Emotional experience》

They are unique ways of saying in the Japanese. If saying them psychologically,it’s a way of expressing of an emotional experience with the situation of its body.

The Japanese word means that the mind confuses so much that a change reaches to works on its body,so the person gets angry,fears surprises,feels sad,being pleasant,and laughs.

An American psychologist,James announced a thesis in 1884. It’s title was What’s an emothion? The thesis looked like the one which was written by a Danish physiologist,Lange in the next year.

Without recognizing each other at all,the two theses were announced. We call them James–Lange theory recently.

The theory says it’s not we weep because we feel sad but we sad because we weep. The phrase seems to be well known.

The change on the body doesn’t appear owing to the emotion,but the stimulus causes various change on its internal organ,and the feeling in the internal organ…

No.404 19/04/17 22:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A body and the lie on feeling. James–Lange theory】

《Emotional experience》

…and the feeling in the internal organ causes the change on the body. The theory calls it the emotion. The theory said like the next.

As a result,when drinking various changes happen on our body. Some people start crying,others get hostile,and another start laughing. Their theses were based on illustrative data.

Whoever eating a poisonous mushroom, it feels like laughing automatically. The one who has disorder in its tissue of blood circling,so the change causes easily. Needless to say,not only the data but physiological phenomenon was their ground on the theses like the next.

As to our nervous system,there is brain and the spinal cord which we can control the part of our body with our own will and muscles on the internal organs and the autonomous nervous system which controls an endocrine gland 内分泌腺. We can’t control two of them with our own will.

As to the emotion,the autonomous nervous system works.

No.405 19/04/17 23:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A body and the lie on feeling. James–Lange theory】

《James–Lange theory》

For example, when flying into a rage,or being seized with a fear,beating of the heart becomes fast by itself,and the blood is sent from the heart to arteries more and more,so the arteries shrink and the blood pressure becomes high, and the blood is supplied all over the muscle in the body.

The number of times on breathing increases, and adrenaline is secreted from an adrenal gland 副腎, a promotion of releasing sugar content from a liver is done,and a fatigue becomes less.

Both desire for sleeping and appetite decreases and function declines. When being ashamed of something, we break into a cold sweat automatically.

《James–Lange theory which has been denied recently》

By the way, the James–Lange theory has been denied lately.

An English psysiologist made an experiment with a dog and a cat in 1900, and he amputated 切断 the nerve between the autonomous nervous system and the cerebral cortex 大脳皮質. The cutting…

No.406 19/04/18 01:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A body and the lie on feeling. James–Lange theory】

《The James–Lange theory which has been denieed lately》

The cutting prevented the excitement on the autonomous nervous from sending to the cerebral cortex,but the cat and dog indicated emotional situation.

In addition, if giving a person an injection of adrenaline,it’s just that the emotion was different from hostile,and even if a blood sugar increased,and the beating on the heart became fast, the emotion didn’t happen.

Other American physiologist criticized the James–Lange theory with the next five reasons.

1 When getting rid of all the sympathetic nerves 交換神経 from some cats, the change on the body which is controlled by the sympathetic nerves disappears.

For example, a control of movement on a blood vessel in the internal organ vanishes, the adrenal gland doesn’t secrete adrenaline and noradolenaline in the least.

Its liver can’t release the blood sugar in the blood, and the function which restrains the movement on the…

No.407 19/04/18 01:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A body and the lie on feeling. James–Lange theory】

《The James–Lange theory which has been denied recently》

…and the function which restrains the movement on the stomach and intestine vanishes and the cats don’t bristle up at all, but if setting the cats on a dog,they growled,pulled both of the ears backward, bared its teeth,raising its forefeet,and tried to hit the dog with the forefeet.

The cats showed every action when the cats get angry before they received the operation.

2 The same change on the body appeared in different emotions,moreover,the change happened when the emotion didn’t appear.

For example, an anger and fear are different in its inside,but they appear in the form of being pale. It’s caused by shrinkage of capillary vessels 毛細血管 on the face, but when being sick even if the emotion happened,it became pale.

Thus the same change on the body appeared in different emotions,so the change on the body doesn’t always mean the emotion.

3 In general,the internal organ is…

No.408 19/04/18 02:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A body and the lie on feeling. James–Lange theory】

《The James–Lange theory which has been denied nowadays》

In general the internal organ is so insensitive that it is impossible that the internal organ causes violent emotions.

4 Except for the heart, the internal organ is made of smooth muscle and gland. As to the time of responding on the first one,the smooth muscle is within a second, and the slowest one is from 2 to 4 seconds.

Besides as to the secretion of the gland,it’s very slow. The secretion on the gland of the stomach takes no less than 6 minutes. In this way,in general the change on the internal organ is very slow.

Contrary to it,the emotion happens suddenly,so the slow change is impossible.

5 Even if making the change on the internal organ which is peculiar to the emotion happen artificially,the emotion doesn’t seem to happen.

For example,if giving a person an injection of adrenaline, the change on the internal organs which is peculiar to emotion like a fear happens.

No.409 19/04/18 05:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A body and the lie on feeling. James–Lange theory】

《The James and Lange theory which has been denied》

For example, if giving a person an injection of adrenaline,there is a change on the internal organ which is peculiar to strong emotion like the fear,for example the shrinkage for a capillary tube, releasing sugar content from the liver,restraint on the function for the stomach and intestine,and promotion for the function on the heart.

Therefore the heart of a subject beats,and it feels as if its breast was added a pressure,and it feels as it its throat was fastened tightly. When being in worse situation it feels thirsty and chills,and something unpleasant.

However as to its mental situation,it said it felt something terrible,something happy happened, or while feeling something terrible,it can maintain its calmness. It’s so trivial that it's never experienced the emotion like actual fear and sadness a bit,but there are some exceptions for the mental situation.

A real emotion …

No.410 19/04/18 05:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A body and the lie on feeling. James–Lange theory】

《The James–Lange theory which has been denied lately》

A real emotion appeared to a few subjects,and some of them started to cry,for they had a cause,or misfortune which made the subject cry. In short, the Adrenaline is effective for crying to the subjects who feel sad alone.

Thus the James–Lange theory has been denied, but when the internal organ and tissue of blood circulation causes physiological change, a feeling is caused. The emotion generates from the feeling. There has been the theory like that,and its influence is so big that the relation between the body and feeling has been researched.

I’m going to go into a new chapter,a psychology on the lie.


《Actions in the time when being in crisis》

We’ve satisfied with physiological and social desire with a way fitting to the surrounding, and we’ve led our everyday life. When the desire and environment don’t change so much, an adaption is done a by custom.

No.411 19/04/18 20:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《An action in the time when being in crisis》

There haven’t been so many problems in our life, and our life continues mechanically,but the environment around the us changes.

Joining adult society from elementary school,junior high school,high school,to university,having its sweetheart,getting married to someone,and having a child. Each of them is a change on the environment.

When the environment changes greatly,we can’t adapt it with a mechanical way as usual. When a continuation of habit is cut off, and being thrown into a new situation, we need a new action. We call the situation a crisis.

Judging from the way in which the word is used,the word of crisis may have been an exaggeration, but we have faced a new situation many times until now.

The social life is led by pressed against a desire of an individuality more or less,so various frustrations have been born in our life. We have to choose the way of adaption according to the way of changing the environment.

No.412 19/04/18 23:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《An action in the time when being in crisis》

Getting over plenty of crises makes the people advance. A life of a person is a history of getting over the crisis.

By the way, when facing the crisis,how does a person take into action concretely? Roughly speaking,we can classify the action into three. An intellectual action,distorted action,and failed action.

《The limit on an intellectual action》

Needless to say,an intellectual action is winning a new way of acting,and adapting to a new environment. If facing the crisis, we try to overcome the crisis and to solve it, but we the human don’t always taking into action with an intellectual way.

We can’t pressure the environment as we expect,so there is a limit to its rational solution. A desire which we can’t satisfied occupies sometimes our mind for a long time.

The desire is so violent that we find it impossible to hold it and come up with various ideas. The frustration is stopping the energy of desire and the energy …

No.413 19/04/19 00:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The limit on an intellectual action》

The frustration is stopping the energy of desire and the energy of desire becomes high and a tension is caused. The tension isn’t only uncomfortable and painful,but if going on it for a long time,we can’t adapt to the outside world at all,so we’ll fall into a confused situation.

As a result, except for the logical solution, we take into various distorted actions.

《Distorted action》

If picking at an insect with the tip of a pen, the insect pretends to be dead. It’s a reflex 反射 of pretending to be dead, and a kind of distorted actions. In a manner of speaking,telling a lie to itself and adapting to the environment.

A hysterical patient can’t move its body with own will and suffers from various illness and tries to accomplish its goal. Kretschmer thought the hysterical patient was the same as with the insect.

Both the insect and the hysterical patient don’t have any real trouble in its body. It’s just that pretending to be ill.

No.414 19/04/19 00:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A suppression】

《A distorted action》

Even if pretending to be dead,it's done unconsciously,and it has nothing to do with its own will,and its mind functions like that,so a French scholar call it what is called a semi feign sickness.

If the desire which causes the frustration vanishes, it’s all right so as to escape from uncomfortable and painful from the frustration,but it isn’t done.

As a result we’re forced to repress our desire against the bottom of our mind and tries not raise it. We pretend to ourselves that our desire vanishes, it’s the suppression,and a kinds of mimicry 擬態.

《A repressed desire which suddenly becomes clear》

After a German professor on dissection 解剖 finished a lecture on a nostril 鼻腔,it asked students whether or not they understood the lecture. The students answered they did well in unison.

The professor said it’s doubtful and went on like the next.

Millions of people live in this town. The one who understands on the nostril is able to count with only a …

No.415 19/04/20 00:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A suppression】

《A suppressed desire which suddenly becomes clear》

The one who understands on the nostril is able to count with only one finger…no,no, with only five fingers in the large town.

The professor made a mistake in speaking. Was it an accident? Did something make the professor be tongue tied?

Freud interpreted the single finger which came out from the professor included the next meaning. The one who understands on it is only a single person. It’s me.

The feeling that the professor wanted to be modest suppressed his self confidence,but his suppressed feeling became strong in opposition to the force which tried to hold down,and it was realized with the form of making a mistake in speaking.

The suppressed desire put pressure from below,and disturbs the function on conscious mind,or jumping into the mind suddenly.

When making a mistake in speaking,or making a mistake on something,we seem to say we did it carelessly,but being careless doesn’t make us make a mistake.

No.416 19/04/20 00:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A suppression】

《A suppressed desire which suddenly becomes clear》

The suppressed desire suddenly becomes clear until then because of being careless,and we are sometimes forced to make a mistake in speaking and to make a mistake something. For example it’s like the next.

Please sink down a big rubber ball in the water and sit down on the ball. The ball tries to float and to put pressure against you, but you hold down it and don’t mind on the ball at all.

However if being a careless a little,the buoyancy of the ball makes your posture on the ball tilt or makes you float on the water.

《A complicated way of being clear on a desire》

An error done by suppressed desire is tilting its posture or lifting its body automatically. Unexpectedly we the human disclose our real intention.

A Japanese proverb says like the next.

It kept the secret stubbornly while being interrogated,but in an unguarded moment,it let it slip out.

Making a mistake doesn’t limit to the mouth alone.

No.417 19/04/20 03:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A suppression】

《A complicated way of being clear on the desire》

Making mistake doesn’t limit to the mouth alone. Making mistake in writing something,or in doing something with our hands,in addition the way of making mistake is sometimes complicated like the next.

Her young sister wrote to a female that she moved to a newly built house. The elder sister answered in a letter and put it in an envelope, but its address was other one.

The address wasn’t the good one where her younger sister used to live. Then she rented a room.

What her younger sister moved to the newly built house was unpleasant for the elder sister inwardly.

If expressing the desire in which making mistake in writing with some words,it’s the next one.

You used to live in the little house. It’s within your means 分相応.

【A reaction is formed】

《Something sexual unusual》

When asking children,“Do you want a cake?” They answered they don’t even if they want it.
As to grownups,a similar thing happens between sweethearts

No.418 19/04/20 12:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A reaction is formed】

《Something sexual unusual》

When a female who is irritated on an irresolute male is anxious about their future,she frequently says like the next. “We shouldn’t see each other any more.”

To tell the truth,it means that she's wanted to see him more,but her anxiety for the male’s unclear feeling and her agony of being unable to get married makes her express her desire which is an exact opposite to her feeling, so it’s not the lie.

When being unable to decide a thing in the future owing to being something anxious, we bring up denial form and try to recognize other’s attitude.

If someone takes into action like those frequently, we’re forced to have impression on the person who is self centered and who can’t understand any theory.

It has an influence over its sexual reaction so much that the female denies its feminine characteristic and the man denies its masculine characteristic, and they go to destructive sexual action like gay,sadism,or masochism.

No.419 19/04/20 14:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A reaction is formed】

《Friendly feeling and unfriendly feeling》

A psychologist was invited to the home of its acquaintance. The psychologist,the husband and the wife of acquaintance were reading a book silently,then the wife broke the silence suddenly and said.

“Who is the author on Paradise Lost? 失楽園 Is it Dante?” The husband said,“It’s not Dante ,but Milton.” They started to read again and the husband went out. She said she had been ill recently and asked its reason.

She continued and appealed. When looking at a young male who had blonde she felt hatred for him and couldn’t get rid of the hatred,though she didn’t why. The husband had some friends who had a blond,and when looking at them,she couldn’t stand them.

It doesn’t always mean that they had impolite manner for her,but she couldn’t remove the hatred from them.

The psychologist told her to concentrate on the ones who had a blond and to tell him what occurred to her.

At first the wife told the one who had a blonde.

No.420 19/04/20 15:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A reaction is formed】

《A friendly feeling and unfriendly feeling》

The psychologist also knew the one who had a blond,and the wife told him other ones who had a blond a little. For a while she was silent but she suddenly stated to laugh and blushed. She said she remember another one.

The psychologist asked her,doesn’t she feel any hatred for another one? She said the guess of the psychologist was right and told him her confidential talk.

Another one who had a blond occurred to her mind was her second cousin. He was very handsome,and when she was 16,she was charmed by him strongly.but he was her blood relative,and he was ten years older than her.

She couldn’t get married to him,and pressed down her feeling,and made effort not to remember her second cousin again,but her feeling didn’t vanish,and remained below her consciousness strongly.

When getting married to her husband,she tore all the photographs of all the males who remained deeply in her mind, but she happened to forget…

No.421 19/04/20 16:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A reaction is formed】

《A friendly feeling and an unfriendly feeling》

…but she happened to forget tearing up the photographs of her second cousin.

The hatred for the male who had a blond was reaction which the suppressed love for the second cousin became clear in her mind. The reaction was formed in her mind.

When looking at a male who had a blond,the wife remember her second cousin,and if remembering him,her love for him caused.

She had to avoid it and she felt hatred for the male who had a blond and tried to keep the males who had a blond at a distance as much as possible.

She forgot the name of the author who wrote Paradise Lost,and it was her expression of trying to forget the name of her second cousin,for his name was also Milton.

《Various shapes on reaction》

When the desire is strong, even if receiving a suppression,there is a fear that the desire resists against the suppression and it becomes clear in the mind.

Trying to put a lid on something unavoidable,it’s not…

No.422 19/04/20 16:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A reaction is formed】

《Various shapes on reaction》

Trying to put a lid on something unavoidable alone isn’t enough,so we have to put something heavy on the lid.

When a heavy smoker who loved the tobacco had to decrease the amount of smoking,taking the plunge and stopping smoking altogether is sometimes easier than decreasing the amount of smoking.

Going to lots of people and explaining the harm on smoking tobacco to them and recommends they stop smoking is by far easier, for it shuts up the desire of smoking tobacco with a double or a triple layer.

As to the tobacco,it isn’t always suppressed under the consciousness,but some people take into extreme opposite action against an unconscious desire with familiar ways and have some feelings. It’s the reaction from the desire. It’s also a kind of lie.

The one who is stingy and self centered becomes a very generous philanthropist 慈善家 so as to prevent his tendency from being clear.

No.423 19/04/20 17:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A reaction for a desire is formed】

《Various shapes on the reaction》

The one who loves something cruel becomes the one who protects animals,and makes a fuss on even killing an insect.

A mother who has a hatred for its child suppressed her desire and loves her child blindly more than being necessary,

Those actions are forms of the reaction against the desire for wanting take into anti societal action.

The suppression is releasing a feeling and a desire from the consciousness,so it’s just a temporary solution. The energy of desire which was suppressed accumulates unconsciously.

If the suppression alone is accumulated our mind becomes a thing like a boiler which is added much pressure. Energy gushes out every place and there is fear that various disorder happens.

As a result we need a function for mind to release the suppressed energy for the desire from under the unconsciousness with any way as if it were a safety valve.

No.424 19/04/21 08:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A single way of seeing. Identifying】

《Projection and assimilation》

We have someone who we have respect for or someone who we are intimate. We assimilate their attitude and feeling unconsciously,it’s an assimilation, and look at the same one with our attitudes in others,It’s a projection.

A boy assimilates an attitude and feeling from his father and a girl from her mother in their family and two of children form its character.

It is said that even in a group of grownups, its members’ attitude and feeling resemble the leader of the group who the members have respect for automatically.

Identifying is formed in a feudal human relation like the next.

Even if itself is unhappy objectively,if other who it identifies is happy,it's also glad subjectively.

If you are happy,I’m satisfied with it. If a lord has a honor,the lord’s retinue 家来 has.

We can see a phenomenon of identifying in those remarks.

《A secret in being in one body and mind》

There is a couple who is hapay and…

No.425 19/04/21 08:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A single way of seeing. Identifying】

《A secret being in one body and mind》

There is a couple who is happy and peaceful. There has never been any discord between them. There isn’t any secret between them with regard to their bodies and minds.

Theit relation is transparent for them. If the husband is insulted,his wife feels as if she were done. If he promotes,she thinks as if she did.

On the other hand,if something unfortunate happens to his wife, the husband finds it very sad. It’s being in one body and mind.

A scholar said like the next.

My father,mother,wife,and children are parts of my body. When one of them die,I feel as if a part of myself lost. If one of them commit a crime,it’ll be shameful for us,and if one of them is insulted,our anger will explode as if we were there.

It means that its family member like the father,mother,wife and children are parts of its self.

The author said like the next.

I have a friend. He said his wife is his right hand and his children are…

No.426 19/04/21 09:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A single way of seeing. Identifying】

《A secret being in one body and mind》

He said his wife is his right hand and his children are his both legs.

There is an old couple as if they were friends who have always tea together,what is called 茶飲み友達 in Japanese. If one of them died,the other did as if the other had followed the one. We’d frequently seen or heard the story. It’s one of example for being in one body and mind.

To be frank with you, I have nothing to do with it. I’m not sure whether or not it’s lucky for me.

《A theory of a human resembles an onion.》

A scholar adopted a way of showing an illustration so as to understand well the relation between the couple. The human is made of three layers,according to his illustration.

There is a dividing line between each layer. The scholar called each of them outside layer,the center one and the deepest one.

In short,the scholar thought the human resembled an onion.

When talking with a stranger, we’re careful of the person,and …

No.427 19/04/21 10:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A single way of seeing】

《A theory that a human resembles an onion.》

When talking with a stranger,we’re careful of the person and tries not to let it see our deepest mind. If expressing it with the theory of onion,we talk with the outside of the onion,and shutting the dividing line tightly,and tries not to enter the stranger.

However,if It’s our close friend,we can trust it,and let us see our mind to some extent,and the close friend does. Then the first dividing line is opened and we talk with the close friend with the deep spot in the first layer or the second dividing line.Our close friend does like that.

As to the relation of a couple,they open all the dividing line and reached the center in the deepest room. All the dividing lines remain open,so they can pass through each other at will.

There isn’t any secret between them and it’s transparent it the onion and they don’t feel hesitant,nor constraint in the least there.

Why did the scholar divided the onion into three?

No.428 19/04/21 12:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A single way of seeing】

《A theory that a human resembles an onion》

If thinking of the human’s center as a self,the deepest layer is the self,so we can understand the theory that its wife is the part of its self. Its deepest layer is mixed with the one of its wife.

However when it didn’t know its wife, its wife wasn’t the part of the self,so we should say the wife was included in its self.

An essence on the love of a couple is other is included by its self. The love for parents, for school,for homeland,for nation,and for learning,we can understand after all they are included in our mind.

If someone insults my parents,my school which I was from,my homeland,and my learning which I majored in, I feel as if they were insulted for me. Identifying is like that,the author said like that.

《An Oedipus complex》

It’s an episode on a sixteen year old boy.

After his mother was dead,his uncle and aunt brought up him. He often ran away from the home,and wandered around the town.

No.429 19/04/21 12:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A single way of seeing】

《An Oedipus complex》

It took several months to analyze him,and the analysis was like the next.

His father was a factory worker who was a probationer 見習い,and was dead. At nigh he was sleeping between his parents until his father died.

He had five sisters,but four of them were dead when he was young,and the only one married.

His mother loved her only single son very much and the boy also loved her,and helped the housekeeping. They lead their lives happily. Then he used to sleep on a bed which his father used.

However his mother was suddenly dead because she was sandwiched between the machine in the factory

When listened to the his mother’s merciless death,he fainted away. After that he changed his job one after another. He quit his jobs within 6 months.

He was depressed every day,and wasn’t eager to work. When working,his work was so slow that he was useless. He was worried about forgetfulness so much.

He remembered the anniversary of his father,but…

No.430 19/04/23 02:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A single way of seeing】

《An Oedipus complex》

He remembered the anniversary of his father’s death,but he can’t do his mother’s easily. We can imagine easily that he was shocked at her mother’s death so much. He suffered a trauma,but it wasn’t enough explanation.

The boy loved his mother so much that the problem was caused,the author said like that. After his father’s death,he slept in his father’s bed and pretended as if he had been his father.

The boy identified himself with his father,so when his mother was dead he was shocked so much as if he had felt something more important than her mother lost.

When Freud analyzed Da Vinci,he found Da Vinci had an extreme affection for his mother,and when he was brought up by his stepmother,his deep attachment for his mother moved to his stepmother.

He had unconscious desire of trying to get over his Oedipus complex,and it caused mysterious smile on the painting of the Mona Lisa.

No.431 19/04/23 03:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Returning to a child. Regression】

《An emotional dependence in a love between a male and a female》

An American psychologist said when being in frustration, we become offensive. The frustration is said a principle on attack.

The stronger the degree for the desire is,or the bigger an obstruction is,our offensive tendency become conspicuous.

When some reasons prevent us from attacking,we aim our anger at a third party. We take out our anger at others. What is called 八つ当たり.In short, we give vent to our anger by offensive reaction.

However,the outcome of the frustration doesn’t always lead to the offfensive response to the outside,and when facing something hard,we sometimes give up it. In a word we become childlike. I’m going to show you its example.

When loving with the opposite sex,the phenomenon appears. When trusting the opposite sex enough and being able to depend on each other enough,the childlike behaviors appear between them.

The third party thinks they behave like a baby.

No.432 19/04/23 20:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Returning to a child. Regression】

《An emotional dependence in a love between a male and a female》

They call it a regression.

When loving an opposite sex,we entrust our mind to the opposite sex,so various things of self–centeredness,childlike way of speaking,an emotional dependence,a complaint,an irresponsible play which is childlike,enraging something appear.

Two people come in contact each other psychologically to some extent,and their expectation that they’ll reach a new situation rises through each character. Needless to say an anxiety for the new situation is accompanied then.

A regression happens against the anxiety,and it’s the shape of a kind of adaption when two of them try to form something.

《A way of escaping from a marriage which we hate》

As to a puerility 小児性 on hysteria,its all characters regress to the stage of puerility,and a childlike behavior appears.

Kretschmer said the hysteria is an accidental discharge of a motion or a reflex of death mimicry.

No.433 19/04/23 21:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Returning to a child】

《A way of escaping from a marriage which we hate》

When an animal feels something dangerous for itself,it runs amok though it doesn’t fix any aim of escaping from the place. Or it can’t move at all as if it were dead.

Kretschmer said in his book of which title is reflex of hysteria and an instinct. When a girl is forced to get married to someone who she hates,there are two ways of escaping from the marriage.

She draws up various plans,resists against the marriage,runs away from the person who tries to get marry to her,or take into action which makes someone who tries to get marry to her hate on purpose. This is the first way.

As to the second way,she resorts to force like the next.

She suddenly faints and is convulsed 痙攣,falls down,does spasmodic action,losing its self –control. Thus she can escape from her suitor 求婚者 who she hates.

In addition Kretschmer adopts an example of two soldiers. They didn’t fit an experience of very terrible war at all.

No.434 19/04/23 21:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Returning to a child. Regression】

《A way of escaping from a marriage which we hate》

The one investigates its enemy and its supporter in the forces,and appealed to his senior officer who was favorable to him. Without going to the front in the battlefield,he was engaged in the service at the rear in the base.

On the other hand the other couldn’t utilize its resource 才覚 as well as the one.

One day after being attacked from the enemy fiercely,he was discovered in a trench. Then he was running in a trance in the trench. After that his whole body was convulsed,and he was sent to a hospital.

He was also forced to be engaged in the service at the rear in the base.

When facing something difficult, the one solves the problem with the hysteric response,and the other thinks it escapes from the place with a reasonable way for a while.

《An accidental discharge of a motion》

Kretschmer said the latter is the phenomenon of regression which is original for a hysteric character.

No.435 19/04/23 22:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Returning to a child. Regression】

《An emotional discharge of a motion》

If classifying the latter more minutely,it turns out that the emotional discharge of a motion resembles actions when animals,children,or the human are exposed on something terrible. It resembles in regard to the next ways.

1 The emotional discharge is a defensive instinctive response against the outside stimulus.

2 It’s an overproduction which is an aimless motion.

3 Without being thought,it happens from a strained stiation of feeling which makes us urge for something as long as we think of it as physical phenomenon.

4 After being thought enough,the motion doesn’t begin. A strong desire vaguely which it wants run away from something which obstructs it.

5 As to the emotional discharge,animal is also same as a patient of hysteric syndrome. When getting rid of an obstruction,it’s effective.

6 The emotional discharge of the motion is a kind of adjustment which has a biological purposefulness.

No.436 19/04/23 23:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Returning to a child. Regression】

《Reflex of death mimicry》

There is a Japanese expression,蛇に睨まれたカエル. The phrase expresses a reflex of death mimicry. Being the situation as if it were dead often becomes defensive.

The same thing happens in the hysteric syndrome,and its body can’t move and it escapes from the crisis like the flight to a sickness.

As to the hysteric syndrome,it’s bewilderment in all its aspects,hysteric hearing and speaking disabilities,hysteric speech disorder,hysteric disorder on sensation,for example,hysterical amaurosis 黒内症,and the disorder for emotions. The amaurosis is a kind of disorder for eyesight.

All of them are regressions. Thus a defensive mechanism works so as to protect its self.

《The defensive structure》

What kinds of condition make us work the defensive structure?

All the actions are done unconsciously. All the actions are caused so as to guard its self. The defensive structure starts from the flight and there are varied phenomena on the flight

No.437 19/04/24 00:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Returning to a child. Regression】

《The defensive structure》

The phenomena which starts from the flight of defensive structure are various and are related to each other. In short,the regression is a kind of flight. Being childish sometimes escapes from the reality.

Rationalization is also the flight in a sense. Without facing the reality which is filled with agony,we replace the reality for a beautiful philosophic theory and tries to save our selves which is easily hurt. Moreover,those things are done unconsciously.

Those defensive structures appear both on a healthy person and the one who suffers from a mental disorder equally. If the structure makes the one disadvantage or cause something painful for the one,and it’s harmful in the society, the specialists call it a neurosis as morbid adaption.

Then the specialists think the hysteria is included in the neurosis. The concept on the neurosis has had a great influence over the medical world. The defensive structure plays an …

No.438 19/04/24 02:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Adding a theory to our movements. A rationalization】

《A lie of the rationalization》

Considering the concept on characters,the defensive structure plays an important role in the clinical psychology.

Having a hatred or hostility for others rashly isn’t good at all,so those feelings are erased from the mind,but we frequently think others have the hatred or hostility for us.

“It doesn’t always mean I hate him,but it seems that he does me. He turns on me in everything. I can’t stand him.”

Thus we sometimes show our suppressed desire and feeling to others and find those emotional movements in others’ character. We call it a projection.

A stepmother sometimes feels its stepchild hates her. The conservative party reflects the hostility to the progressive party and thinks as if the progressive party might to start a revolution against the government any moment.

When those hatred and hostility are projected,the other has hostility for me,so we’re forced to resort a lawful self–defense.

No.439 19/04/28 02:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Adding a theory to our movement. A rationalization】

《A lie of rationalization》

So we find an excuse for our hostility inside our mind. Adopting other reason which is different from a true cause in the unconsciousness,and explaining its own behaviors to itself is rationalization or justification.

Even if failing to do something because of being lacking of ability,the rationalization or justification make us think an obstruction from others or personal reasons prevent us from doing it.

Then we can satisfy our demands that we don’t want to admit our faults.

There used to be a student who was absorbed in a student movement. It said the graduation certificate of university was a passport to the society of the bourgeoisie,and stayed up all night making a poster for it. It’s an example for the rationalization or justification.

As to the difficulty of the work,if comparing it with the study,which is harder? It isn’t unclear,but it was true that the student gave up its study and…

No.440 19/04/28 02:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Adding a theory to our movement. A rationalization】

《A mimicry for itself》

…but it was true that the student gave up its study and rationalized its way.

However the rationalization isn’t making an excuse on purpose and not telling a lie. It isn’t trying to cheat others. The one who rationalizes thinks it's true. In short it tells a lie unconsciously. The rationalization is mimicry to itself.

We the human tend to add a theory to what we’ve done. There are plausible reasons to almost all of our behaviors,but the reasons to the behaviors are frequently different from the true reasons which are our desire or feeling to our behaviors.

For example,there are two people,Mr. A and Mr. B. When they talked together for a while,Mr. A thought how disgusting Mr. B was,but it’s just that Mr. B said it was fine weather. Mr. A also thought it was unreasonable. He found it was strange a little,but he thought like the next.

I hate the one who says an empty compliment. I have to be alert to him.

No.441 19/04/29 07:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Adding a theory to our movements. Rationalization】

《The child is father to the man 三つ子の魂百まで》

On the other hand,Mr. B didn’t seem that we have to be alert. Far from it. He was good natured man,and had a pleasing looking,but Mr.A stuck to his opinion. There was a reason for his opinion.

Mr.B was squint–eyed a little and his intonation of speaking had a characteristic. When Mr. A was a child,he had an uncle who was squint–eyed and his intonation of speaking had the characteristic.

His uncle always teased and made fun of Mr.A so much that he hated his uncle terrribly. It was about two decades ago,so Mr.A had forgotten his uncle altogether.

The squint eye and the intonation of speaking on Mr.B caused a hatred to Mr.A,so he thought Mr.B was disgusting. If being aware of it,Mr.A would recognize that Mr.B resembled his uncle with regard to the eyes and voices,and his hatred would vanish.

However Mr.A can’t be conscious of it,and he had to add his feeling of hatred to his theory.

No.442 19/04/29 08:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Adding a theory to our movements. Rationalization】

《Even if sleeping,our movements are rationalized》

As a result,Mr.B became the one who always said an empty compliments.

Even if being unable to aware of a true cause,we the human try to add some reason to our movements. It’s shown clearly in an experiment of hypnotism.

The one who was hypnotized became weak on function of its consciousness,so it received the suggestion of hypnotism easily.

If being said something was a butterfly,it would run after it even if it was a handkerchief. If being said something was a tasty beef steak,it would bite into it even if it’s the sole of a shoe.

When being brought out of the hypnotic trance,it remembered nothing. Of after being hypnotized we can give it a suggestion like the next.

After brought our of the hypnotic trance,I’ll talk with you. After that I’ll blow my nose. Then you stand up and open the window.

When being brought out of the hypnotic trance,they talked for a while and …

No.443 19/04/29 08:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Adding a theory to our movements. Rationalization】

《Even if sleeping,our movements are rationalized》

…and the one took out his handkerchief and blew his nose with it. Then the other was suddenly restless and stood up. It opened the window.

The one asked the other,“What’s matter with you?” The other answered. “I opened the window,for it’s humid.” It thought from the bottom of the heart.

By the way,I’ve finished expressing the book,うその心理学. I’m going to put a great deal of effort into reading English books from now on, for whenever going to a bookstore,I ended up buying books which look interesting,and there are lots of books to read.

I’m going to express myself in English here,the bulletin board called ミクル at least two times a week,maybe…

Heisei is about to be over. After two days,we’re in Reina. It means I’ve been from Showa to Reina. I’ll have been in the three times,I’m wondering. This time my day off is ten days.

No.444 19/05/04 09:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I’m going to express in English,being based on a book,そうだったのか!現代史 written by 池上彰.

The author said others have often asked him some questions like the next.“There was the Berlin Wall in a border between the Western Germany and the Eastern Germany,wasn’t it?” Or “Why haven’t Taiwan and China got along with each other?”

As to the second question,a newcomer asked its senior in a newspaper comapny,but the senior couldn’t make a comment on it,for the senior was shocked at it.

On the other hand the newcomer wasn’t worried about it,for it might say,it can’t be helped,for I’ve never learned it in school.

It seems that there is few chances that they learn the modern history in high school. Without having knowledge on the modern history,lots of students enter university so much that the department of economy in the university didn’t know what to do.

So the department make questions on modern history for its entrance exam and tries to make students learn the modern history.

No.445 19/05/04 10:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


The ones who have little knowledge on the modern history have increased so much that it becomes a problem,but it doesn’t always limited to the students alone. It's the same in the general society.

The difference on the common knowledge which each of us has causes a generation gap when being a working member of society.

We’ve heard various news and varied events have happened every day,and we need to learn the history a little before so as to understand the various news or varied events.

If dating back to the history,we can see clearly the background of various movement in the modern society.

While there are plenty of books on the world history which have described the Roman Empire or Byzantine culture in detail.there are few books which do the modern history after the Great War Ⅱ. So the author wrote the book.

As to the two questions,I can’t say clearly why they are,though I hate to say it.

First chapter, the Gulf War broke out after the Cold War was over.

No.446 19/05/04 10:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gulf War broke out after the Cold War was over.】

《It started from a relay broadcast on TV.》

CNN TV station in the U.S.A.told that bombing to Baghdad had started from the actual place where the war broke out with a live relay broadcast in 1991. A reporter in the actual place told its headquatarter of the CNN TV station in Atlanta.

It was an accident of unprecedented thing that reporting the outbreak of the war from the center of the enemy country with the live relay broadcast.

A scene that lines of light on anticraft artillery fire crossed over the night sky was broadcast on the screen on TV. The Gulf War started with the relay broadcast on TV.

《An invasion by Iraqi army.》

Iraqi large military unit of tank went beyond its border and invaded Kuwait in 1990. The large military unit which had no less than about one hundred thousand soldiers gained control of the Kuwait Cith which is the capital of Kuwait when six hours passed,and occupied the whole Kuwait at once.

No.447 19/05/04 19:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gulf War started after the Cold War was over】

《An invasion by Iraqi army》

Kuwaiti army also fought back partly,but its war potential was different from the Iraqi one so much that it couldn’t be match the Iraqi force. Without being at war with the Iraqi force,the Kuwaiti Air Force ran away to its neighbor country,Saudi Arabia.

While the Kuwait is a small country of which population is about no more than 1.8 million,it’s a rich country which is blessed with petroleum resource. Its Cabinet minister and royal family built a government in exile in Saudi Arabia.

After that Kuwait was annexed to Iraqi,and Iraqi announced that Kuwait became the part of its territory.

《Iraqi insistence》

Why did Iraq made up its mind and invade Kuwait?

In fact Iraq went on insisting that Kuwait was its territory before the Gulf War broke out. Both of the place where Iraq and Kuwait are belonged to the Ottoman Turk in the 19th century,but England advanced there,then the situation has changed.

No.448 19/05/05 11:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gulf War started after the Cold War was over】

《An Iraqi insistence》

England made an arrangement with Ottoman Turk in 1913,and separated Kuwait from Ottoman Turk and Kuwait became its colony.

After that the Great World War Ⅰ broke out in 1914,then England defeated Ottoman Turk and a part of Ottoman Turkish territory became an English territory. The place which was the part of Ottoman Turkish territory was the present Iraq.

After that both Iraq and Kuwait were independent from England separately. Two of them were separated,but Iraq didn’t oppose to it at all then,but before long it changed its assertion. Iraq learned to insist that Kuwait was its territory.

A President in Iraq insisted that the whole Iraq used to be the part of its territory in 1961,moreover Kuwait is a country which England made up as it pleased.

On the other hand England allowed Kuwait be independent from England in that year. In this way the two independent countries are formed.

《Saddam Hussein appeared》

No.449 19/05/05 12:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gulf War broke out after the Cold War was over】

《Saddam Hussein appeared》

Saddam Hussein took office as President in Iraq in 1979,and it made the military balance in the Middle East change. Hussein had an ambition of wanting Iraq to be a gigantic empire like the Neo Babylonia which used to be in the place in ancient time.

He attacked neighbor country Iran in the next year,so the war between Iraq and Iran brought about then. The Iranian revolution was caused in 1979,so Iran was confused,so Hussein thought it was a good chance to attack the country.

Without giving any decisive damage each other,the war was prolonged. It was so long that lots of people seemed to be irritated,so we the Japanese called the war イライラ戦争. Both of the countries were exhausted from the war and it was over in 1988.

While each Arabian country in the Middle East is Arabian nation,there are lots of Persian nation in Iran. Iraq was self confident that it protected the Arabian nation from the Persian ones.

No.450 19/05/05 12:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gulf War broke out after the Cold War was over】

《Saddam Hussein appeared》

Iraq had fought for the Arabian race,but other Arabian people didn’t have enough support for Iraq,Hussein was dissatisfied with the Arabian race like that,especially rich Kuwait which was its neighbor country didn’t back up enough,he was dissatisfied with the country so much.

Iraq has few lands which faced the Persian Gulf,so it couldn’t make use of the Gulf which was useful for using ships.

If Kuwait becomes Iraqi territory,Iraq can’t only take advantage of all the harbor facilities in Kuwait,but the Persian Gulf as it pleased,besides there is plentiful petroleum resource in Kuwait.

Iraq was exhausted owing to the war against Iran,so the petroleum resource was attractive for the country. If Kuwait became its territory,Iraq could pay back vast debt of $90 billion which was caused by the long war between Iran.

Hussein’s selfish thought like that led to the invasion on Kuwait.




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