
A fourth diary in English

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スチャラカ一郎( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
12/05/15 20:12(更新日時)

I'm going to start a fourth English diary from now on, but this time, a good title doesn't occurr to me,so I named it simple one.😃

I'm sure lots of things which I've wanted to express leave up in the air 中途半端, so I have to finish them one by one.😤

At first, I have to complete expression about art.After that, I'm wondering if I start to describe Greek myth and world heritage mainly.💡

Oh! I also want to express the Christanity.I have a lot of things to express.I can't express all the things what I want to with the fourth diary.😚

I don't have to make a haste. If I feel tired, I will take a rest.😁

Here we go!

No.1653340 11/08/15 12:01(スレ作成日時)



No.1 11/08/15 19:56
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The post Impressionism 後期印象派】

In general,speaking of the Post Impressionism,it means Gauguin, Gogh, and Cezanne.Needless to say,those three artists didn't form a group with their agreements.😃

They were so self-assertive that they went their own way.The works of the three artists were mainly displayed at『 Manet and the Post Impressionism exhibition』,so we call them the Post Impressionism.😃

Cezanne entered three of his works at an exhibit of the Impressionism twice.😃

While Cezanne adopting light colors and it was common to the Impressionism,Cezanne who sought for strict structure hated the Impressionism of which style of painting,for their shapes were unclear.😒

His style in whicg he tried to capture natural such as a circular cylinder,sphere,or circular cone as basic shapes had a tremendous impact on later Cubism.🔮

By the way, I can't understand why the circular cylinder, sphere and circular cone are basic shapes.The more paintings become abstract, the more I find it hard to understand.😱

No.2 11/08/15 20:55
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 1 【The Post Impressionism】Ⅱ

The people in those days used to call Gauguin the Impressionism in the beginning, for his works used to be under ピサロ or Cezanne.😃

After that,『he started simplify shapes and colors, so began to paint works in which he was conscious of 平面性』

By the way, I have little knowledge about paintings,besides I've never watched works of Gauguin at all.😠

My remark of the part『』,in fact, I'm not sure of it. It's just that I translated it literally.😥

I think paintings are feeling.When watching them,words aren't always necessary.In addition, I try to express what I've never seen.😱

If I hate to express it, it's just that I should stop it.Nobody asks me to express it. I express with my own will.😚

Or I have to improve my sensitivity.😃

Colors were not the ways of recreating outside the world for Gauguin,but the way of expressing his own mental.

Gauguin also had lots of episodes, I'm sure. I want to show them some day.

No.3 11/08/15 22:00
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 2 【The Post Impressionism】Ⅲ and others.

As for some works of Gogh in the early days,they were dark color,but when he knew the Impressionism,his paintings become light.😃

After that, Gogh who was under influence of a woodblock paint 浮世絵 left for Arles,seeking for Japanese colors.🇯

He started to use his colors in order not to recreate nature,but to express his own violent feeling.His intensive personality had great effects on the Impressionism.🙋

By the way,as for my last remark,『Nobody asks me to express…』,there is only one person who I want to enjoy herself my English. She is 幸せものさん.

She always understands my English and supports me. I'm sure she is few people who set up my thread with お気に入り.🙌

Therefore if she is pleased with my English,I want to express what she wants as much as I can.😁

Have a comfortable day,幸せものさん🌉

No.4 11/08/16 13:09
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『A painter who expressed something spiritual with colors and curves』

Gauguin said like next.『We should not adapt to paint nature so much.Art is one of abstraction』

Gauguin was also a painter who wasn't satisfied with faithful representation of nature.😃

He painted some scenes of south countries or religion and was as if he had been a lone wolf,but he was connected with other painters in the same age or next omes.☝

Lots of painters reproduced plenty of famous paintings in order to absorbing their merits.Some of them were greatly influenced by the splendid works.😃

Some of compositions 構図 of Gauguin's work are similar to the others,in particular they resembles the works of the Classism 古典主義.😱

The number of the paintings which were similar to the Classism were so much that lots of people didn't admit an excuse like next『His works were greatly influenced by others』.😣

I'm wondering if there used to be lots of people who thought like that.😚

No.5 11/08/16 21:15
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Bible】

The Bible means the old Testament and the new one.😃

The old Testament means an old promise or contract between human and the God before Jesus Christ appeared.😃

Contrary to it, the new one means a new promise or contract in which Jesus Christ mediated 仲立ちをする between the human and the God.👼

The old Testament was originally a sacred book of the Jews,so the Jews admit neither Jesus Christ was a child of the God nor the new Testament itself.😣

Therefore,the Jews regard the old Testament as only the sacred book.😃

Christianity キリスト教 was born within the limit of the Judaism ユダヤ教,and developed originally.It changed into another religion.💡

As for the sacred book,the Judaism and the Christianity used to adopt the same one,but as to each content,there is great difference between them.☀

By the way,when finishing my remarks,there happens to be some space to write something like this time.I want to fill the space with something, but I should have given up it a good place to stop.😚

No.6 11/08/16 22:30
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of book is the Bible】

『If substituting the Bible for a pillow,its thickness is suitable. If trying to read it …』

In Europe,plenty of stories in the old Testament 旧約聖書 have been adopted for paintings,sculpture, and stained glass as theme.😃

If trying to read the Bible from the point of those views,we should read Genesis 創世記 and the first half of 出エジプト記😃

Two of them resemble a story so much that we can enjoy reading them,according to a book of『ヨーロッパものしり紀行・神話、キリスト教編』by 紅山雪夫😚

It starts from the Creation. It means the creation of heaven and earth.Some familiar stories continue like next. The creation of Adam and Eve,the Garden of Eden,temptation by a snake,banishment from a paradise,a deluge 大洪水 and Noah's ark 箱船,the Tower of Babel,tales of Joseph and his brothers,escaping from Egypt and Moses' Ten Commandnents モーゼの十戒 in the Mt.Sinai.

By the way, I've never tried to read them at all,though I should try some day😳

No.7 11/08/17 12:54
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book of 読書入門】

The book was written by 齋藤孝.He showed us some books which he found interesting. One of them is『The catcher in the rye』📖

I've mistaken a title of the book for 『Catch in the rye』for a long time,for Japanese title of the book is『ライ麦畑でつかまえて』, so I thought it was a kind of imperative sentence 命令文,though it's just that I was careless.😳

Though being included a word of『the rye』in the title,needless to say,its hero is neither a peasant nor a farmer.When reading the book,it never occurred to me. It's just boring.😔

齋藤孝 said next thing about the book.『The novel expresses heart of an adolescent 思春期 boy with his own words.🙋

Its hero is 16years old.Needless to say,neither he is engaged in job nor he is married.He isn't sure what he can do in the society. His existence in the society is still useless.😚

However, it doesn't always mean he leads his life without any purpose.There is only one image which he wants to be. It's the catcher in the rye.💡

No.8 11/08/17 13:57
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 7 【A book of 読書入門】Ⅱ

The hero of『The Catcher in the rye』has an impression of some boys who enjoy themselves in a huge rye field.😃

There is cliff beyond the rye field,so some of the boys who are absorbed in enjoying themselves may fall out of the field.😱

『Then I want to rush out and help them』its hero said like that.He thinks he wants to be a thing like what is called safety net.🙋

In adolescence,teenagers spend their time with anxiety that they may be someting splendid or nothing,something worthless.Children in junior high school in Japan are equal to the teenagers.😃

There aren't any places for them neither at their homes nor at the society.They are indecisive.😔

While they capture something important in the bottom of their heart,it's not anything stable which others don't always admit its worth.😠

While their vitality is more than enough,they can't find any places where they display their energy.😱

I should have read the book more carefully.😚

No.9 11/08/18 02:07
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Painting and so on】

After the Post Impressionism,more and more paintings have been abstract,though some of episodes of their painters are interesting.😚

Munch had never tried to imitate nature. He was interested in something which was in the bottom of heart of we human.😒

He painted anxiety.He painted life and death.Some feeling hidden in the bottom of we human appeared on the paintings of Munch as some colors.👿

He painted same theme repeatedly.It seems that we hear cry which isn't always natural voice from his paintings.😱

When he was a child,his mother and sister were dead of disease.He was also sickly.The faith of his father whose wife and daughter were dead was almost insane.💀

His theme for painting was someone who stayed with shadow of death. It may be himself.😨

By the way,I've expressed art, but I don't recognize how wonderful they are,for I've almost never seen real things.😠

I'm sure a person who has never been moved by art try to express how fantastic it's is impossible.😳

No.10 11/08/19 16:36
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Jim Dine and others】

I went to a gallery in Nagoya.Works of Jim Dine were shown there.😃

He is an American and completed his works with litograph 石版画 or etching 腐食法.To tell the truth, I'd heard about neither Jim Dine, litograph,nor etching until I went to see them there.😳

The litograph was invented at Germany in the 18th century. The iitograph is to stick to paints,making use of an action of repulsion 反発 between water and oil.😃

Painting a pattern which we want to paint on a litograph 石版 or zinc plate 亜鉛版 with fatty 脂肪性の多い crayon or ink.🙋

After treated on the surface of the litograph or the zinc plate chemically,the fatty ink or crayon stick to the pattern,but they don't stick to other parts which didn't treat chemically.😃

We put a piece of paper on the surface of the litograph or zinc plate,and copy the pattern with an instrument of pressure,so the litograph ,a kind of print is completed.☝

It cost 1.000yen to appreciate the works. I'm not sure whether or not it's high.😚

No.11 11/08/19 17:40
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Without making uneveness,as being different from other prints such as woodblock print 木版画 or copperplate one 銅版画,we can complete the litograph,so we call its style flat board.😃

What is called a printing of offset is to apply a principle of flat board to printing.💡

Comparing with other prints,litograph doesn't need difficult skills,the prints with their own way remain works of art,so the litograph gave a lot of painters chance to print.😃

In the 19th century,with prosperity of culture of advertisement,the people in those days made use of the litograph so much.Goya or Delacroix completed wonderful works of litograph.🙋

Lautrec completed other litographs with multicolored printing,moreover some masters in the 20th century such as Picasso,Matisse,Miro, Chagall and Rouault dealt with the litographs positively.

I've expressed the litograph. They aren't replicas but original litographs,and I'll express it next time.😃

No.12 11/08/20 10:56
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Original litograph】

I'm going to express an original litograph.😃

①A painter draws a rough sketch and the painter inscribes its work as a woodblock 木版,copperplate 銅版 and litograph for itself.😃

②The works which the painter makes for itself,using an instrument for pressure and prints the works for itself.Some artisans print 職人 them under the direction of the painter.💡

③The painter approves of each of the works.😃

④There is a limited number lower left at a completed work and an autograph of its own lower right.😃

⑤A printing block 版木 which finished printing the number of works is put a slanted line 斜線,digging a hole on the printed block,or marking special one.

We call the slanted line,the hole and the special mark レイエ.The レイエ prevents a pirated edition and a thing which the painter doesn't supervise from appearing in a market.🎉

Therefore,in general,the litograph which is different from replica is worthy,so it has been paid attention so much.💮

No.13 11/08/20 12:29
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If someone told us “How do you do?”】

Lots of people learned at school when someome tell them “How do you do”,they should reply to the person,“How do you do”🏫

Howeve almost all of English native speakers find it strange or strike them as incongruous 違和感 when they receive the answer.😥

In this case,the English native speakers usually answer with a different phrase,so if they receive the same phrase mechanically,they think the others aren't pleased with the meeting between them.😥

Therefore,when someone tells us“How do you do”we should answer it like“It's a pleasure to meet you”or“Nice to meet you”😃

It's all right that we only have to change expressions of answer.🙋

By the way,my long day off continues until tomorrow.I lead my life so irregularly that I put on weight so much,I'm afraid.😔

I should take exercise,or I have a difficult in working at my workplace,but my day off is going to come an end.It is impossible to lose weight in a few days. I hate to go to work. I wish I could win a lottery😍

No.14 11/08/20 13:52
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When we feel like going to bathroom……】

Then we shouldn't say“Where is the toilet?”As for a word of『toilet』,it seems to be more elegant than a Japanese word『便所』,and we Japanese use the word of『toilet』in our everyday life.☝

However,when hearing the phrase“Where is the toilet”the English native speakers feel as if someone asked them like『便所はどこですか』😱

Then we should say“May I use your bathroom(restroom)”,using bathroom or restroom which mean the toilet with an euphemistic 婉曲的 way.😃

In a restaurant,when asking someone a place of bathroom,we may find it odd,but it's natural in the U.S.A.We can use next phrases of men's room or ladies'room then.😃

Female can use next phrase of euphemism,“Where can I freshen up?”but,men can't use.😫

Both male and female can use next phrase,“Where can I wash my hand”😃

At an English language school,when finishing lesson for me,a male instructor whispered. He wanted go to the restroom, but endured it.He said.“It's an emergency for me”I can't help laughing it.😁

No.15 11/08/21 10:25
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When you are in a restroom,a person knocks at the door】

There used to be a study guide 学習参考書 in which there was a response for it like newt.“Someone in”

However lots of English native speakers don't seem to have heard that English.😚

They say like next.『No one calls itself someone. If it were,the phrase would be just a joke』☝

In this situation,you only have to show the person you are there in your voice.Whatever you say,the person will recognize what you mean.😃

In the Europe and the United States,when coming out of the restroom,leaving its door open is their manners,besides lower part of its door of public lavatory is open,so they can find whether or not someone is in☝

In spite of it,there is sometimes knock.The person wants you to come out from it early.😃

In any case,when being in a lavatory,and being knocks on the door,next phrases are proper.😃

『I'm using it』or『Just a moment』

No.16 11/08/21 11:37
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When speaking to a stranger】

When being in a foreign country,a person walked in front of you dropped something.What should you speak to it?😃

If it's a man,next phrase is appropriate.“Sir,you dropped something”If it's a woman,you should call,“Madam~💡

If it's a child,it will be “Little boy(girl)and it's a youth, it will be “Young man(woman)”

However,unless you are advanced in age 年配,those phrases are improper,so if you are a youth,“Hey,you dropped something”is suitable.👌

If speaking to a stewardess in a plane or a waiter at a restaurant,“Excuse me”

However,it's different from situation in which you apologize,so,when speaking to someon,you should say with a hint of raising an end of word,『me』💡

By the way, I've tried to expressed some ways of saying greetings.As for the English phrases,I referred to a book『これを英語で言えますか?』 講談社インターナショナル[編]

I bought it with no more than 100 yen at a book off. It's a bargain,I'm sure.😍

I can save some money. I'm wondering if I drink with the money.🍻

No.17 11/08/21 13:15
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why do the people in Kyoto love boiled rice with tea over it 茶漬け deeply?】

One of famous episodes about Kyoto,there is a legend of what is called ぶぶ漬け.The people in Kyoto call the boiled rice with tea over it ぶぶ漬け or おぶ漬け.🍚

Let's suppose the people in Kyoto suggested that the others eat the ぶぶ漬け,they accepted the offer.Then the people in Kyoto would regard them as inconsiderate.The people in Kyoto will learn to keep them at a distance 距離を置いて付き合う😚

A phrase of『How about ぶぶ漬け?』means『Please go out of here』☝

There used to be lots of court nobles 公家 or high-ranking priests 高僧 in Kyoto.When they visited,the people in kyoto then couldn't told them to go back home at once,for they were men of rank 身分が高い😥

If being offered ぶぶ漬け,the men of rank refused it and went home,for ぶぶ漬け used to mean typical of plain meal 粗食.🍚

Needless to say,we seldom experience like it, but the boiled rice with tea over it is so familiar with the people in Kyoto.🍚

To be continued.By😁

No.18 11/08/21 22:19
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 17 【Why do the people love boiled rice with tea over it deeply?】Ⅱ

Without pickled vegetables,the people in Kyoto never love to eat the boiled rice with tea over it.🍚

Vegetables at Kyoto are so tasty that various vegetables have been made for a long time.Not only 柴漬け and 千枚漬け are well-known,but also there are some other varied pickles.🍆

Therefore,when adopting those vegetables as side dish,we can enjoy eating more tasty boiled rice with tea over it than other ones in other regions.😍

Besides,Uji,south of Kyoto is famous for Japanese tea,so it's easy to get the good ones.🍵

Women in Kyoto are hard workers and make much of being plain, so many of them have the boiled rice with tea over it and pickles as breakfast.👩

After drinking at Gion,lots of people eat the boiled rice with tea over it as an end of drinking締め.🍚

As a result, the people in Kyoto are closely connecting with the boiled rice with tea over it.🍆

By the way,when speaking in Japanese,it's お茶漬け,but it seems to be a little long in English.

No.19 11/08/22 22:58
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Highlight of the old Testament】Ⅰ

Speaking of highlight in the Old Testament,at first it's a story of Creation 天地創造 in Genesis 創世記😃

By the way,as for the Creation,there are two stories and each of content is different.😱

The first one is very solemn, but neither there is concreteness nor dynamism in the story.The first one is in the beginning of the Old Testament, but its completion was relatively new. It's said it was about 500 B.C.🙋

Scholars judged it was what is called P documents.P documents were written by priests around 500 B.C. A letter of P means the first initial one of the priest.💡

Contrary to it,when reading the latter Creation, we find a way of reciting story changes.We feel as if we watched a film.The story is realistic and seems to be full of life.😍

The next one isn't always solemn,but is simple.Lots of people seem to feel sense of closeness.🙋

The latter one is older than the first one. It's said its completion was 900 B.C. It's what is called J documents.☝

No.20 11/08/23 00:30
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 19 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ ②

The J documents were created in a kingdom of the Jews.They called the God Jahawe,so choosing the first letter of the word,J,it's called the J Document.☝

Some data were jumbled together ない交ぜ in the Old Testament like Japanese 古事記,so we come across several expressions about same thing of which contents are different sometimes.😃

As to the Creation,plenty of artists have adopted what is called the J document as their theme.👼

As to a clause of creating a man and woman,what they call P document expresse like next.

“The human was made in the shape of the God. The human,a woman and a man were modeled on the God.☝

What is called the J documents expressed concretely like next.☝

The God Kneaded こねる the earth and made a shape of a man. And the God blew its breath of the life into a nose of the man.😃

Breath had been regarded as a token of a life through all age 古今を通じて .For instance,we usuallx adopt next phrases “breathe one last 息を引き取る”and so on.😚

No.21 11/08/23 08:18
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 20 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ ③

While each word of breath or breath is deeply conncting with lives,its examples are few. I can find no more than one.😥

I'm going to continue to express.😃

As for the creation of the woman, its expressions are detailed.The God said.😃

『Being solitary isn't good for the human. I will create one who helps him』😃

The God made the human sleep deeply then extracted one of ribs あばら骨 from the human,and stuffed the place where he pulled out the rib with flesh and made the rib into a woman and took her to the man.👩

When reading it,we feel as if we saw the God take a hand of the woman who the God had just created and led her with a smile to the man who was amazed so much.😁

The expressions of the J documents are greatly different from those of the P documents which are insiped 味気ない😣

By the way,I try to express three responses in this thread a day, but it may be impossible,so I'm going to describe at my own pace.😚

No.22 11/08/23 09:18
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 21 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ ④

There are vigorous frescoes on the ceiling of the Old Testament painted by Michelangelo in a chapel of システィーナ.😃

There are nine rectangular divisions on its ceiling.The 4th fresco from『the Day of Judgement』さいごの審判 is 『Creation of Adam』and the 5th one is 『Creation of Eve』😃

The God whose figure was represented a man in his prime 壮年 holds out his hand to a muscular young man into who was blown a breath of life and tries to congratulate him in the Fresco.😃

A full-length portrait 全身像 of the God was not painted until the Rennaissance,for the God aroused awe in the people in those days so much that the God hadn't painted as full-length portrait.The tip of the right hand of the God was painted as blessing of the God.😚

Contrary to it,I'm wondering if the painters found painting the God was easy,for it's just they only had to paint the tip of its right hand.😁

Am I blasphemous 罰あたり ?😱

  • << 28 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ ⑤ Why did Eve eat a forbidden fruit?A clause that the Garden of Eden and a temptation by a snake at the original of the Old Testament is like next.😃 The God created a garden at Eden and made all the trees which produced fruits grow.Those fruits were good to eat.🍏 The God made another trees of lives and knowledge about good and evil at the center of the garden.The God took the two people,Adam and Eve to the garden. The God told them to live,cultivate and guard there.👼 The God told them『You can pluck 取る fruits from all the trees and eat them,but never eat fruits of tree about knowledge of good and evil,or you will be dead.』😣 A snake used to be the most clever of all the living things which the God created.It asked Eve.🐍 『Did the God tell you not to pluck and eat from the tree of knowledge about good and evil?』🐍 Eve answered『We can eat fruits in this garden,except for the ones from the tree which grows at the center of this garden.Besides we can't touch them.』👩

No.23 11/08/23 12:49
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『A father of modern art with who was hard to get along』

Apples,mountains,and his wife. Cezanne often used to paint three of them.They are ordinary, but they had changed the world of painting greatly.☝

Painting used to be a way of conveying stories or symbols to the people,but Cezanne established an idea that genuine elements of painting such as sketch 構図,touch 筆使い and colors is worthy,so he is called a father of the modern art.🙋

In fact,lots of painter have believed in Cezanne.For example, Picasso and Braque painted works of Cubism.They were greatly influenced by Cezanne.💡

Contrary to it,other painters who sought for stories or symbols to the paintings never approved of Cezanne😚

By the way, Cezanne was said to be hard to be pleased,stubborn,eccentric,and a misanthrope 人間嫌い,but he believed that a friendship was the most important virtue.😃

It's said that an one-man show 個展 of Cezanne was both sides.賛否両論😃

No.24 11/08/25 19:58
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I have been to a gallery to see some works of Mistumasa Anno.He was born at Shimane prefecture.He is a painter,a designer of books and a writer of picture books.He used to be a substitue teacher 代用教員😃

Mistumasa Anno who had dreamed of being the painter has a deep knowledge of not only art but also of science,math and literature.🙋

He has announced lots of art of works which have lots of his originality,making use of good knowledge and lively imagination.😃

Without using primary colors or loud 派手な ones,his works of watercolor painting are adopted with light ones,he has painted some works which had been represented in further detail and make us become calm.💡

I read one of his fairy tale.『A king who loves very gigantic things』👑

He loved tremendous things so much that he made his retainers 家来 create huge things.He loved to eat chocolate so much that he ordered his retainers to make a huge chocolate which he couldn't finish eating in a day.🍫

He continued to eat it every day,and one day he……

No.25 11/08/25 20:47
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


The king ended up suffering from a bad toothache one day,so he made his retainers create a pair of huge nipper in in order to pull out his decayed tooth.👑

The nipper was so tremendous that no one could handle it by himself,so when pulling out his decayed tooth,lots of his retainer got rid of it ,the tiny decayed one.👑

One day,the king wanted to be bloom a gigantic flower so he made his retainers build a huge pot,but a tiny flower ended up blooming against his will🌷

The fairy tale shows us next things.While we human can create a gigantic things such as a pyramid,we can't create a life itself.☝

I've read its commentary,so it's just that I can recognize the fairy tale means.I wish I could recognize some book mean without reading their explanations.😳

He showed us a kind of trick art.There is a circular cylinder 円筒 like a can on a paper on which his work was painting.😃

In the situation,we have to watch his work,using the circular cylinder.Each of his work was painted with long and narrow.😃

No.26 11/08/26 09:08
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 25 【安野光政】Ⅲ and others

Each of his work half surrouned the can. For example,there is an elephant painted on the paper.🐘

It's too long and narrow as the elephant. It half surrounds a can,oh, I have to add to one more thing. The can is so polished that the elephant is reflected on the can.🐘

The elephant which is reflected is neither long nor narrow at all as the the one.🐘

I found an idea of painting using the circular painting interesting.😁

Mitsumasa Anno collaborated with other in writing a book about math.He said about his book like next in the beginning in it.📓

『Some people who are busy with something try to understand content of a book with just a glance at its table of contentents もくじ📓』

『Without reading,some of them even have a comment,though it's just that they skimmed throug the table of contents.😥』

『If glancing at its table of contents,no one can guess what my bnok is expressed.Even its author,myself,can't say its contents in a word』😃

However it doesn't always mean it's hard to read💡

No.27 11/08/26 10:04
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 26 【数学博物誌』

I forgot writing a title of the book at my last remark.It's『すうがく博物誌』.A professor 森毅 in university, collaborated with Mistumasa Anno in writing it.He said like next😃

『While paintings of Mr.Anno are popular among young women,math isn't,perhaps,for it may be why none of dwarves appear in math.』😃

『However it doesn't matter even if dwarves or rainbows appear in math.A world of math is the one in which there is a pleasure which we feel the urge to do mischief or we can dream of something.』🙋

Mistumasa Anno have a comment like next.😃

『Math is beautiful like nature,but lots of people have learned to misunderstand and hate math because an entrance exam and education which tries to adapt the exam.』

『However it's beautiful like someone.They used to be compared with a goddess before.I hope my book is useful in order to have a glimpse of the world of math』🙋

I'm wondering if someone is his wife and he seems to be a devoted husband 愛妻家.😁

No.28 11/08/26 20:28
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 22 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ ④ There are vigorous frescoes on t… 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ ⑤

Why did Eve eat a forbidden fruit?A clause that the Garden of Eden and a temptation by a snake at the original of the Old Testament is like next.😃

The God created a garden at Eden and made all the trees which produced fruits grow.Those fruits were good to eat.🍏

The God made another trees of lives and knowledge about good and evil at the center of the garden.The God took the two people,Adam and Eve to the garden. The God told them to live,cultivate and guard there.👼

The God told them『You can pluck 取る fruits from all the trees and eat them,but never eat fruits of tree about knowledge of good and evil,or you will be dead.』😣

A snake used to be the most clever of all the living things which the God created.It asked Eve.🐍

『Did the God tell you not to pluck and eat from the tree of knowledge about good and evil?』🐍

Eve answered『We can eat fruits in this garden,except for the ones from the tree which grows at the center of this garden.Besides we can't touch them.』👩

  • << 31 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ⑥ Eve continued.『If we disobey the directions of the God, we will be dead. The God said so』👩 The snake answered『You'll never be dead.If eating the forbidden fruit,your eyes open and you can recognize good and evil as if you were the God. The God recognizes it.』🐍 When looking at the fruit,it looked so delicious that she was attracted with it and felt as if the fruit had talked into eating itself.🍎 The woman plucked the fruit from the tree and ate it.The man was beside her,so she passed him the fruit and he also ate it.🍏 They learned to recognized lots of things which they hadn't before.They suddenly knew they were naked and tied two leaves of fig together.They covered each of their waists with the leaves.🌱 When wind blew on the day,they heard sound of the footsteps of the God who walked in the garden.Adam and Eve avoided looking the face of the God and hid themselves between the trees.The God called Adam『Where are you?』👼

No.29 11/08/28 20:26
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


T used to be my co-worker.We used to have a drink sometimes.🍻

Unfortunately,he was suddenly attacked by myocardial infarction 心筋梗塞.He had been hovering between life and death, but luckily he recovered from it,though he ends up suffering from aftereffects 後遺症 of the sickness.😥

He becomes a kind of dementia痴呆症,though he is forty years old.I don't know how the dementia is connecting with the myocardial infarction,but some of his conditions seem to fall under the dementia.😣

He isn't sure of even his own age.He can't remember lots of things. He can't take a walk in the neighborhood,for he may be lost.😠

As a result of it,he can't work,but the worst trouble is that he doesn't try to do anything.He used to have favorite things, but he isn't interesting in anything at all.😥

He goes to see a doctor regularly,but the doctor says he is ok.😫

Neither I've never recognized he was attacked by myocardial infarction,nor he is suffering from the dementia.😣

No.30 11/08/29 20:47
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 29 【Quarrel】Ⅱ

When I knew his condition, I was sorry for him. I wanted him to recover from his dementia.😠

If he is interesting in something little by little,he may be cured someday,but the older he is,the more difficult he resumes his place in society.😣

Whenever he was bored,he sometimes sent me an e-mail.He said“I feel tedious”I was worried about whether or not I talked with him in the e-mails.😔

There are lots of things I want to do. I want to study English.There are lots of books I want to read.😠

He can't send me his e-mail by himself.When sending him my messeges, he sent me back his responses,but his mother seems to think its content. I'm wondering she thinks I have nothing to do. Even if his e-mails shows me thanks a little,I may continue to talk with him in the e-mails, but he doesn't.To be exact,she doesn't.😣

Needless to say,neither I'm the God nor a saint. I can't keep on talking with him in the e-mails at the expense of what I want to do.I can't apologize him for it.Good-by.😚

No.31 11/08/29 21:46
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 28 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ ⑤ Why did Eve eat a forbidden fru… 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ⑥

Eve continued.『If we disobey the directions of the God, we will be dead. The God said so』👩

The snake answered『You'll never be dead.If eating the forbidden fruit,your eyes open and you can recognize good and evil as if you were the God. The God recognizes it.』🐍

When looking at the fruit,it looked so delicious that she was attracted with it and felt as if the fruit had talked into eating itself.🍎

The woman plucked the fruit from the tree and ate it.The man was beside her,so she passed him the fruit and he also ate it.🍏

They learned to recognized lots of things which they hadn't before.They suddenly knew they were naked and tied two leaves of fig together.They covered each of their waists with the leaves.🌱

When wind blew on the day,they heard sound of the footsteps of the God who walked in the garden.Adam and Eve avoided looking the face of the God and hid themselves between the trees.The God called Adam『Where are you?』👼

No.32 11/08/29 23:23
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 31 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ⑦

Adam replied.『As I heard your footsteps,I thought them terrible, so I'm hiding behind the trees,for I'm naked』😣

The God said『Who told you were naked? Have you eaten the fruit from the tree which I prohibited you from eating'it?』😣

The God said to the woman『I'll make your agony of pregnant harder.You will give birth in pain. You will seek for a man and he will control you.』😒

The God said to Adam『You are distressed in your lifetime because you will try to get food. You will get some bread by the sweat of his brow until you are dead,until you will end in the soil.You're just dust,so you'll come to it.』😒

By the way, I feel sleepy,so I have to call it a day.Good night.😪

No.33 11/09/01 17:45
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 32 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ⑧

There are frescoes in the システィーナ chapel not only about a temptation by a snake and a banishment from the garden but also about a deluge 大洪水 and Noah's ark 箱舟.😃

Wicked people grew so powerful on the ground that the God decided to raise the deluge and to wipe out them.🌊

However the God ordered Noah who was honest to make a huge ark which was made of three layers.The God also ordered Noah and his wife,children,and all kinds of a pair of animals to be on board.🚢

An original form of this story is in epic poem 叙事詩 of Gilgamesh,and the deluges often attacked an ancient city of Mesopotamia.We can recognize them with excavation.💡

If digging down the remains of the city which look like lower hill,we can find a layer of clay and sites of residence under the layer.🎑

The thick layer shows us that some villages were submerged 水没 with the deluge and the water didn't retreat easily.🌊

To be continued.By😃

No.34 11/09/01 18:37
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 33 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ⑨

A memories of the deluges which broke out actually were adopted in the epic poem of Gilgamesh and the epic poem was handed down to the Old Testament.💡

As for a next famous story which is closely connected with a sightseeing is the Tower of Babel.😃

One day,some people became conceited 思い上がる so much that they began to build a tower which reaches heaven.☀

The God thought that he couldn't ignore it. When being lots of people,the God prevented them from making themselves understood.👼

There was a lack of understanding between all the people at each place of the enormous tower,so they failed to construct the tower.😱

Therefore,if being different from nations,they can't make themselves understood and are prone to quarrel each other.😣

A tall tower in Babylon has been said to be an origin of this episode.They used to call the tall tower ジグラット and there were some ジグラット at each place in Mesopotamia from シュメール era.😃

No.35 11/09/02 12:39
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 34 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ⑩

The ジグラット,tall tower,looked like next.Its shape was as if platforms of square had been piled up.The people in those days regarded the tower as a place where the God would land on. Its remains have been left there at present.😃

The ジグラット in Babylon was by far bigger than any others.Scholars say next.☝

『Judging from expressions on ancient boards made of clay and size of foundation of the remains,its height seemed to have been about 90 meters.As for its height,it's equal to a twentyーtwo storied building』😃

It used to be on a level ground on the bank of the Euphrates ユーフラテス river.There used to be lots of low houses made of clay which was dried and made hard around the tall tower,so it looked remarkably taller.😃

The people in those days must have thought as if it had reached heaven.People of Jew who had been taken to Babylon as slave in the era of New Babylonia may have thought there was arrogance of human for the God in the tall tower.☝

No.36 11/09/02 23:53
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 35 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ⑪

We often find some paitings of the tower of Babel of which shape is spiral at museums in each place of Europe.😃

It's said that a model of the tower is ミナレット of spiral in Iraq.It exists at present.It's relatively new and was constructed in the region of アッパース,in A.D the 9th century.☀

Its material is a kind of brick. The brick was made of clay which is dried and was made hard.As for a staircase and other places which are easy to break,other bricks which was burnt by fire and was made hard was adopted.🔥

Some European people who learned to visit Iraq from the 12th century saw the tower made of clay rise its top into the sky.They thought the tower may be the tower of Babel in the Bible.🙋

They made the tower a story of their travel 土産話. It's an origin of the picture of the Babel.As to its height,the ミナレット is 52 meters,so it doesn't seem so high as we expect.😚

However there was great plain as far as they could see,except for some walls of mosque which become heritage

No.37 11/09/04 20:49
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 36 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅰ⑫

Therefore we think the tower looks high so much.We can go up to the top of the tower through its slopes.😃

However there aren't handrails at the slopes at all,besides the tower inclines outward,so the higher we go up,the more we are apt to be tied up a fear of height and we are liable to feel weak at the knees 足がすくむ😨

The European people who went up to the tower in the Middle Ages must have received strong impression.😚

Lots of painters have painted the Tower of Babel of which is spiral in Europe,especially,a work of Brueghel in a museum in Vienna is well―known.🙋

By the way,I've never been abroad in the least,so I've never watched the paintings.Even if I watch the real thing, I'm afraid I can't understand its worth,but I'm all right. I don't mind it at all.😚

If an art dealer says he can't umderstand worth of works of art which it tries to sell,it won't be able to pay,but needless to say, I'm not the dealer.😁

It's just that I hate to pretend tn be moved.😏

No.38 11/09/05 07:51
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ①

As for the Genesis 創世記,it seemed to be a fairy tale until the Tower of Babel, but its content was based on historic fact after that.😃

The change starts from ancestors of the Jew.Scholars call it patriarchal 族長の tale.🙋

Then the ancestors of the Jew was nomadic 遊牧の,and they forked into some tribes.Each head of the families led some tribes.😃

By the way,speaking of the Bible,when reading it,we often come across lots of persons' names.The names sometimes prevent us from reading the Bible.😔

However,as for the story of the ancestors of the Jew who was nomadic,I hear it's no more than four people of Jew that they played important parts,so we only have to remember their names,Abraham,Isaac,Jacob,and Joseph.🙋

It's said that Jacob had twelve sons,including Joseph,and their speech and behaviors were described in the Bible,but it's not 12 people but 12 tribes.😃

It seemed that the story of 12 tribes changed into legends.🙋

No.39 11/09/05 09:59
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 38 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ②

It was described that Abraham lived to 175years old in the Bible.It doesn't always mean a special person named Abraham existed historically.😃

Some happenings which occurred during the times of some patriarchs 族長 changed into another achievement of Abraham as legends.☝

One day,the God said so as to make sure whether or not Abraham was religious『Offer your only son,Isaac,beloved one as a sacrifice』👼

It's a ceremony of Jew,though they usually slaughter sheep and baked it on an altar. It was given to the God.💀

Abraham made Isaac carry firewood and hurried to a place where the God appointed with a sword.😨

Isaac asked Abraham.『Where is sheep as a sacrifice?』Abraham replied『The God will prepare for it』😥

When arriving at the appointed place,Abraham made an altar and lined some firewood on it.He bound his son and put him on the altar.😨

He tried to kill his son with the sword,then there was voice from the heaven.😱

No.40 11/09/05 11:01
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 39 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ③

The voice said『Even if you are going to lose your beloved one,you don't spare it,so I've recognized you who is afraid of the God.』👼

Then Abraham was aware that a sheep was entangled its horns among bushes.😃

Instead of his son,he substituted the sheep for the sacrifice.This story resembles a main theme of the New Testament.It's the God sacrificed his only son, Jesus Christ in order to save all the humans.👼

Therefore it had been adopted for art of the Christanity as a subject from long ago.🙋

The story belongs to what is called E documents.They called the God Elohim in a kingdom of Israel in the north.📓

Therefore modern scholars named data of which origin is the kingdom of Israel in the north E documents.😃

There used to be a custom that offering the eldest son as a sacrifice in Phoenicia which was next to the kingdom of Israel.😨

The custom spread over the kingdom of Israel, and it was prevalent among the people in the kingdom.😨

No.41 11/09/05 13:06
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 40 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ ④

Therefore scholars think the story of『Abraham, Isaac and a sheep』was created so as to stop the bad custom.😚

Joseph was made terrible sport of by Fortune.😣

By the way,I expressed a word of fortune as『Fortune』.As for some words such as fate or fortune,when expressing something be personified 擬人化,we have to express as I did,according to my electric dictionary.🙋

The story of Joseph is interesting.It's well arranged well and it's filled with happenings of ups and downs 波乱万丈 so much that we can enjoy reading it.🙋

Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob and he was adored by his father who was older then so much.😃

As a result of it,his half brothers born of a different mother were jealous of him,so they throw into him a deep hole at a wasteland.To make matters worse,he was sold off as a slave by merchant who happeened to be on a trip.😱

I'm wondering if whether or not he was happy.😚

No.42 11/09/07 21:20
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 41 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ ⑤

The merchant took Joseph to Egypt and sold him to a Grand Chaberlain 侍従長 of Pharaoh.Pharaoh was a title of an ancient Egyptian king.☀

Pharaohs often appear in the Old Testament from now on.🙋

Joseph was bought as a slave for guidance, but he won the confidence of his master and he learned to leave everything to Joseph.🙋

Joseph wasn't only handsome, but also his physical beauty was splendid.A wife of the Grand Chaberlain fixed her eyes on him and order him.『Go to bed with me』👸

She made a play 言い寄る for Joseph everyday,but he wouldn't listen to her.Neither he tried to go to bed beside her nor to be with her.😚

One day,she grabbed Joseph by the clothes and tried to pull him to the bed,but he escaped from her,and went away outdoors,left his clother in her hand.💨

The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.She cried loudly and call other servants.She insisted that he tried to rape her.😣

Her husband believed her and got angry.He captured Joseph.😣

No.43 11/09/08 11:44
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 42 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ ⑥

Joseph was put in jail, and happened to get acquainted with a head of people who used to serve at dinner and another head of people who used to cook for the Pharaoh in the jail.😃

The two people got Joseph to interpret their dreams.As Joseph predicted,the head of the people who served at dinner was cleared a suspicion of himself,so he made a comeback to the head.🎊

Contrary to it,another head of the people who cooked was hung on the trees, and vultures ハゲタカ preyed on him.💀

After two years,the Pharaoh had a strange dream, but he wasn't sure why he did.The head of the people who served at table remembered Joseph who was still in the jail then.💡

The head recommended the Pharaoh that he should get Joseph to interprdt his dream, so the Pharaoh called Joseph and he got a very persuasive answer.😲

The dreams of the Pharaoh were divine messages that there would be abundant harvests for seven years and after that they would suffer from terrible famine for seven years.☝

No.44 11/09/08 13:35
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 43 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ ⑦

The Pharaoh was impressed with Joseph, and he appointed Joseph to be a kind of chief in the whole country. The Pharaoh made him store food on a large scale.🍚

It's said there were historical fact in a background of the legend.Lots of people have thought the Pharaoh was Amenhotep Ⅳ in the 18th dynasty 王朝.👑

Amenhotep Ⅳ was the late head 先代 of the 18th dynasty for famous Tutankamen, he originated monotheism 一神教 which people believed in the affectionate sun god,アトン,but in the end he was well- known its failure.😚

Then there used to be a minister who belonged to what is called a family language 語族 of Semiticセム and he actually adopted stored food of the policy.🙌

The family language covered a wide area.It used to spread ancient Mesopotamia,Syria, Palestine,Arabian peninsula, and Ethiopia. It spreads from the north coast in Africa to the Lake Chad.🙌

To be continued.By😁

No.45 11/09/08 17:52
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 44 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ ⑧

In those days,there used to be a minister of Semitic under Amenhotep Ⅳ actually and he adopted a policy of store food.😃

Syria was half under Egypt, so it was natural that there was the Semitic government official.🙌

The unusual weather seemed to cause a awful famine,so grasses didn't grow any more in カナン where Jacob and his eleven sons,it meant eleven tribes ,lived,and their domestic animals became extinct.🐮

They moved to Egypt and asked people for food.Joseph was surprised at unexpected meeting again, but his manners showed no signs of shock.😒

Joseph made sure his youngest brother born of the same mother also came,and gave them food generously.🍚

Then he cleared the people of the room and told them he was Joseph.His elder brothers were surprised so much and remembered their evil deeds.

They were afraid that Joseph who was a powerful person took revenge extremely. Joseph said『I…

No.46 11/09/09 10:54
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 45 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ ⑨

Joseph said 『I went through many hardships, but it was the God thought. The God made me come to Egypt in order to meet you』😃

It was remarks of Joseph that people who described the Bible wanted to emphasize in particular.💡

By the way,I've expressed the『Highlight of the Old Testament』,being based on a book『ヨーロッパものしり紀行』神話・キリスト教編 written by 紅山雪夫,published by 新潮文庫.📓

Its author said like next『I described it simply because of lacking of space,but its original is more complicated and dramatic』🙋

Descendants of Joseph and his brothers,it means ancestors of the Jew,were called Israelites イスラエル人 then.☀

When the famine was over,some of them came back to カナン,and others settled 住み着く at easternnorth in Egypt.A great leader,Moses,appeared from the Israelites.😃

A Pharaoh made the Israelites labor so violently that Moses escaped from Egypt with lots of the Israelites.🏃💨

This was a main theme of what is called 出エジプト記 which succeeded description the Genesis 創世記🙋

No.47 11/09/09 12:18
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 46 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ⑩

Scholars think the Pharaoh was ラムセス Ⅱ in the 19th dynasty.He made the people construct some magnificent architectures and huge statues,so he is closely connected with our sightseeings.🙋

While the Israelites regarded escaping to another country as a serious problem that they staked their fates,the Egyptian people seemed to think it was just an incident of low level which barbarians slaughtered lots of good-natured people and ran away,so no record about the affair was left😚

I'm going to express 出エジプト in detail.Moses often wanted an audience 謁見 with the Pharaoh,and ask him either to stop laboring the Israelites or to permit them to leave Egypt for another country,but the Pharaoh didn't listen to Moses at all😏

The God lent a hand to help Moses and punished the Egyptian people.It meant some disasters such as vermin 害獣,plagues,and unusual weather.👼

However the Pharaoh didn't listen to proposal of Moses at all, so terrible affairs occurred at last.😨

No.48 11/09/09 13:32
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 47 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ⑪

The God decided to deal a crushing blow 鉄槌を下す to the Egyptian people finally.He ordered members of each Israelite family to kill a lamb and paint their doors with its blood.♈

The God told them to broil the lamb and eat it up at night.The God said them to prepare for a trip and wait for next morning.♈

The God attacked the houses of the Egyptians alone and killed all of them,except for the Israelite houses,for the God could recognize the blood on the door as the Israelite ones.👼

It meant the God passed the houses of the Israelites. It's what is called『過ぎ越し』.I'm going to express the Japanese word『過ぎ越し』later.😃

There used to be a movie of『Ten Commandments』十戒.A ghastly apparition 妖怪 which meant a punishment of the God was expressed as black clouds in the movie.💀

They dropped down from the heaven and passed the houses of the Israelites alone and murdered the Egyptians in the movie.💀

No.49 11/09/10 19:52
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 48 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ⑫

Therer has been a great Israelite festival of 『過ぎ越し』since long long ago.Its origin was believed to be my last episode.They called the great festival『Passover』.🙋

However almost all of scholars think its true origin was another spring festival which was connected with cattle breeding 牧畜,so the spring festival and the historical event of 出エジプト were bound together later.🐮

Moreover the scholars think like next.🙋

If there is historical fact a little behind the 出エジプト,next things may have happened.☝

The Israelites prepared for a trip under careful plans at night.The Israelite family each ate a sheep to fortify 強化する themselves against their trips.They killed all of the Egyptians who lived around them and leave the Egypt before dawn.💀

Needless to say,a way of communication and traffic had never been developed,so the other Egyptians couldn't recognize a report that they murdered lots of Egyptians.😏

To be continued. By😁

No.50 11/09/10 21:10
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 49 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ ⑬

Continuation of last remark.😃

Therefore the Israelites could gain time until a party of pursuers were send.In addition,they must have run away,robbing the Egyptians who they murdered off their food and domestic animals.😨

Though it may have been late a little,the report that the Israelites murdered lots of good-natured people and ran away was sent to another Egyptians.💀

Some of two-wheeled vehicles ran after them.Each of the two-wheeled vehicles were pulled by two or three swift horses with light steps.🐎

There used to be a driver and some archers on the two-wheeled vehicle and when fighting,the vehicles used to stars in Mesopotamia and Egypt then.🐎

However the two-wheeled vehicle had a weak point.It couldn't demonstrate its ability at a wasteland where large rocks were everywhere and its wheels sank into swamp or soft sand soil.Then it couldn't move at all.🐎

Therefore Moses thought ……😏

To be continued. By😁

  • << 51 【Highlight of the Old Testament】Ⅱ ⑭ Continuation of last remark. The weak point of the two-wheeled vehicle was the main point what Moses needed to focus on.🙋 When the party of the two-wheeled vehicles ran after the Israelites,they ran away to the swamp which was beside the sea.🐎 Almost all of scholars think the sea wasn't the Red Sea but a lake which they called the sea of reed あし then.🌴 The lake seemed to be ティムサ where the Suez Canal flows through at present.😃 The Egyptian party of two-vehicles seemed to sink into the swamp and couldn't move at all,so they were forced to give up a chase.😚 As for a story that all of the Egyptian armies were drowned in the sea,it seemed the Israelites exaggerated it.😒 There is an expression that『the Pharaoh hitched horses to the two-wheeled vehicles and led his armies ……』in the Bible,but it was doubtful whether ラムセス Ⅱ went in person.☝ To be continued. Bye😁



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