
Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/01/22 11:54(更新日時)

I’m going to start a new thread from now on. Whenever starting,I find it complicated to think of the title on the thread. Even if what kinds of title,it doesn’t matter for me,for it’s just that it’s in English.

I’ve put effort into expressing on America,being based on the book,アメリカ50州を読む,written by 浅井信雄,I’ve wanted to finish it as soon as possible,for there are lots of things which I’ve wanted to do on the English,lots of books to read,and plenty of things to express in English.

After finishing expressing on America,I’m going to read some books. It takes me a lot of time to finish reading them,so I’m afraid I can’t come here so often,at most twice a week.

When reading finishing them,I’m going to return,though no one may wait for me.

To my sorrow,my health has been failing as a result of being an old age. I’ve suffered from gout,to make matters worse,fluid has accumulated on my right knee,and I have a pain in my right knee,especially when going down the stairs. I may disappear suddenly one day.

18/10/08 21:38 追記
I’ve expressed on America mainly at present. When finishing it,I’m going to devote myself to read a book,but I’ll make it a rule to come here to express myself in English at least twice a week.

20/01/22 11:54 追記
As to reading science book,it used to be limited to express myself in English,but I've wanted to read it recently somehow.,

No.2711512 18/09/17 04:36(スレ作成日時)



No.101 18/10/08 14:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Carolina】

《The culture of the southern noble which they grew,making contact with England》

The Japanese–American joint company said it chose the place why there isn’t any labor union there.

In addition,Spartanburg is appointed as special area for trading to foreign countries. They foresees the limit to traditional industry like the textile industry,so it seems that they take the special measure so as to find a means of survival for invitation on companies of foreign countries.

There is a mountainous district in the west of the state,and Piedmont tableland spread over eastward,and it connects with the plain of eastern coast. Its geographical feature resembles North Carolina. Industry started in inland,and agriculture started in the coastal area.

At first the Spanish arrived there in the beginning in the 16th century,then the French,but both of them failed to control there for long. The English built a colony around Charleston for the first time in 1670.

No.102 18/10/08 15:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Carolina】

《The culture of the southern noble which they grew,making contact with England》

A rice which was grown in Madagascar was brought into the state in 1671,and the cultivation for rice started. South Carolina which becomes the main rice–product district in America,and it is natural for the state to have its nickname,the state of rice.

The spirit of soldier remains there since the Civil War,William Westmoreland who was a commander for military force which were sent to Vietnam was from South Carolina.

An emigrant from Germany and became a professor at the university of South Carolina was Francis River,and he editted a military law of compendium 体系 for the first time in the world.

Robert Mills who was an architecture was from the state. He was in charge of designing Washington monument which stands in the middle of Washington D.C.

【The state of South Dakota】

《The Native Indian of Sioux who was etched in history》

The more they advance,the less they come…

No.103 18/10/08 16:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Dakota】

《Native Indian of Sioux which was etched in history》

Even if they advance more and mor, they don’t come across anyone,for its population density is thin there,but it is said it’s a charm for the state. The population of the state is about six hundred ninety thousand.

It is said that some important parts of the state’s history were etched by the Native Indian of Sioux. A festival is held in a town called Sioux Falls which is eastern of the state. Ethnic culture on the Native Indian of Sioux is presented and they recognize it again in the festival.

The history of human being residence in the state dates back twenty five thousad years ago. The Native Indians of Sioux who came from Minnesota drove away aboriginal people for a decade in 1820s.

They repeated contention with the white of European ancestry,and they have been the power which forms politics and society in the state until now.

It was 1868 when the west to the Missouri River is a settlement for…

No.104 18/10/08 18:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Dakota】

《Native Indian of Sioux which was etched in history》

It was 1868 when the west to the Missouri River was a settlement for the Native Indians of Sioux,but a gold mine was found in black hills in the settlement in 1874,the seventh cavalry division 騎兵隊 tried to expel the Native Indians,so the war of Sioux brought about.The seventh cavalry division was destroyed completely at the end of the fierce battle in 1876.

After 100 years,a movie on the fight in South Dakota was produced,but some people criticized that the Native Indians of Sioux was so spiritless in the movie that it’s different from the one which is real.

Wounded knee area in other settlement for other Native Indians was the stage for tragedy and resistance. In the strategy of the process that they slaughtered the Native Indians,a white general said like that. Good Native Indians were the dead ones. Actual place for the massacre was the Wounded knee.

A group of the Native Indians of Sioux who…

No.105 18/10/08 19:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Dakota】

《Native Indian of Sioux who was etched in history》

A group of the Native Indian of Sioux who spent the night in the open was attacked indiscriminately by machine gun,and there were victims of no less than about 150 people including both women and children in 1890. That accident caused to cool off the persecution for the Native Indians gradually.

About a half century went by,after the World War Ⅱ,in 1946,a group in which right for the Native Indians revival was formed. When the fight on the right for the Native Indians raised,Wounded knee was the symbolic foothold for the movement. They called the fight Red Power.

A core of the organization,American Indian Movement rose up in arms,resisting against suppression from the federal government,it declared that the nation of Sioux was independent from the U.S.A. in 1973. It occupied for 71 days and was suppressed.

A youth who joined the uprising when he was twenty six said like that.“Then I took back my long…”

No.106 18/10/08 19:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Dakota】

《Native Indians of Sioux who was etched in history》

…“Then I took back both my long hair and my pride. We aren’t the American,but the Native Indian.”

In the previous year of 1890 when the last war of Sioux broke out,South Dakota joined the United States as independent state,but there were five settlements west to the Missouri River,four settlements east to the Missouri River then.

As a result,the power of the state was divided into three. The one was the authority in the state,and the other was the leader of the Native Indians,and another was the one who controlled the Native Indians in the federal government. It’s often made the administration in the state inefficient at present.

The gold was discovered in the black hills,before long the federal government confiscated the district in 1877. After a hundred years,in 1980,the Supreme Court ordered the federal government to pay compensation payment for $a hundred million.

However,the American Indian…

No.107 18/10/08 20:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Dakota】

《Native Indian of Sioux who is etched in history》

However the American Indian Movement made a counterback. It said,“We don’t need any money a bit. Return our lands to us!” The battle between the Native Indians and America has still dragged on.

Political climate is close to the Republican Party. Liberal statesman,George McGovern who was from the state opposed the Vietnam War strongly,and created sensation among the people as candidate for President from the Democratic Party,but the majority in the state didn’t support him,instead of him,they helped be elected Richard Nixon who was from Republican Party.

McGovern ran for the Upper House in 1984,but the state made him lose in the election. It was in 1964 alone when the Democratic Party won the election. Then the state made Johnson won for avenge battle on Kennedy.

An influential man who was from South Dakota in the central political world was Hubert Humphrey who became the Vice President under the Johnson…

No.108 18/10/08 21:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Dakota】

《Native Indians of Sioux who is etched in history》

An influential man who was from the state in the central political world was Hubert Humphrey who became the Vice President under the Johnson Government from the Senator for 16 years.

The first Native Indian who was elected the member in the federal council was ベンジャミン レイフェル. I want to express it in alphabet,but I’m not sure of its spelling. Too bad. His father was German ancestry,and his mother was Native Indian. He served as administrator on the Native Indians in the federal government.

The Native Indian of Sioux was featured each document in the U.S.A. as the prominent,and it’s suitable for the state,for without expressing on the Native Indians,none of them can say the history on the state.

It was a crazy horse who guided the army of the Native Indian to the victory. The one who led them to the victory was popularly known as the nickname by the white,but the nickname seems to be unforgettable for the…

No.109 18/10/09 23:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Dakota】

《Native Indians of Sioux who is etched in history》

…but the nickname seems to be unforgettable for the white,so the crazy horse has been used for a name of night club each place in the U.S.A. A town which was in the southern west in the state was named Custer for the Custer General,a stone statue of the Crazy Horse has been craved in the mountain of suburb. The height of the statue is no less than 172 meters.

There was one more leader for the Native Indians. He was Sitting Bull. He is a hero for the Native Indians,on the other hand,he was a devil for the white. Both Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull were killed by the white.

Calamity Jane who was expressed in a movie of Johnny Guitar was a heroic woman. If translating the name word for word,she is Jane who causes a disaster. She was born in Missouri,and rode about a field of which center was South Dakota. Then she was in male attire 男装.

The author of Little House on the Prairie,Laura Wilder,seemed to …

No.110 18/10/10 00:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of South Dakota】

《Native Indian of Sioux who is etched in history.》

The author of Little House on the Prairie,Laura Wilder,seemed to make use of her experience in which she lived in De Smet in her works. Her house remains there at present.

The most splendid tourist attraction is four huge faces of Washington,Jefferson,Lincoln,and T Roosevelt which was carved in the rock of which height is 18 meter at the Mount Rushmore in Black Hills. The author said it’s 総本山 for democracy,but to my sorrow,it doesn’t occur to me an appropriate word at all.The place was used for the stage of a movie of Hitchcock,North by Northwest.

There is a branch of Thoshiba at Pierre of the capital in the state. When called to account for the accident of violation on CoCom,a pressure of closing the branch was put from the federal government at the end of 1980s,but except for Toshiba,there was such few foreign companies that the company escaped the close,for the local …

No.111 18/10/10 01:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of South Dakota】

《Native Indians of Sioux who is etched in history》

…for the local political world petitioned. A tour of the factory was done freely until then,but after the accident,a guardman watched the company,and going in and out from the company has been watched severely.

What is the accident of violation on CoCom? Japan exported a machine tool to the Communist bloc in 1987. It made the scientific thechnique on a submarine of the Soviet Union develop,and it gave America a potential risk,and it developed into a political problem between America and Japan. An associated company of Toshiba was related to the accident.

An animal which is well–known in the state is a coyote and Jack Rabbit. Coyote which is appointed the animal in the state barks at night,looking up at the night sky. Its bark is low and long,and made the people sad.

Mark Twain said it's the symbol for being lacking,and is looked down on by the meanest. Jack Rabbit is the big one of which tail is white.

No.112 18/10/10 22:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of South Dakota】

《Native Indian of Sioux who is etched in history》

There isn’t any strong team on sports in the state,but physical education society in universities use the coyote and Jackrabbitt as nickname for the teams.

【State of Tennessee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long and narrow for east and west.》

Tennessee is almost the same latitude as the Kanto region in Japan. Tennessee Walt’s has been appointed as the song for the state. Albert Gore who was Vice President under the Clinton government was from Tennessee.

When Clinton became a candidate for the President and Gore the Vice President,the Republican Party spoke ill of them. “They are a pair who are from the state which is the poor and rural”

As to annual income a person,Arkansas from which Clinton is in the 49th place,Tennessee which is next to Arkansas is in the 36th place. Both of the states aren’t very impressive.

Gore’s father served three terms as Senator,and the father’s fame…

No.113 18/10/11 01:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Tennessee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long and narrow east and west》

…and the father’s fame helped his son to be elected a Senator in 1976 when he was young,Gore tackled an environmental problem like an alternative energy source and harmful waste of chemical products vigorously,and he was paid attention as a candidate for the President in the future.

The Clinton Government was influenced by Gore,and it started to pursue for both activity of comapny and environment.

Gore was from a little country town which was at the center of Tennessee. Tennessee is the state which expands horizontally long from the Appalachian Mountains at the end of the west to Mississippi River over 700 km,and Tennessee is the region of eastern,central,and western,and it shows us three different colors of geographical features and characters.

The Democratic Party is strong in the central area where Gore was from,and it used to be a growing area of tobacco,but it's put…

No.114 18/10/11 02:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Tennessee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long,narrow,east and west.》

…but the area has put more effort into an industry which doesn’t cause an environmental pollution recently,and it is suitable for the place where Gore was from.

Nashville which is the center of the central part in the state is also the center of commerce,industry,education,and
finance.The seventh President Andrew Jackson was born in South Carolina and moved to Tennessee when he was young. His mansion has been preserved as important historic heritage. It’s also the center of country music.

In 1980s,an automobile company of Nissan advanced in a little town on the suburb of the central area,and introduced an assembling operation by robot technique,and was paid attention then.

Republican Party is strong in the eastern area which is extension of the mountain area. Howard Baker who was elected Senator in 1966,and served the chief President aide under the Reagan Govenment of the…

No.115 18/10/13 00:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Tennesseee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long and narrow east and west》

…and Howard Baker served a chief President Aide under the Reagan Government,and managed inside the White House was from Tennessee.

There is a public corporation of which headquarter of the development on the Tennessee River Authority which is abbreviated TVA in the central city of Knoxville. It started at the core of business of New Deal in 1933,and promoted the regional development from different angles by construction of dam like power generation,prevention a flood,conservation on the soil,developing sightseeing,and planting trees.

A research institute on atomic power which was set up in Oak Ridge was related the research on an atomic bomb which was dropped in Japan,and it is said that the electricity of development on TVA was useful greatly for the military purpose.

The western area is a delta zone which is between the Mississippi River and the Tennessee RIver,and…

No.116 18/10/13 00:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Tennessee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long and narrow for eastern and western area》

…and the plantation on raw cotton developed there,the labor of the black has been introduced so much that the southern feature becomes strong. The influence on the Democratic Party and the Republican Party is mixed politically there.

The population of Memphis which is the center of the western area in the state is about sixty hundred and one hundred thousand. There is such a lot of the black labor that the proportion of the black is about 54%,so it exceeds the white which is about 44%.

The proportion on the whole state is 83% on the white,and 16% on the black,so we can recognize that the black have gathered there so much.

Needless to say it has the severe history on opposition between the race,and Martin Luther King who was the black clergyman was assassinated there in 1968. It was a tragedy in the middle of a street demonstration on objection for the racial…

No.117 18/10/13 01:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Tennessee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long and narrow for east and western area》

It was a tragedy in the middle of a street demonstration on the objection for the racial discrimination.

Memphis which faces state of Arkansas and Mississippi is also the foothold for physical distribution. It used to be a harbor of shipping raw cotton which made use of the Mississippi River,and with the form of taking advantage of the tradition,a company of home delivery of Federal Express has expanded a transportation network not only in the whole America,but in foreign countries.

It was Memphis where it was a base of musical activity for a singer of rock’n’ roll of Elvis Presley. He was called a white singer for the first tiime who adopted the style of rhythm and blues born in the inner city of the black after the war.

He was dead in 1977,it turned out to be he was addicted to drugs,but his popularity doesn’t become weak after his death,and when a mourning…

No.118 18/10/13 14:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Tennessee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long and narrow for east and west》

…and when a mourning concert was done grandly in Memphis in 1978 after 10years he was dead,his fans rushed to the concert from all over the world. His residence is called Graceland. The furniture like a piano has been open as it was.

It is said that a large number of hunting people crowded together and lived in a stretch down the Tennessee ravine more than ten thousand years ago.

When the Spanish arrived there from the direction of Florida in the beginning of 16th century,it is said lots of Native Indians played an active part. After that the French and the English came there.

The place received a cession from large part of western area in North Karelian,and was treated as the territory in America,and joined the United States formally in 1796 as the 16th state. It joined earlier fairly.

The origin of the name on the state is a village of the powerful Native Indians …

No.119 18/10/13 15:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Tennessee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long and narrow for east and west》

It is said the origin of the name on the state is the village of powerful Native Indians ,but it’s unclear.

Andrew Johnson who was born in North Carolina and moved to Tennessee was a statesman belonged to the Republican Party,and he agreed to the Northern League which supported a repeal the slavery in the middle of the Civil War,and he was elected Vice President under the Lincoln Government in 1864.

Unexpectedly,Lincoln was assassinated in the next year,he promoted to the President then.

The one who is well–known in Japan was from Tennessee,Cordell Hull. When being in war between Japan and America,he was Secretary of State,and the one who made the famous document,what is called Hull Note.

When receiving the Hull Note at the previous night of the war,Japan regarded it as an ultimatum 最後通告,and decided the war against America then. He had an image in which he was hard to…

No.120 18/10/13 16:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Tennessee】

《Three peculiarities in the region which have appeared long and narrow for the east and west》

Cordell Hull has an image in which he was hard to negotiate. He was evaluated on cooperation for the United Nations,and received a Nobel prize for peace in 1945,but it seems that it’s just that a few people recognize it.

He said in the Report of Cordell Hull like the next.

We won't return to the nationalism nor isolationism even if the United Nations don’t function well. We won’t say to build a government for the world because the United Nations aren’t enough.

The biggest contribution to the peace for the world is doing our best together within the United Nations. We always heighten the authority for the United States,and we try not to lose a chance so as to be received a decision at once.

He was a person who has rendered distinguish service,for he infused universality,idealism,and humanitarianism into the United Stations through the report.

No.121 18/10/13 17:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Making much of individual ability and limitless remarkable progress.》

Texas is the biggest state next to Alaska,and its area is 1.8 times as big as Japan,and the ranking in America,no. 3 is also conspicuous. The proportion on the Hispanic accounts for 25.5%,and qualified voters for the President are 32. Both of them are in the third place in the whole America.

The number of the qualified voter for the President is important politically,so they think they should make effort into doing campaign for the President there.

The state faces to such the long border of Mexico that it is natural that there are plenty of population on Hispanic,so both of culture on Mexican and Spanish reflect the society strongly.

It’s a big state of which American center in gravity,and they call being big,being proud of something,big man and big woma,even a talk on a boaster the style of Texas.

They hate a detailed regulation,ideological group behavior,and individual ability and…

No.122 18/10/13 18:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Making much of individual ability and it leads to a limitless remarkable progress》

…but individual ability and character of enterprising are worthy for them.

The place name of Dallas where the late President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and a movie of which title was Dallas was put on a film. Other one of Houston where there is the space center which designated to arrive on the moon for the first time. Two of the place names are familiar with us the Japanese.

Presidents who were born in Texas were two,the one was Dwigh Eisenhower who was the 34th President,and the other was Lyndon Johnson who was the 36th.

While Eisenhower moved to Kansas when he was two years old,Johnson had had his house in the state in his lifetime.

Johnson who succeeded to Kennedy who was assassinated promoted from the Vice President to the President,and a cowboy hat became him,and he succeed in managing a big scale of stock farm actually.

Vietnam war was intensified when he was …

No.123 18/10/13 19:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Making much of individual abilities and it’s led to limitless remarkable progress.》

Vietnam war intensified when Johnson was engaged in the campaign of Presidental election,but he refused the election and returned to Johnson City where there was his stock farm from the White House.

It is said an abrupt pastoral life didn’t make his spirit stable,and he gathered his employees every morning,and managed a meeting which was the Cabinet style with satisfactory.

George Bush who was born in Massachusetts and graduated from the Yale University and is the 41th President used to be a stranger of an elite in the eastern area.

However he succeeded in a business on petroleum after taking pains in Texas,he is qualified as the one In Texas by the local people. The library and museum for George Bush has been open in a college station in 1997.

Desert area in the west and a coastal plain near the Mexican Gulf in the east area are contrast each other. Difference between the…

No.124 18/10/14 07:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Makiking much of individual abilities and it’s led to limitless remarkable progress》

There is difference between the temperature,and as to the difference on the humidity is extremely.

While stock farming developed earlier at the west,cultivation of raw cotton was prosperous at the east,and the production on the raw cotton was in the top class in America. Wheat,corn,and forestry were mainstream on the activity for the production until at the end of the 19th century.

The aspect of the economy in the state in which they made much of agriculture changed altogether in the 20th century. They started to dig oil from the latter in the 19th century,and they reached a big historic gush of oil in 1901,and the oil became the chief support for the economy in the state.

There was used to be a way of saying that oil production is in the fourth place. It means that America is next to the former Soviet Union,Saudi Arabia,and Mexico on the oil production.

Its production exceeded…

No.125 18/10/14 07:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Making much of individual abilities and it’s led to limitless remarkable progress》

Its oil production exceeded a billion barrel a year at one time,but the dropping production on the oil was conspicuous,especially it’s because of the glut of oil 石油のだぶつき and increase of import on the cheap oil in 1980s. Its oil deposits account for 27 % in America,natural gas and coal are produced there.

There is desirable economic surroundings of labor which is abundant and has a high productivity,little regulation,restrained price of the land,energy which is supplied steadily,well treated foreign capitals. In addition there is little corporation tax.

Military industry and space industry have been put in the state after the World War was over,and they went on inviting the industry of high technology,and trying to escape from the economy of making much of oil,and to deversifying.

Japanese companies which advanced there for the first time was in the field of raw cotton,but it’s …

No.126 18/10/14 08:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Making much of Individual abilities and it’s led to limitless remarkable progress》

…but it’s changed into other business which is related to high technology lately,and no less than about 250 companies advanced in big cities of which center is Houston and Dallas,according to the information by Tokyo Bank in Houston.

We should pay attention to the factory in Maquiladora which was born along the Mexican border one after another. Mexican people imported raw materials from America with free of tax,and processed them,and exported to America again. It has promoted to develop the economy between the two countries,and under the experience,it’s led to NAFTA,adding it to Canada,and it’s done by the three countries.

The NAFTA is an abbreviation of North America Free Trade Agreement.

Amount of individual annual income is about $ 386 billion in 1995,and it’s in the third place in the whole America,next to California,and New York…

No.127 18/10/14 12:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Making individual abilities and it’s led to limitless remarkable progress》

…but it’s annual income of average a person is $ about nineteen thousand,and drops to the 32th place in the whole America. A gap on the income is clear,for it is said it’s low wage in a part of the manufacturing industry,and one of the desirable labor condition in which is a weak system of labor movement. Two of them causes the gap between the annual income.

Artificial things which were discovered in Dallas seems to made about thirty seven thousand years ago,but the ancient trace of resident in which the humankind lived was about twelve thousand years ago.

The Native Indians in this area seemed to be poor at acquiring complicated skills,and they were engaged in hunting alone when the white of European ancestry arrived there in the beginning of the 16th century.

A ruler changed many times there. Spain,France,Spain again,Mexico,Republican country of Texas,the United States,Confederate 南部同盟…

No.128 18/10/14 12:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Making much of individual abilities and it's led to limitless remarkable progress》

A variety of flags had been fluttering there until the present United States controls there at present.

When the place belonged to Mexico in 1835,the Americans revolted against Mexico,and established the Republic of Texas,and joined the United States as the 28th state in 1845.

The present capital is Austin,but the capital of the Republic of Texas was in Houston. There is a single stat in the flag for the Republic of Texas. They call it a lone star,and it’s the flag for the state,and it’s the nickname for the state.

The formal name of the state,Texas is originated from a word in Native Indians. It means a pal.

A professional baseball player who was from Texas got a hit and raised his batting average. He was good at hitting in which his ball dropped between the infield and outfield. They call it Texas leaguer. There is a Japanese English,Texas hit,which is from the Texas leager

No.129 18/10/14 13:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Texas】

《Making much of individual abilities and it’s led to limitless remarkable progress》

There are football teams called Dallas Cow Boys,and Houston Oilers there. Both of them seem to be suitable for an image of the state,though Houston Oilers changed its name.

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormon which is super conservative avoided Clinton》

The author said like the next. He was looking for souvenirs at a stand in the Salt Lake Airport,and then he found a mass of salt was sold as the souvenir as if the salt had taken pride in itself,though it’s just the lump of salt.

The mass of the salt was a fruit of the Great Salt Lake which is west to the capital of the Salt Lake,and is 19km from the capital.

Its water is in the lake of inland,but its salt in the water is more dense than that in the sea,and they say that a human body floats on the water there as if it were a cork.

The density on the salt is so high that the plants and animals which inhabit the place is limited

No.130 18/10/14 14:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormon which is super conservative avoided Clinton》

…but the lake is famous for that the グーバー塩 which is for medical treatment is taken from the lake. They’ve sold the mass of salt,and it made the author think they found the nature was good as it was.

If expressing the feature on the state,it seems to be appropriate to mention on the political trend,said the author like that.

When being the Presidential election,Bush who belonged to the Republican Party was popular among the people in the state so much,but Clinton who belonged to the Democratic Party wasn’t at all. The contrast appeared clearly then.

The political climate is extremely conservative in the state,they avoided and hated even Clinton who belonged to moderate liberal group.

It was Utah,Idaho,and Nebraska alone in which the percentage of votes for Clinton was within 20%.

Except for the religion of Mormon,we can’t talk on the conservative climate in the state. The Mormon account for no…

No.131 18/10/14 15:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormon which is super conservative avoided and hated Clinton》

The Mormon account for no less than about 70% in the state. When trying to maintain their lives,and to follow the Mormonism,they are forced to be conservative.

The state name of Utah is originated from that the place was under influence of Ute Indian.

At first the Spanish appeared there at the beginning of the 18th century,after that Mexico had the place under his thumb. Then the war between Mexico and America broke out,and the place was transferred to America in 1848.

It was the previous year when the place was handed over to America the Mormon who was led by the founder of the religion arrived the Great Solt Lake. The Great Salt Lake which has high salt reminds them of the Dead Sea in Palestine.

The Mormon have believed that a country of the god will come true in America in the future. It said it will be done in America,it’s the feature. The history of Mormonism is new.

No.132 18/10/14 18:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormon which is super conservative avoided and hated Clinton》

The founder of the religion who was a son of a peasant was born in New England. He received a divine revelation from the God in 1820,and was persecuted,then he moved to the western area,and was killed in Illinois.

His successor went to the west than the founder. The successor sought for the frontier,and led a big group of believers of which number was fifteen thousand,and they crossed the Rocky Mountain,and arrived at the Great Salt Lake in 1847. They stared to built the city of Salt Lake.

Temple Square which is the capital for the state is a thing like the Grand Head Temple for Mormonism. It took forty years from 1853 to construct the building which has six huge steeples.

The chapel which can accommodate about six thousand and five hundred people furnishes a pipe organ of which the number of the pipe is over ten thousand rises. They assume that it’s the center of the God’s country.

No.133 18/10/14 18:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormonism which is super conservative avoided and hated Clinton》

The Mormonism united with a strict and unique rule in the wild nature and climate of Utah,and invited to the poor for the believers,and hurried to expand its influence.

The Mormonism looked as if they had aimed at being a country in the country,so the persecution for them was so severe,especially the custom of polygamy 一夫多妻 which they adopted was frowned by the people in America,but they abolished the custom in 1890 at last,and Utah was permitted to join the United States in 1896.

It is said that the successor himself had no less than 25 wives and 56 children. Discrimination for the black which was previously arranged in the doctorine of the Mormonism was done away with from the doctorine in 1978. Adaption to the American society has been very slow,but the conservative rule still remains.

Being diligent like a honeybee,and making much of family members aside,gay,lesbian,sex before…

No.134 18/10/14 19:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormonism which is super conservative avoided and hated Clinton》

…abortion,gay,lesbian,sex before marriage,drug,liquor,tobacco,and gamble have been forbidden absolutely in the Mormonism,so they hated Clinton who belonged to the Democratic Party.

When approaching Utah,the driver of a bus for sightseeing tells the tourists like the next.“We are going into Utah tomorrow. Please enjoy yourself before tomorrow.”

The state contributed 10 % of the revenue to the church,and the religious activity by affluent fund has been efficient. The number of believers is about 4 million. It accounts for 2% in the population of America,and it’s a powerful influence fairly in America.

It seems that both the white and America are the center of the world for the Mormonism in a politic point of view,though needless to say,it’s not fair at all.

American English ancestry is no less than 51 %,and it’s more than any other state. While lots of religious groups were against…

No.135 18/10/14 19:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormonism which is super conservative avoided and hated Clinton》

While lots of religious groups were against the Vietnam War,the Mormonism reduced the religious activity and recommended the young believers they join the war.

The Mormonism supported the Bush’s firm plan which worked out a solution by military power all the way for the Gulf War. The movement went against the successive plan of economic sanction which other Christian groups insisted on.

Brent Scowcroft who was a President aide in the Bush Government was a successful Mormon when the Gulf War broke out. The author said he was interested in it.

Kent Gilbert who is from Utah and a TV talent and stays in Japan was also zealous fan for Bush. He also supported open hostilities against Iraq strongly. According to Gilbert who used to work for the Utah Assembly,the Mormonism always summoned statesmen if they needed to do and discussed a matter with them.

It is said the Mormonism account for…

No.136 18/10/14 22:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormonism which is super conservative avoided and hated Clinton》

It is said that the Mormonism account for about 90% of the member of assembly in the state.

As to the industry,it started from agriculture in Utah,and it moved to development for mineral resource like copper,but Utah used to be a public land for the federal government,in addition it was forced to receive an aid and interference from the federal government in order to secure the water resource. The public land accounts for about 60% in the state even at present.

After the World War II,as obeying the intention of the federal government,the place was one of footholds on the development for a missile,moreover saving facilities for chemical weapon was put there.

It's increased a chance for employment,the feeling of the people for the federal government is in ambivalence in which thanks and repulsive feeling are mixed.

Natural condition of wasteland decided the history and destiny of Utah.

No.137 18/10/14 22:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormonism which is super conservative avoided and hated Clinton》

A concentration camp for the Japanese was constructed at Topaz in Utah in the middle of the World War Ⅱ. A student in high school left a thing like the next.

“I was suddenly shut in a fence of a barbed wire. I couldn’t understand the situation as if I’d had a dream. There was a desert in front of me as far as I could see. I didn’t have any place to go,but escaped from a tear of the fence,and went outside,but I was caught by armed patrol at once.”

American Japanese ancestry in the whole America had a meeting in the city of Salt Lake in 1942,and discussed their corespondence against the United States.

マイク マサオカ who was an American Japanese ancestry leading the movement for restoration on American Japanese ancestry’s right,

Utah is a place where a history of American Japanese ancestry’s hardships were cut into thee.

Some frictions between a skier and snow boarder often happens each…

No.138 18/10/15 20:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Utah】

《The climate of Mormonism which is super conservative avoided and hated Clinton》

Some frictions between a skier and a snow boarder often happen each of ski grounds. Skiers thought the snowboarders whose center is the youth is the one like a motor gang,and they disturb the atmosphere in a skiing slope,for example a vulgar ski suit,violent manners,and dangerous jump in the air.

However the snowboarder bought about 10% of the ticket for the lift,and they expect the number of enthusiasts for the snowboarder exceed that of skier,so the industry of ski is in the middle of groping for a plan of both of them coexist.

【State of Vermont】

《Intelligent trait which has little advertisement and a blue mountain》

It is Vermont where we can experience the four season clearly like Japan,especially scarlet–tinged leaves are splendid,and the place is a mecca for a skier in winter.

The population of the state is no more than about five hundred fifty six thousand,but it’s one of six…

No.139 18/10/15 21:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and blue mountains》

…but Vermont is one of the six states which form New England,and they call a cream in coffee a regular,and when they say bingo,its pronunciation is ビーンオウ,so they stick to original habits,for they have self–confidence in which the place is s corner where freedom was born.

Retired employees,the one who has come back to the place where it was born,or the intelligent came from outside. It’s the character for the state. There is abundant nature there,besides the one who stays there can enjoy itself for the change of the nature,for it is attracted by the trait which is suitable for intellectual activity and quiet surrounding for life.

The population of the people who live in a rural city or in suburb account for no less than 73%. In the state,according to statistics in 1994,and it was the second place in the whole America.

As a result those people become the ones who protect the surrounding…

No.140 18/10/15 23:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and blue mountain》

As a result,those people become the ones who protect the surrounding zealously all together,and are liberal. There are few advertisements along a road,for strict regulation has been added to them with a view point that they make much of the surrounding and a view.

American of English ancestry accounts for 33%,and it’s the most in the state,and American of French ancestry is 25%,and it caught the author’s eye attention.for he said he felt a scent of France here and there in the state.

Americans of French ancestry are emigrants from Quebec of Canada which is next to Vermont. They’ve settled down in a stretch of the northern area.

State name,Vermont is vert and mont in French. The vert is blue and mont is mountain,so it’s a blue mountain.

A French called S.D. Shamplain explored there for the first time as the white in 1609 …

No.141 18/10/16 00:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and a blue mountain》

…and there is the Shamplain Lake in the northern west,and there is a canal which connects the Shamplain Lake with the Hudson Rive is the Shamplain Canal.

This place was under the rule of French and England which made New York a colony of direct control ruled,after that,a volunteer army in Vermont fought against England for its independent,and Vermont won,and it declared itself it was an independent republican country in 1770.

Then it named itself new Connecticut,and soon it changed its name into Vermont,and joined America in 1791

The history of resident of humankind dates back about eleven thousand years ago,but the population of the Native Indian in the is no more than about one thousand and six hundred. It accounts for 0.3% of the population in the state,

There used to be two Presidents who were from the state. The one is James Garfield is the 22th President. Varied political …

No.142 18/10/17 21:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and a blue mountain》

Oh! I’ve made a mistake. The one was Chester Alan Arthur who was the 21th President. His predecessor,James Garfield,and various political influence led him by the nose,and he couldn’t do only decision for the policy,but the personal matters in the Cabinet as he expected,and he was criticized as the president who took charged of the one who made notes alone.

A scandal in which he returned a favor for his benefactor politically with personal matters,after four months he became President,he was killed by a man who had grudge against him on the personal matters,but it was misunderstanding.

The next President was Chester Alan Arthur.and his duty was winding up affairs of the previous President. He made Pendleton Civil Service Act realize and his meritorious deed was a great revolution in the inside the Cabinet.

The goal of the Pendleton Act was reformation on the system of public employees.

No.143 18/10/17 22:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and a blue mountain》

The other one was Calvin Coolidge who was became the President from a son of a general store. He was so taciturn that his nickname was silent Cal when he was the President.

On the other hand,his wife covered his defect. When they talked about him on his reticence,his wife who used to be a teacher for a school for persons who are deaf and speech impaired covered his husband.

It is said that she joked like the next. “I’m got to used to a life in which there was no language.”

It isn’t worthy of mention on his political ability on the politics,but he showed that he didn’t run for the President in an election in 1928,and escaped the responsibility on the President and enjoyed his life of retirement of the President quietly. It showed them that he had sharp hunch. It was ironical.

It was also a topic on the wife of the President Arthur. When he became the President,his wife made her cold worse…

No.144 18/10/17 23:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and a blue mountain》

…his wife made her cold worse at once and died from pneumonia suddenly. The Arthur President remained single for the ill luck of his wife who didn’t become the First Lady,but it is said that his rumor of a love affair didn’t end.

It is マシュー リョン who was an old unique member of the House Representative. Fortunately too old to register in Wikipedia.

He was arrested because of anti–riot law when he was the member of the House Representative,but he ran for Congress in the prison and was elected again and became famous.

Ethan Allen who was a hero when the place was under control of colony. He was born in Connecticut but served as a commander of the Vermont volunteer army, Green Mountain Boys,especially he made the Fort Taiconderoga where the English army held up fall,and opened the way for independence of Vermont.

He acted the role of a proposer who showed others the independence for Vermont…

No.145 18/10/18 00:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and a blue mountain》

He acted the role of a proposer who showed others independence of Vermont in the Federal Council in 1778,and his little brother helped it and they received an honor of meritorious deed for the independence.

A maker which made furniture of colonial style has name of Ethan Allen,it’s suitable. Speaking of the furniture by Ethan Allen,it seems that they feel nostalgia for it.

Robert Frost who is a poet was born in California,and he has a vacation house in the suburb of the state,and participated in the activity of literature.

English Arthur,Rudyard Kipling,moved to Vermont and got married to a woman in actual place,and wrote a masterpiece,Jungle Book there.

An author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,in the former Soviet Union had led his life for exile for 20years there.

76% of the state is covered with forest,the weight of sawing,and paper making is large,and good quality of granite and marble are…

No.146 18/10/18 01:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and a blue mountain》

…and good quality of grantie and marble are produce there.

St.Johnsbury which is eastern area in the state is famous for maple syrup which spreads on a hot cake.

The atmosphere in which they oppose to slavery has been strong since the early time in the state.

There is the climate of self sufficient and being independent politically,and there used to be a tendency which supports a minority faction in a Presidential election,but it has changed into the one which adapts the majority faction lately.

An office for public relation in Japan for the state established within the Sumitomo Metal in the latter of the 1980s,and tried to invite Japanese companies to the state,but it didn’t go well,so the offfice closed after two years. The state didn’t have any office in Japan in 1997 when the book was written.

Lots of retired employees who were advanced age came into the state,as a result it is…

No.147 18/10/19 00:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Stage of Vermont】

《An intelligent trait which has little advertisement and a blue mountain》

…as a rueslut,it is natural for a undertaker which take care of the one who is dead plays an important part.

The one who manages the undertaker in Burlington which is the biggest city in Vermont says the undertaker is a place where the dead spent the time of rest often until the time it goes to the tomb.

However,there are lots of varieties on the religion that the customs on the religion turn them into a nervous wreck,for example,shoul it be burial or cremation? Or what kind of flowers should they choose?

Some of the Catholic who don’t fear death at all pay the money for their funeral in advance.

【State of Virginia】

《There are plenty of the first things, there are lots of talented people like twinkle stars》

An adjective of first is often used in the place,for example,the place where the English constructed the first town in America,James town. The place where George Washington who …

No.148 18/10/19 05:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Virginia】

《There are plenty of the first things,there are lots of talented people like twinkle stars》

The place where George Washington was the first President in the U.S.A . and he was from the place. The place where the black slaves had been taken for the first time,or the place where a woman of Native Indian who got married to the white,Pocahontas,was born. Why?

The state is deeply connected with the history of building America,and if looking at the talented people who are from the state,except for George Washington,the names of lots people should occur to us.

Patrick Henry who shouted,“Give me liberty or give me death!” Robert Lee who served a commander for the southern army in the Civil War. Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Declaration of Independence and the third President.

James Monroe who was the fifth President who adopted the Monroe Doctorine in which America and Europe didn’t interfere with each other,and Woodrow Wilson who was the 28the President …

No.149 18/10/20 01:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Virginia】

《There are lots of the first things,there are plenty of talented people like twinkle stars》

…and Woodrow Wilson who was the 28the President advocates the principle of racial self–determination,and Walter Reed who was a doctor in army surgeon becomes the name of famous medical center in the army of federal government.

In any case,there are eight Presidents who were from the state.

The author said his unforgettable city individually is Alexandria. It’s an ancient city along the Potomac RIver which started to establish the town by building the store for tobacco in 1732.

Alexandria qartet written by English author,Lawrence Durrell is a masterpiece of which stage is Alexdria,an old port town along the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt,and his devoted reader.

It’s heroine said there is a town called Alexandria near Washington. There was a girl whose name is as the same as her in the town. She was a distant relative of hers,and lost her sense…

As bearing it in his mind…

No.150 18/10/20 02:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Virginia】

《There are plenty of the first things,there are lots of the talented people like twinkle stars》

As bearing it in his mind deeply,he took up his new post in Washington D.C.and he let the people who met him drive from the airport directly to Alexandria.

While the one in Egypt was taken from the name of a hero,the Great Alexander,the one in Virginia is that the one whose name was John Alexander bought the stretch of the land,and it’s prosaic,and small case.

However it’s a quiet and clean port town,and there is a famous stand bar which serves its guests a raw oyster and wine,and antique shops and book stores in which rare classical books are sold are lined up there.

There are plenty of buildings and remains before the Independence,and the nickname of the heart of American ruins is suitable for the town.

English queen,Elizabeth Ⅰ gave an imperial sanction for colony in the new continent,and the state name was determined by associated with her nickname,Virgin Queen.




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